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 Oct 2017
Tuffy Mutombo
At first his hand prints were soft
Touching me gently, slowly and softly
Then his ego got fed
They became hard
Found strength to swing

My face the target
Swinging and swinging
He hit with a passion

I was his lover and his target
I forgave and he reloaded
Bullets in hands
Shot and my heart he destroyed

My inside pain became seen by many
Bruises and bumps, cut lips and black eyes
They asked why I never left
I told them he took something from me
He took my heart and left me feeling empty
To fill that void I replaced his love with my pain
Some called him an abuser
I called him my lover

To me it was all the same
This piece was written from a woman's point of view. It's not easy to know and hear of stories of woman that have been abused. If you know about someone who has gone through this kind of pain stand up for the voiceless.
 Sep 2017
Miss Me
Again comes a rush of
    Overflowing pain
It swells and it swells
     Where it lays hidden
    deep in my throat
I can feel it thrashing
     And clawing to get out
Only never to succeed
Then the scars that are left
      Shatters my voice
Silence once again
     As my soul begs me not to cry
Every abuse there is has found it's into my life.
 Sep 2017
Melodie Fowles
At an age where I was so fragile
You took to me with more than I could handle

A hand to the neck, my head through the wall
What did I do to make this anger on me befall
In my room a sock I forgot to pick up was all

You screamed in my face till my brother intervened
It was far worse than anything I could of ever dreamed

Through the years the anger kept on coming
And it turned me into the ***** I was becoming

The time I curled up on the chair
You kicked and punched me, pulled my hair
I may have misbehaved but that punishment was so unfair

You say you gave us kids everything
You did along with heartache and pain
We learnt how to be violent
For that you are to blame

Two of your children are so violent it's sick
Two others it was drugs that they picked

Drugs is the reason that one is dying
And the other one can't stop on alcohol relying

You say you've had such a hard life
It would have been better if you'd been a better wife
A nicer mother to your children
But even they took to you with a knife

I wonder sometimes what would have become of me
If "I love you" had been said to me
Would there still be all this debris
All that's left of this family

My anger at you is still so raw
But unlike you I don't need to settle the score

I've taken my own family and given them love
I give them everything I always dreamed of
It's all I had needed when I was young
But from now on you and I are done.
 Sep 2017
She woke up to the reality of cruelty
Pain, the stench of his breath on her skin
life, she's been devoured of existence
She hated and regretted being a girl
oh pain, she couldn't bottle you anymore
she ran to the nearest, tallest bridge
and finally numbed the pain
.              .
.              .
               .              .
               .              .

She didn't have to
but we ignored her
judged her
avoided her
but never helped her
her  cluttered heart was broken
nobody noticed or cared enough to notice
.            .

      .                 .
               .                    .

                          .                   .
This piece is for the **** victims.  They've suffered the most from this heinous atrocities committed by savage creatures.
I personally want to say am sorry for all you've endured and the strength you've shown by living through it all alone.

 Sep 2017
i hate you,
i hate the way that you beat me when i come home late
i hate the way you yell at me when your wrong
i hate that you are always mad
i hate that you think you are superior to me
but i love you,
i love that you love me
i love that you gave me life
i love that you support me in everything i do
i love that you would give anything for me to be happy
but despite all of this love and hate,
i can't be your favorite daughter
i can't pretend to love you when at times i can't like you
i can't support you anymore
and most of all
i can't continue to live with your suffocating, pestering, raw, unperceptive demenor.
i'm sorry
 Sep 2017
Pagan Paul
The twilight moon peeps
from behind the brazen grey cloud.
Chill air coalesces into a light fog
creeping nonchalant along the street.
Orange lamp glow cascades around
dancing with the fog in osmosis swirls.
Ice blue eyes of fire and malevolence
trace a pathway through the dirge.
Zoning out and homing in,
a huntress stalking unknowing prey.
A black kitten dashes from the hedge,
across the street, up to a front door,
leaving tiny prints scattered on the lawn,
and the ice blue eyes of fire drip pleasure,
as a primal sound emerges, guttural,
but unmistakedly … a cackle.

Feint, feint sobbing punctuates the night.
As she lays curled foetal clutching her doll.
Her other hand between her thighs,
seeking in vain to reclaim her violated body.

“ Daddy made Mummy go to sleep
with sweeties from the little brown bottle
and the drink from the grown-ups cupboard,
and then he played horsey with her.
He told me Mummy had been a good girl,
and it was my turn to be nice to Daddy.
He always scares me at night
but its his way of saying he loves me.
Daddy Loves his little girl, he always says so”.

The sobbing slowly fades into … nothing,
And she knows. She doesn't Love Daddy.
Now he is watching tv and drinking beer.
Daddy hears the doorbell and swears.
He goes to answer, opening the portal.
Too late, far too late, to stop …
… the Judderwitch.

He woke. And tried to scream,
nailed spread-eagle to a wall.
Throat, dry, unable to make a sound.
And in his head he screams.
Pierced flesh with sanguin scabs
ripping agony through his very fibre.
Ice blue eyes of fire dance hooded
before him with torture and brutality.
His face erupts in pus filled cysts
to burst and seer pain on his flesh.
And in his head he screams.
As the face in the hood morphs into
the face of his little girl as he rapes her.
And he screams, in his head he screams,
and screams and screams,
as the blade slices slowly, so slowly,
and his manhood falls flaccid floor-ways.
Eyes bulge in horror,
and in his head he screams ...
And screams … and screams,
as his ribs crack, break, in his chest.
Pushing through and up and out,
like flint sharp spears of rancid bone,
and in his head he screams …
and screams … and screams ...

“Mummy. Mummy. There's kitten on the lawn.
Can we keep her Mummy. Can we? Please?”
She walks out the front door
and smiles at her daughter, the kitten meows.
She watches her little girl play,
the cat enraptured with little plaits.
“Mummy. Why can't I remember anything about Daddy?
He only went away last night”.
“I don't know sweetie. I can't remember anything either.
Not even his face. Its very strange indeed”.

A breeze chills their skin as they look
toward the Cherry Tree on the lawn.
Its leaves whispering their sylvan symphony.
But all they heard was …
… cackling.
And the feint, feint sound
of somebody

© Pagan Paul (04/04/17)

— The End —