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 Oct 2014
The Wordsmith
Hastened glances, like frightened mice,
A kiss on the cheek, oh wouldn't that be nice?
I long for her touch, her sweet, sensitive touch,
A smile or maybe a "hey", or is that too much?
Chalk dust smothers the air, like a foreboding mist,
Echoing my thoughts, "does she even know I exist?",
I stare at her, and feel my heart turn to mush,
But deep down I know, this is just a classroom crush.
 Sep 2014
Here I stand upon this stop,
It's my ritual every day,
With all the other zombies,
Tired and looking grey,

The thought of public transport,
Irritates my brain,
As the bus arrives at my stop,
Packed like a commuter train,

The usual faces look away, 
Thinking please don't sit with me,
I park my **** upon their bags,
I pretend I didn't see,

The huffing and the puffing,
People late for work,
The woman sitting next to me,
Thinking...he's an effing ****,

Trying not to look at her,
Or the hairy man in front,
I look at the condensation,
As her elbow gives a shunt,

Getting up from my seat,
Needs balance and an awkward grin,
The bus brakes late upon this stop,
As she heels me in the shin,

My eyes welling up,
As I let out a massive ****,
The poor old lady gags,
Pulling up her winters scarf,

Embarrassed by my actions,
I pressed the button quick,
The odour travelled up my nose,
I think that i'll be sick

Fighting past the commuters,
Trying to get some air,
I knew it was too late....
Throwing up on some ladies hair,

So now I drive to work,
Past the Bus Stop that she waits,
We are married with two children,
Some people call it fate,
 Sep 2014
They said your name on the announcements this morning, but you weren't around to hear it.  
They spoke it just like anyone else would, but the tone they had was all wrong.  
The curves in the letters of your name -much like the curves of your hourglass figure- did not drip off the announcer's tongue like they should have.  
They were summoned from the front of their brain rather than the inkiest depths of their heart.  
They said your name flat, grim and thin like dull graphite.  
They read you prayer, but I'm not quite sure what it contained, because the moment they spoke your name on the announcements this morning, the floor rushed up and up and up until the crack of my head met the vanilla scrubbed tile.  
The room blurred and the room buzzed and the announcer continued to talk in his unsharpened pencil rasp, and I hoped and hoped and hoped some more that they played our song at your burial.
 Jun 2014
Josiah Wilson
The cigarette burns bright
Between your perfect fingers
And I think that this night
Could never be any better

There's strawberry wine by your bed
And your hair falling down your back
And these thoughts racing through my head
As our bodies draw so, so close

Acting intimately
I feel very, very small
All these things you've shown me
I'm left struck with this awe

Your hand on my thigh, I'm shaking
I gently caress your smooth neck
My heart is violently quaking
As I draw you in close, touch lips
And fall into your kiss
This poem was primarily inspired by Looking For Alaska by John Green.
 Jun 2014
Taylor Johnson
The icy air cuts your throat
Like shards of a shattered past
The incisions sting you
Like the remembrance of her
The mere thought pains you
As they rush through
Like a train,
Leaving nothing behind.

Your breath leaves a cloud
You hope it begins to storm
Like the thundering emotions
Rumbling though your soul
Your breath leaves you empty
With nothing left
Just like she did.

You begin feeling sick
Her perfume is like poison
Its intoxicating scent
Seeps into your blood
Leaving you wanting more
That you will never receive .

You are seeing more than stars
The lights are spinning
You feel faint
Her look has you dazed
And you fall for her.

As she walks past you
And out of your life forever
Then you are overcome with sadness
From the thought of what might've been.

For the last time.
As the rope tightens around your neck
And you kick the chair over
And fall again, for her
With a sickening snap
All because of her.
You don't like me.
You like the idea of me.
You like the idea
That someone who is
Suicidally depressed
Can make you
Extraordinarily happy.

You like the idea
That my deep
Cynicism and scepticism
Can fuel your
Overjoyed optimism.

You like the idea
That I'm  the
Wonderful, beautiful
Intelligent, nerdy girl
You thought I was.

I am nothing.
I am empty.
I am not an idea.

Ideas are dangerous
Exciting, giggly.
They fill the idealist
With roaring delight.
Such a fantasy
Couldn't be real but in
The mind of a
Surrealist, Idealist
Socialist, Capitalist  

I am not an idea.
Ideas are fun.
I am not an idea.
Ideas get things done.
I am not an idea.
Ideas are good.
Ideas aren't real.

I am real.
I wish I was only
Your idea of me.
I wish I wasn't real.
Written 14th May.
 Jun 2014
Emoni Jenkins
Pop a pill
Swallow it down
No more smiles
No more frowns
You can't feel
Through the fog
A drug induced haze
A medical cloud
A hollow version
Of who you used to be
Become memories
But what price
Are we willing to pay
For society to label us
"Normal" one day?
 Jun 2014
Richard B Sebastian
And there I was,
Suffocating under a pile of rubble,
Breathing painfully,
The dust, pain and suffering all a muddle.

And I saw people passing,
Some walking, some laughing, some running,
But there were others,
Lame, crawling, broken.

But everyone passed,
Some looking directly at me,
Reaching out voiceless,
But they never saw.

And there came a point where,
Pain couldn't be distinguished,
With the hurt of being ignored,
And my outreaching hand went limp.

Night and day,
Day and night,
Dust, rubble, all becomes grey,
Nothing seems to worth the fight.

But fight I needed to,
Because all the suffocating,
All the hurt and pain,
Didn't **** me, how much I prayed to die.

And plank by plank,
Stone by bitter stone,
Rock by crushing rock,
I rummaged through.

With my broken body,
My severed limbs,
My aching heart,
and my shattered soul.

I stood up,
My silhouette against the scorching sun,
Among the ignorant passing by,
Its a new day.

And I realize,
Hundreds of thousands are under rubble,
Some even more than I have been in,
Some barely making it.

Maybe I can make a difference....
What we see is ourselves, and what we don't have and how much we think no one  really cares, but the world has more problems than just us. It does not revolve around us. Maybe if we just care to open our eyes and  start seeing instead of just looking, things would be so much more different.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Each And Every Day

I try to see the man inside
When others turn away
They all pretend that he's not there
Each and every day

I bring coffee in the mornings
To help warm his inner soul
We talk about the life he lives
How his day it will unfold

I give advice on where to go
When the weather gets to cold
Knowing that the words I say
He hears but will not hold

I check on him each morning
And make sure that he's alright
Hoping that he heard my words
Found shelter through the night

He tells me that the bottle
Is what keeps him warm inside
I know that he will not let go
Of the comfort it provides

I try to see the man inside
When others turn away
They all pretend that he's not there
Each and every day

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Jonine Garcia
You should go and leave,
when his words started
to leave you wounds
instead of butterflies.
When his hands started
to show violence and
leave you bruises
instead of comfort and care
When your ears started
to hear lies instead of truth.
When the tears in your eyes
are products of the pain you feel
instead of laughter and joy.
When your mind started
to ruin by doubts and worries
instead of sweet thoughts
when it’s already filled with
bad and painful memories
instead of happy and memorable ones
When your heart started
to be replete with anger and pain,
instead of happiness and love.
 May 2014
Jeremy Bean
Perhaps our story ended,
and we turned past the last page.
Nothing left for amendment,
the path before us laid.

This book met a conclusion.
What a fairy tale it was.
Maybe just an illusion,
the heart and mind plays tricks, it does.

Yet it all just seemed so true.
Who knew,
it would be just like a movie?
People dream to exist like this,
instead they live assuming.

I backtrack through the chapters,
nearly driven insane.
Forever chasing after,
a retelling of our claims

Perhaps someday I'll feel the same
evolve beyond these throes.
In days those passions were untamed,
where every ending goes.
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