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He had to come back.

On a December afternoon
when the sun was more to west,
he landed on the most favorite place of his house,
the roof.

Just as he had imagined
the still winter air was abuzz with life.

Doves were pairing for a home
Green bee-eaters swooped on insects
Two herons kept following the grazing cow
Crows were busy with twigs and wires
High up beyond where paper kites could soar
Storks slow sunned their wings wet from the jhil
The cats warmed their furs before the cold night
The stray puppy gamboled with its mother.

Each piece had perfectly fitted the other
including the silently sleeping house.

He was tempted to walk down once
has she changed any little way?

He smiled to himself
then breezed away from the roof.
 Jan 27
Jack Groundhog
While passing by a great Gothic church,
I see sullen skies begin to glower:
a looming wicked curse
above the church corona’s tower.

With bruised blue clouds brewing black
in the bellowing wide heavens,
hearts pounding, all shrink slowly back:
Blazing bolts scream and threaten.

Here comes the gale force shrieking wraith!
Take shelter from the storm
in the stout fortresses of your faiths
built with those who keep you warm.

For though some tempests last
over rocky spans of fears,
all the maelstrom’s wrath must pass,
even if it lasts for years.

In these sturdy stones you’ve laid,
rebuild for the coming of new days.
Inspired by current events as well as by a photo I took of St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh last August:
 Jan 12
To be a star,
you must burn.

To be a flower,
you must blossom.

To be art,
you must be created.

To be music,
you must be played.

To be a river,
you must flow.

But to be a lover,
you may not be loved.
I think love should never be conditional...

I’m not perfect, and maybe I’m the most complicated and imperfect girl.
Anddd... a lot of people dislike me and give sarcastic comment for that, buttttt.... my parents and siblings love me unconditionally <3...I thank God every day for it.
It's not about quantity of people, but quality of love, for me..... hehehe..... :)

You are never alone; there’s always someone with you.
Maybe it’s just you who are too focused on what's in front of you and haven’t noticed the one standing beside you.
 Jan 10
I chase stars
not to hold them
but to feel the burn
of hope
on my hands.

The sky was never
meant to be touched
only to be
even when it
feels too far.

I want make my own destiny.... simple :)
 Nov 2024
Take the brush from the painter,
You destroy her soul.

Take the music from the dancer,
You destroy her rhythm.

Take the spice from the chef,
You destroy her palate.

But take the dream from the dreamer,
You destroy a nation— the essence of her being!
 Jun 2024
Poetic Eagle
What then is friendship
because the bond that defined ours
Doesn't exist anymore
When we said our first hi
You were just an idea
The most beautiful stranger
After knowing your name,
I matched your face to perfectly fit the "idea"
A couple years after we still writing our story
But every plot twist has lead to the same ending
I keep flipping to the next chapter
Hoping the plot takes a different turn
I have never been right
So should l turn another page
Or it's time to close the book?
Gradually becoming strangers with the people closest to you
 May 2024
Poetic Eagle
"Did letting you go hurt?"

I said l had to **** every part of me
that loved you

Bury all memories, laughter and hope
Just not to remember

Regardless everyday I'm fighting your ghost
If l dare  open my heart to feel again
Either running or crawling
It will find its way back to you

So letting him go, took every part of me too
And yes I'm ok
 Feb 2024
Poetic Eagle
So today someone made me smile, even laughed
Today l set for coffee, lunch and dinner
And never for a moment did l look for you in anyone
Today l did everything l wished to do with you, even more
And no thought of you crossed my mind
Today everything that once reminded me of you
Didn't bring any memory
Today for the first time in a long while l didn't look forward to your text
Today your absence felt normal
And it didn't make me cry
Today l don't miss you as much as l used to
So Today l realise maybe l am slowly forgetting you
It's what I wanted but why does it still make me sad
Letting go of the part that loved someone is never the easiest
 Oct 2023
Poetic Eagle
l talk you just reply,I wait, it's true,
like a chase we play, me and you.
Hearts can only bear so much weight,
Someday, I'll tire of this endless wait.
A peek into my thoughts
 Sep 2023
Poetic Eagle
Gradually finding myself ensnared by your words
So much so that your silence becomes a vexing void
Poetry is still a safe haven
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