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 Apr 2017
Elvish is my name
The strain of an elf
Like an elvish mystic
A Tolkien fantasy
From the middle-earth
Lays the knavish
Of the dancing elves
 Apr 2017
He who works
with mortality
seeks morality.
To be good,
to be kind,
he walks into
the burning
sands of time

But a man should not
stand alone,
should find a home,
work out his wanderlust
but settle down,
should have a tribe
to stand by his side,
to be his guide,
when he is wrong
and listen when
he is right.

I am a fool
who is too far gone
and always wrong,
but how far would I go
to come back home
to my friends again.

Will I always be
one second to late
to see them succumb
to the only true fate?

This is not a depressive poem,
merely a preemptive
elegy for the heart of me.
 Apr 2017
Haydn Swan
If I cried you a tear,
would you watch it fall,
would it write your name
in hews of black,
black like my heart since the day I left,
for we destroyed those rocks of old,
where we carved our vows in letters so bold,
such precious things have we let go,
into the realms of the waters so deep,
lost in the tides of the tears I weep,
your heart I hold in these withered hands,
fragile, protected and safe in their grasp,
for you my love I shall forever remain
locked in the sound of this sad refrain.
 Apr 2017
Wood, twisting iron, wresting  
Incumbent wind of an idiom.
Nomenclature learned in
Direct proportion to the
Clicking of clavichords, the
Harmonics of harpsichords, the
Iconoclastic rather than
Memes which disavow the
Etherial. For a breath of air is
S*pirit. Striking the bells of the *SOUL.

(C) 4/19/2017
 Apr 2017
       +         +

   +           ma-            
king d-
istress call-
          s in silent night      •     +
       +      kindling signals in   the          +
  dark•flames   casting  need-
ed light•requ-     esting aid, lo-
+          oud and stark         •embers red-            
den mad and          angry•glowi-
ng and thirst-        ing for more•
thrusting wood in this dem-
on's belly•fuelling large
its crackling roar•

imploring  passing
vessels     •to save      all that
   is dire            •see me          stripped
  of all                      mettle•                 as i pit
    my h-                           opes in                      this here

 Apr 2017
J Robert Fallon III
Living in a world with no honest leader.
Every single day comes a new victor,
using the people's heart to paint the picture of fear.

When will we escape the rampant greed running amuck?
Become our own leaders and stop giving a ****.

When asked questions like these, the defenders only have a mouthful.
The reins of power should be in the hands of the masses,
known as the powerful.

They shake at night with terrors of their past.
They finally understand they have worn a fake mask.

When will we stop eating from a government feeder?
Finally equalize and balance the power teeter.
We must, living in a world with no honest leader.
 Apr 2017
they told me that
i am a pessimist
that i should wear
my positive hat
and not think of malice.

i am very sure that
every pessimist
were once an optimist.

they went through
things that made them
lose hope
and lose their courage
to bravely trust and believe

from the tiniest bit of betrayal
to the biggest act of treason.

i believe no one is born a pessimist.
they were all once, optimists.

hope may be a superficial belief
but it's not as fake as you think it is.
from my opinion, pessimists are scared to hope too high again. including me.
 Apr 2017
Arlene Corwin
From Popularity…
              (comes danger)

From popularity comes hazard,
Risk of peril,
Boy or girl at danger’s call.
From anonymity comes shelter:
No one knowing you at all.

Every country loves its tourists -
Bridges, tunnels… easy access;
Weapons, drugs,
Lawbreakers, thugs:
In short, new foes;
New secret foes that no one knows.
From popularity come woes.

Self-imposed expansion low.
Moderation is the answer,
Modesty the balancer
Of friendliness
And isolation.

From Popularity 4.17.2017
Our Times, Our Culture II; Definitely Didactic;
Arlene Corwin
the dark side of the bright side
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