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 Aug 2016
Little Bear
i hope i'm not too much
and i hope i'm not too little
i just wish to be enough
and land somewhere
in the middle
constant anxiety makes you feel you can be too much for your friends to deal with and, at the same time, you feel you are no where near enough. But true friends will eat your porridge anyway lol...

i know..that was terrible..  

haha and i'm not even sorry :o) **
 Aug 2016
I lay on the ground below
the curved hips of the hills at sunset
The aperture of my eyes, my ***, my eyes
and the narrow escape
of mind from body

I am ten again
and they’re calling me falsey
“*******, No bra!”
Shoving them into the lockers
of Holy Name’s pool
My eyes? Brown. My hair? Brown
My body? Invisible, lean and “Leave me alone!
or I’ll punch your lights out!”

Meanwhile, Mom is mortified
but not cause I’m banned from the stupid pool

All I want— is to run bare to the waist
Ride my bike, maniacal  
Be a bird
Swipe ice from the milk truck
Marvel over maggots in garbage
Catch toads, caterpillars, pollywogs in jars

Later, sell lemonade— get rich!
…and pretend…pretend…
till the litany of our names, hollered from the porch
till the street lights come on….

“This is for something you haven’t got yet”
says the matron of the fitting room
Bones in a bathing suit?
What I haven’t got?
or they haven’t got?
will never get—
in their worlds of curtained cubicles
Cause of death:
Strangulation by measuring tape!

In my plaid two-piece
sunburned shoulders, wind-wild hair
By sweat and the afternoon’s imaginings
I built a fortress of sand and stones
to endure forever….

But she— shook the blanket
at the tide’s full reach
Peppered the air with an epoch
Clouds darkening
the wind-torqued sea

Finding my flip-flops, we—
    trudged off…
    into the changing… changing
tranquility and stars,
the earth gives way,
the drowning
of the dark,
your love-cries in
your sleep,
tender and then harsh
beneath a blanket
of dream.
 Aug 2016
jane taylor
you cannot unwalk the bridge you have crossed
you cannot unknow the fresh taste of enlightenment
once you have breathed it in
there is no way back
to an illusory net of safety
take courage
spread your wings
and fly

i post many of my poems over my photography
~ to see the photo and poem combo go to!there-is-no-way-back/c186k/57c1d991da6989613dd3f4f3
 Aug 2016
There are two forms of regret:
Wishing you had
And wishing you hadn't
 Aug 2016
There was a poem I wrote before this one
I wrote it somewhere between midnight and morning,
you know, the place where the tides are too heavy
they're cement,
too blue
they're black,
too sharp
they're knives
and you can't help
but drown.
The place where I sank into a well of words and emerged
as black as every single one of my demons.
You know, the place where the feelings come out
and where there is no delete button,
no escape plan,
no Plan A to begin with and no Plan B to end it.
I poured everything onto that poem,
every **** feeling
and every horrible thought that had the audacity to come true.
And when I realized what I had done,
I took that poem
and I burned it—
every drip of ink
and every drop of emotion.
and made this one out of its ashes
 Aug 2016
Carolyne McNabb
Sometimes I ask myself
"Why am I still here?"
but then you take my hand,
I can almost almost taste your smile,
so sweet, my dear.

Everything I hold dear
is in my hand,
in my hair,
the smell of you lingers
and I have to sigh through the tears.

You have stolen my heart,
enraptured my soul,
and devoured me whole.
My mind is tethered yet torn apart
when I think of you and what you've done to me.

Just you wait, my love.
Not much longer, someday,
when I have taken your oath and sealed it
I'll steal you away swiftly.
Swiftly we'll fly across oceans, my dove.

Take my hand,
hold my head to your heart
and remind me that it's mine.
Each beat whispers as soft as desert sand
*"I love you and we'll never be apart."
 Aug 2016
Ma Cherie
I have angered The Poetry God!


The one who decided if my diction is any good, if it has the proper flow...
rhyming, timing ...I don't know!
I'm really having a hard time figuring out what he wants
It's not like there's a syllabus
telling us girls what to do
I love him and he should love me back  too...right?
Unconditionally...of course.

All the while...I am deeply tapping these aging poetic veins
racking my sometimes scrambled poetic brain
releasing unbridled passions, truth the agony....yes
...  unending PAIN!"
all the while pretending
to be just the slightest bit sane!
What does that even mean?

I'm exasperated!
and yes....
I'm sure he'll say
It's all because of my
"Dysfunctional Behavior" isn't it?
I can't seem to get out of my own way?
what's so great about him again?

There's not much else
I can tell you my friend
other than
that *****
for him....
you might be a "missed fit" to him
but he's the one missing out
on you being AWESOME!!!"

"Emmmm hmmmm you know it girl"

Cherie Nolan© 2016
I wasn't actually talking to myself when I wrote this, though I feel like it could be a conversation with yourself! I was thinking of a friend going through some things with family...and things that are troubling about the way others treat people.
I think it's important not letting others make you feel bad for who you are
you are all perfect and awwwwsome! :) I've been in a very peculiar mood lately so thanks for indulging my strange poetry! :)
 Aug 2016
Anonymous Freak
Strings run from my mouth,
Held by my toes,
I have a hollow feeling in my stomach
Listen to the echo.

My body is carved from wood,
And my insides are hollowed out,
Pull my strings
And listen to me talk
About what matters to me,
It falls empty on ears
That don't want me.

You had a blank look
On your eye lids this time.
You've always kept your eyes closed,
But there used to be a painting
Above your eyelashes,
Of whatever you wanted to see,
So introquet
In colorful make up
To make up for what you muddled up
In your brain,
Older sister.

You've never been pleased with me.
I'm not tuned to the sound of your stories
About our family,
We're not broken
In the way that is most convenient for you.

I feel like you've latched on to my strings
That you're pulling on them
As hard as you can
Trying to tear me apart
Because you'd rather see me fall
Than have me be
Someone who isn't what you want.
And yes
My strings
You won't let go of
Are tugging at my brain,
They're attached somewhere
Where I hold fear,
But they won't break.

You can talk all you want
You can lie all you want
But all you'll get from me
Is an echo
From the empty feeling in my stomach,
Because as far as you are concerned
I'm nothing but an instrument
In an orchestra
Who won't obey the conductor
Our father.
So what is my music worth,
If you won't listen?
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