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 Aug 2014
Vanessa Gatley
I pray
& some how it comes
I don't live in fear
I can be myself for once
 Aug 2014
Vanessa Gatley
@ times  \
       feel like I'm
   A waste
        These poems seem to be
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
You were Too young to die
I remember you were the popular one
your friends would either poke fun of me
or ignore me
I remember the time you said Hi to me
by the gas station without your friends around
I  think I said Hi back unless I was too shocked that you spoke to me
You suffered with Anorexia, I heard you started having that after some dumb boy
said you were too fat
You became so thin I could clearly see your ribs and other bones stuck out too
even with your clothes covering you
If only I knew what was making you so blue
You suffered with your silent pain
I could have understood
I was suffering too
One day you took your own life
You burned your self in your car with gasoline
  No one heard your screams
  It was hard for us left behind to believe what you had done
  I was shocked when I heard
  I remember the smile you wore hiding your secret pain
  I wish  I could have been your friend
  You came to an untimely end
   I wonder what could have been
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
This is for you you who love poems
You who love Rhymes
  You who takes the time to read many lines
   You who are dedicated to the written word
    You who look forward to metaphores
     Who give feedback and comments
      Who faithfully follow
       I appreciate your likes
       Some may call you poetry fans
       I prefer to call you friends
       We are united in our love for poetry
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
I saw the sunrise spreading across the sky in an orange hue
It was a breathtaking view
I will be searching the sky for future sunrises
I wonder what other colors I will find
 Aug 2014
Sydney Victoria
Your Gray-Blue Eyes Mimic The Sea,
For They Glimmer Beneath The Sun,
Yet When The Sky Sheds Gentle Tears,
Your Heart Churns With A Sour Rage,
Devouring Each Ray Of Light,
Therefore, Leaving None To Spare,
Which Then Turns Daytime's Brilliance,
Into A Cold And Starless Night
Can't You See What I Sea In You?

My Heart Is A Sailboat Upon Your Soul's Churning Waters.
 Aug 2014
Ann M Johnson
Hey Princess my name is Han, I picture us together in a Galaxy Far Far Away
I  promise you adventure to say the least
I'm not saying the courtship will be all filled with peace
I will fly you in a spaceship which is very nice
I hope you are able to withstand some strife
I have to let you know  that I have a kind of pet he is quite unique
He is a Wookie  you may in fact rather kiss him than me
If my mannerisms get under your skin
I feel I should warn you about the competition that is interested in You
I heard about a fat ugly guy named Jabba The Hut, he might even want to imprison you
Well I heard you once were interested in your brother, I am willing to overlook that fact
I can tell you that dating me is not boring to say the least
We will fight against The Empire and you will get to meet many Jedi Knights
You and I together will have to dodge fire from Storm trooper  guns
Not to mention the dictator Darth Vader wants to **** both me and you
I will let you know if this don't appeal to you or sound like to much fun
You could date a certain doctor named DR. Who and see were he and his Tardis might take you.
This is dedicated to some friends of mine who are big science fiction fans, and my daughter who likes DR. Who
I also give credit to George Lucas who created the Star Wars films and Whoever created DR. Who
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
She's the girl who whispers tomorrow
Leaving behind the thoughts of today
Pain, despair, heartache, and sorrow
That's where she'll leave them all lay

She's the girl whose taken misfortune
And held it tight in her hand
Hears the stories told in the shadows
Along with the whispers of men

She's the girl who breaks from the moment
Unraveling all of life's strings
Retrieving with whispers unspoken
Yesterdays left behind dreams
 Aug 2014
Chalsey Wilder
There will always be someone who's greedy
Who will do wrong just to fill it
Greed can never be filled, it can never be satisfied or sated
It will always be a gapping neverendding hole that demands to be filled with empty things
Greed will take anything
Money, drugs, ***, power
It won't ever be filled
No matter how much you give
It will always take up everything
*It will even take your soul
Fun huh?
 Aug 2014
Vanessa Gatley
just complete
My life
No matter what's going on
songs are played
Through my mind
& Ur  some of the
I listen to the sad songs
That drag my heart
They move my
Like  breeze of the
Coolest wind
Through my skin
Love it
Most types
In love with the
Beats how it comes together
How it gets you to  groove
Sing !
<3 music pop rock electronic thank god for music or life would be boring
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
I've got a Bobble Head Buddha
That nods on the dash
Some guy named Gideon
Whose Bible rides in the back

Rainbow covered Rosary beads
Hang from my mirror with ease
I've got all the bases covered
As pretty as you please

Have my cassette of Hindu chants
Where I hum along
Shaved my head for Hare Krishna
In case I get it wrong

Holy water in my reservoir
So when my windshield wipers wipe
I have that added protection
Never knowing what might

A Yarmulke from a Bar Mitzvah
In the seat next to me
With a case of Watchtower in the floorboard
I pass out for free

No cigarettes or coffee
Like a good Latter Day Saint
In case Jesus comes back a third time
Who's to say that he ain't

With all my bases covered
I feel pretty safe
Guess I can now crank the engine
And start out my day
I'm a firm believer in Jesus Christ (who's only come once but will return) and his saving grace.
I just watch some people these days bounce around from whatever religion makes them feel good and this little ditty came to mind. Each of us have a hole in our hearts only the true God can fill. If your not satisfied with where your at, that right there is the problem. Don't rely on man to tell you who God is...let God do that.
 Aug 2014
Mike Hauser
Whether you do or whether you don't

I'll take you at your word

Whether you will or whether you won't

I'll choose the less absurd

From the peak of promise

To the valley of despair

We fill the need to toss the seed

Into all of life's affairs
 Aug 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen
Who? ....
The mirror is in front of me
confess myself
time to say
Say, so solo soul

Left so solo days
Lost those line
Seek love to sick me
So many sad songs sang
So much tears of toil
Left me in a shore
missed you in my core
Say, so solo soul

I was bright
One day the morning sun
I opened window
Dreams were playing
As my father’s feather
Say, so solo soul

Who? ...
After long-
The scratchy mirror
So many faces appear
The baby autumn-
The boy summer-
The young spring-
An adult rose so beautiful
Say, so solo soul

Images, so many images
so many imagery
the empty boat on the sea
dream boom from beloved boon
my darling dancing
I lost, I lost
I go for going, forever
Say, so solo soul

River is running slow
so slow, silent
so much debris dumping
the river said
I see
next I wait and see
I walk
still walk slow
walk in vain -
Say, so solo soul -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
confess by a man after a long .......
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