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 Nov 2015
Miguela shine
My Life In One Poem
.       .
.      .
  .     .
   .    .
    .   .
     .  .
      .        There is no poem  
        .     .
         .    .
          .   .
             .            you see
              .        .
               .       .
                .      .
                 .     .
                  .    .
                                  *I have no life
I do of course, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
 Nov 2015
Suzy Hazelwood
When there seems
no progressive road
the past
light finds you
the way out
the door awaits
I created a spoken word version on SoundCloud today, if anyone is interested ->
 Nov 2015
Dhaye Margaux
Oh, woman, dear, don’t be so insecure;
You’re only hurting yourself when you are insecure.

Look  at the mirror and see how beautiful you are,
You don’t need to feel bad and to be insecure.

When you see others smile and happy in their lives,
Can’t you just smile for them and not feel insecure?

When someone deserves a prize, an award for his deed,
Would you aim to claim it because you’re insecure?

When someone stands now in a place where you dream,
Would you pull him down there when you feel insure?

When someone’s being praised for an excellent work,
Would you make some sour grapes- deeds of an insecure?

Yes, you are stealing a moment of your own joy,
Every moment that you’re jealous and you feel insecure.

A Ghazal is a poem that is made up like an odd numbered chain of couplets, where each couplet is an independent poem. It should be natural to put a comma at the end of the first line. The Ghazal has a refrain of one to three words that repeat, and an inline rhyme that preceedes the refrain. Lines 1 and 2, then every second line, has this refrain and inline rhyme, and the last couplet should refer to the authors pen-name... The rhyming scheme is AA bA cA dA eA etc.

Credits to:
 Nov 2015
Miguela shine
You know
Every time you put me down
I find a reason to prove you wrong
You see
When I look at myself with pride
You call me ugly, I used to believed you
Yet now
Your words fall upon deaf ears
Its not what your called, but what you answer to
Yet now
I begin
To think
Could you be saying these things to build me up. Taking me off the rugged, unstable, tower I was trying to build
Or are you truly and simply just mean...
Could you be saying I'm ugly to help me find my own self worth? Not relying on societies false hopes
Or are you as Narcissistic as you seem...
Could you, I sadly say, simply be telling me the truth that I refuse to hear
Or are you lying to me to keep me where you want me
You know
*I really don't
Are they really your friend. I feel like she is. Yet actions prove otherwise
 Nov 2015
Vanessa Escopin
Don’t fall in love with me.
There are days when I get sad without a reason and I just stare at the ceiling with tears streaming down my face.

Don’t fall in love with me.
On those days, I don’t talk to anyone. I just bury myself in my bed and think about how I became this mess of sadness.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will become attached to you and I will cry myself to sleep if you don’t text me good night before you go to sleep and I will convince myself that it’s because you got tired of me.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I’m too much. I will depend on you. I need attention, much more than other people. I’ll talk to you in metaphors and make you one. I’ll write poems about you and opening up my skin at 2 A.M.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I couldn’t stand you coming home to find me on the bathroom floor shaking and crying, with blood spilling from my wrists. I couldn’t stand seeing the disappointment in your eyes.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will pour everything I’ve left of me into you, every bit of love, until I have nothing to give. Until I become completely empty.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I’m scared that my sadness is contagious.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will replay your sweet words in my head when I hate myself so much that I want to die. Your words will be the only thing that make me stay.

Don’t fall in love with me.
You will live in fear. You won’t be able to leave me, because you’d know if you did, I wouldn’t have anything to live for.

Don’t fall in love with me.
Before I met you, there wasn’t a single person who could’ve made me stay. You’re my reason now.

Don’t fall in love with me.
Because I will fall in love with you.
By: Unknown writer
 Nov 2015
Renee Danielle
the roots of my family tree
are shallow and malnourished,
breaking through the Earth's skin as a reminder
that it cannot always keep the ugly
hidden underneath.
my DNA is a life sentence for a crime
I never wanted to commit.

my father called my brother a king
before he even left the womb.
a solar eclipse that has lasted years
because of my inability to escape his shadow;
though, I'm not sure I ever will.
the world will always be his stage,
and I, just a poorly constructed backdrop.

my skin has turned
black and blue back into flesh.
I hope, one day,
my mind takes a lesson from my body
and learns how to forget you.

they call him the all merciful god,
and I can't help but to laugh,
because the only thing he promised
to those who hurt me was forgiveness.
I prayed up until the day
god changed his phone number.
atheism is a learned behavior;
I only wonder when god stopped
believing in me.

I live my life in reverse.
I drink coffee at midnight,
read the epilogues first,
go to bed in the morning.
I spent my childhood in this grave,
now it is time to dig myself out.
 Nov 2015
Dhaye Margaux
You are my coffee
Not just in the morning
You keep me awake even at night
With thought of you that's never ending
Thank you for chosing this piece for the Daily.  This is my first so I am so happy, grateful and more inspired to write.
 Nov 2015
The Girl
I See
In The Mirror,
Makes Me

I Swear I
Don't Even
Recognize Her
That Girl.

I Feel Wise.

And Sometimes
I Don't.

I'm Actually
To Be Who
I Am.

I Feel
And Disgusted
With Myself.

I Love Every
Detail About

I Pick Apart Myself.
I Look At All
My Flaws,
And I Think
About The Ways
I'd Like To Change.

I Actually
Love Myself.*

Most Times
I Don't.
 Nov 2015
You're made up of layers
more than a hundred of them
but when you peel a few
they thought they already know you
impressed, appalled to see you
baring your soul, opening yourself
and you find it funny
and you find it kinda sad
because to you it's nothing
like a small scratch on a surface
nothing but just a few layers off
and you have a hundred more to go.
 Nov 2015
Sedoo Ashivor
Dreams remain dreams
as long as you stay asleep.
 Nov 2015
You seem to be  single as you are,
Very shy in front of that guy,
Never tries to express your feelings,
Just running away from his sight.
 Nov 2015
How can anyone live with this pain?
I feel like I've lost everything
And gained,
In return.

A theif in the night
Came and took all of it from me.
Leaving me with this
Deep pain in my chest.
Its only been there for a minute
But I can tell
It doesn't plan on leaving.

How can I live with this?!!

I feel like someone's
Ripped my heart out, and
Stabbed me in my chest.
17 times.
And afterwards they told me
"Happy Birthday."

They took everything I ever had.
They pushed me down the stairs,
And kicked me when I was down.
They didn't care about the mess
They left behind
Just as long as it
Resembled a tornado hit.

They knew what I wanted,
Yet they tore my dreams into tiny pieces.
They took my ability to bounce back.
And threw it into the deep sea.
How can I put my life back together,
Start over again,
When I don't even know if I want to breathe?
Wrote this on Saturday.
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