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 Dec 2015
Bor ehgit
Darling you are so rough around the edges and yet your skin is as soft as dandelion pedals.
 Dec 2015
Nothing Much
The day the sweat bee stung my ankle
Was the day your mother died
We didn't know this until years later
When we reached back in time before we met
You said you never loved her anyway
Told me it didn't even hurt
But as your fingers brushed against my skin
I swear I could still feel the sting
 Dec 2015
stop making
          *me nervous

with the words
you spelled so right

            the truth you
told that night

it felt so unreal
i believed it

your smile as warm as sweater in winter
can't even talk to you with my eyes straight to yours
it only can give a fool smile
the charming side of yours kills me everytime

we wanted to be together
*but we could do only nothing
 Dec 2015
the rules
the boundaries
they all seek to constrain

the words
the hate
they all drive me insane
 Dec 2015
Cayla frazier
There is a crack in my Armor
its beginning to let the dark creep
back in to my life.
I keep trying to patch my life
but my fingers are  numb from trying
from trying and failing..
how can it be so hard to fix
who I am, I don't want who I used
to be.. I just want to figure out who I
even am anymore..
I feel shattered on the inside..
cant remember the last time I felt whole.
 Dec 2015
you wanted my heart
I gave you my soul
you split it in half
to make yourself whole

one heart beating
was more than enough
you cut me in half
in a world much to rough

I swallowed my pride
you spilled my secrets
offered me back my broken parts
never mind those, you can keep it
 Dec 2015
1 teaspoon of fear
1 pint of hope
A dash of bitterness
2 cups of shame
12 ounces of insecurity
3 unspoken words

A simple recipe
Creating this awkward situation
Between the two of us
 Dec 2015
Alexis Lewis
have you ever sat and thought about how everything is nothing
and how nothing is really everything
how nothing matters, really, and nothing you say to someone is really
exactly perfect for that moment
because later on, you're just going to go back and think
"saying this would have been better"
and relationships, love, hate
that's not anything either
because it all ends and who is there to read the story afterward
and if there was a story, who would stand to read the heartbreak?
thinking about thinking
thinking about thoughts
about how everything is actually tiny little cells
sparking their tiny existence as if to get something else's attention
but they are too tiny to notice
we can't see the trees for the forest
and really, i wish all that i was was just the tiny invisible cells
so i could drift through matter without being noticed
just drifting along sidewalks and across streets
drifting through existence without a glance from a human
because then i would not feel so acutely conscious
of the stares of others at my broken, huddled, hurting heart
and the hearts around campus that i love
hurting too, because my love could not stand theirs.
it hurts so much, parted without knowing why
and simultaneously knowing it was for the best.
why must anyone have to leave someone they love
just because rationally they know that's not the one for them?
rationalization trumps emotion if you want to continue living
because we all know emotions ****
so we give in to what we know we have to do:
break ourselves, break the other person
and live broken and apart and bleeding all over the concrete ground
wishing for invisibility and refuge.
 Dec 2015
Red Fox
No one knows what it's like
To live as a ****
we have Hobbies,
And we give Our kids hugs.

No one knows what it's like
To be Black all the time
For everyone to lock doors around you,
In fear of imminent crime.

No one know what's it like
To be Me
My problem are through the roof.
I take my anger out
Through poetry.

No one knows what it's like
To be Someone Else
I'm grateful to be here
And hopefully in good health.

If we all placed our problems on a table,
We'd take ours back.
That's a line I learned from a White gentleman,
Who looked at me for more than being Black.

Appreciate Everyone
A poem in appreciation of my mentor
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