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 Sep 2016
Something that I try to fight
You fight it too, in dark or light
Together we can win, across the distance and time
My Nightmare that fights me, sometimes he makes me blind

Do not fall to the voices in your mind
That make you cut, leave a ****** sign
Time heals but leaves a scar
When it's over, do not forget your past

Rant, rave, spit or talk
You and I, we walk the walk
The path we dread is a path we share
The demons in the dark, the knife, the snare

Watch my step and I'll watch yours
Together we can unlock closed doors
Find a reason not to, rather than one to do so
It's working for me, why not you, y'know?

I hope you read this, but do not ignore
For me to write this was quite the chore
To have such pained effort fall when it's so near
Would be a reason to cut, ear to ear

I think you're beautiful, regardless of what you believe
For our eyes and mind can trick and deceive
When nobody trusts, compliments or gives hope,
Know that I do, though my responses are slow

Sleep well, my <3
At least, try to rest
Restlessness is eagerness
But eventually, is Death

And I do not wish to lose someone like you

An Insomniac and Pyromaniac message each other... one's mind does burn, the other wishes to burn everything in mind...
<3 you, Maddii
 Sep 2016
we are angels
with cathedrals,
prophets, and poems
to prove it  

other species  
are not endowed
with such gifts:

the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel
the pyramids, loosing
the bounds of earth
to walk on a moon...
the atomic bomb
Anthrax, dioxin
and gunfire

we are maggots
on rotting fruit, sated now
looking for a place to hop off,
to escape before the fruit falls fast  
to the ground

before the oceans rise
and the skies fill with ash
surely we can fly away

but we are wingless
angels, killer angels  
killer angels
Yesterday, in my city, two 13 year old girls were shot less than a 1000 meters from the school they attended--one died--I am sorry if I am not feeling very poetic--I don't usually engage in commentary--that is for the prophets and priests--but this popped out
 Sep 2016
Ma Cherie
A poem you say
              that's what you need?
                      Indigo ink
                      forced out
                         I bleed
                  I feel this need
             on a Poet's paper chest
                    I am writing

                 It's spewing out
              composing it now
                 showing me how
      pounding sound upon my eardrums
                   in a constant,
           reverberating hummmmm
                    I cup my ears
      in every moment that I breathe
    my lungs are cloaked in darkness  
                   I am suffocating

      As generations they are turned to dust
                     consumed by guilt
                              and fear
                              and lust
          in poetry my hearts been ******
               into the darkness I return
                           and wait

      Shattered glass in empty hallways
       Darkened Moon hangs in the sky
                     streaked in ink
                   it hangs upon us
           tender questions asking why
           looking at the flooded sky
                       I am asking

          Steering failure words we say
         In your wisdom words we pray
         Shine your light on us this day
                        I surrender

       As Human Blindness overflows
         and leveyed waters at my toes
      I want to swim in glistening wet
                 and clean from life
                       the sins and
         tamper sad and past regrets
                        I am forgiven

        as rain pours down so fast outside
           I hear my people's voices cry
                 and I am listening

      There's so much more left here to say
                please hear my voice
                        to all I pray
         as raining tears come out to play
                       I hear you

                   Pain comes down
                     lightning fears
                   flashing thunder
                     inside.... I peer
     inside the torn, dogeared and forgotten  
                burning pages of our minds
        and ticking past the hands of time
          as rain comes down in buckets
                         I am drowning

        Inside I think I'll find the truth
      with wisdom of my years and youth
            measuring all that I hear
          in time I hope all things be clear
                  are you listening too?
     wisdom falls from those who departed
                    my soul and spirit
                     duly outsmarted
                     chains released
        in lands my soul it goes  uncharted
                           I am free

                       Found the vein
                   that caused that pain
               and severed it's ugly head
                 releasing all its beauty
                and have laid it in a bed
                         It haunts me
                       I am dreaming
                       So as you read
                     just know I bleed
                 a poets blood like you
                  Our lives ...our hopes ..
                    our broken truths
                       I am learning

                       Into yearning
               honesty it pains my ears
         released in me my greatest fears
          in everything this sound is real
              .....      I am found.

       Something  that we all must do
                     plunging knife
                    this truth is true
             Telluric veins cascading red
         reflection of what mirrors said        
                  I see and I am blinded
                        A poetic plight
                         taken flight
                             my truth
                            your truth
                            our truth
                        the Same Truth
                            and now
                        I  understand

                     I'd never dare
                  to share or care
           unless inside poetic minds
        unbroken by the hands of time
                      I am writing

        This crimson river ever flowing  
     our knowledge  we are ever knowing  
             has breached the banks
                   filled up this tank
                            I am full

       Pouring drifting seas and oceans
     Crashing rocks and bottle broken
               resting on a poet island
                     I am breathing

        I see my hand it waves saluting
     the arrival of  sun has begun,

             as pain becomes a river
                     of our sins
                     and sacrifices
            victories and the costly prices
            outside it rains again today
         I am drenched in clean waters

                   I am soaked in love
         And thanking all this gift above                  
            Hearing my Poetic Plight
      say thank you for this inner light
                awakened as my heart
             on angels wings takes flight

       Releasing all its Inner brightness
on the heady winds of shadows darkness  
                    slow encroaching
                   stabbed by daggers
         evil, jealous angry poaching
                          I am bare

         What is taken from the pages
        Gifts from those imparted sages
        written with a hand enlightened
               Penning ...trembling
                      awake and
                      I am hoping

                      I am whole
               grateful to be home.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
A torutured poet's plight inspired by ultimatepanicqueen. I don't know if it's any good but it sure felt good to write.  Peace -
 Sep 2016
Carrie Gogo
The bilateral sided face
displaced from time

Half hostile
while the other half

My mind unlocks
strewn emotions
faded photographs

Shattered fragments
of my life

Alarmed by unknown visions
reflections of me

Conflict that comes from depths of mind
dusty colours are all I find ...

Struggling to find a singular reflection  
To seek my journey, to an inner peace cry
that radiates the mind’s ever piercing eye

Could I be afraid to dig deep too
find the courage, only to reap ...

The goodness residing for love to stay
enriching my life; no longer grey.
This is about struggling with your inner self, split personality.
 Sep 2016
some believe in the deity
others in the sanctity of self
I think poetry is a religion
a soul unto itself
not a god
but close
and I seek her his its
calming words
to get on my knees
and worship
every night
in my sanctuary
like any
true believer
 Sep 2016
Kara Jean

A human with needs

Lust and love

None will fill the void instigating justification

Insignificant, comes out as pride

Fix your jaw line and become one with life

We have a Long time of unexpected rides
 Sep 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
I can't write
there is to much noise
kids are playing
with their toys

dog is barking
chasing the cat
wife is asking
do I look fat?

phone is ringing
someone at the door
some kind of puddle
on the floor

a little quiet
and some peace
need a bit of
literary release

grab my book
close the door
sit in the corner
on the floor

pen to paper
I start to write
I don't care
if it takes all night

putting thoughts
into written word
gives me the freedom
of a bird

soaring high
up in the sky
words flowing
I start to cry

writing has been
such a gift
hope my words
give you a lift
 Sep 2016
Darrel Weeks
How do you sing a song
At three am
When candlelight monsters dance
And moonlight sunbeams pass
At three am
How do you hear the silence
In the thunder clouds screams
At three am
With a fragrance of desperation
Chimes of broken clocks sound
At three am
The northern factory haunts
The ghost of community laughs
At three am
Someone drinks in the past
Careless and fortuned
I do find that the tired mind opens the door to a world of colour
 Sep 2016
Ma Cherie
your eyes
your smile ....
dance 'round...
come in  close
need a dose...
take eyes
or try
to pry
my hands
of you

my boy
I try...
said I
do it ...
blew it
I did it
not JUST
kitchen sink
on the brink
.... sunken
loving you
feeling right
your gentle
**** man

as we move
in a groove
wanna fly....
no goodbyes
touching skin...
moving in
red lipstick
did the trick
your here

so queer
I look...
a crook
theif in the night
a delight
the empty
waiting paper
I thought
a caper
my wanting
as we begin
lean into kiss...
can't miss

a fulfilled wish
puckered fish
waiting lips
& fingertips....
                   ­ n
I am stuck
so exciting
a giant puddle of ink...
you think
you can
make me
take me..
forsake me?
leave me
after sharing
still unheard
my point of inspiration
in frustration

...... poem...
and a beautiful burden you are.

Cherie Nolan © 2016 *smile
started this for fun yesterday and I never know where the stuff is going or where it came from really... errr yeah.
Metaphorically speaking...
point of inspiration- person..
place or thing? Was about writing poetry though thoughts, what you think?... for thought anyway! Have a beautiful day!
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