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 Dec 2015
It rains.
A truffled scent
in dead leaves,
naked trees.
into the depths
of the night.
Thank you, deeply, to all the friends that so kindly read, liked and supported this poem! Here, to you all, at Hello Poetry, cheers, the prize is yours!
 Nov 2015
Elisa Maria Argiro
Wrapped up tight,
held in your light.

Find me now, vaulting through these years of loving
that only you and I have ever known.

Only this brimming, milky

Beyond familiarity, you and me, tumbling
again through lifetimes of just knowing,
fully feeling, without ever calling.

Held in your light,
wrapped up tight.

Only our brimming, milky sweetness,
eyes closed, and minds wide open...

Wrapped up in your light,
held so tight, dear full moon,
my own cocoon.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
 Oct 2015
Lora Lee
I have no idea
What brought me here
To this place,
This mystical temple
Of a sacred space
But here I stand
And my arms
My heart
are wide open
Raised to the heavens
As I pray
Open to receiving miracles
Open to the wonders
Of this love
And I wonder
What an alternate universe
May have brought
But it is pointless
For I am thankful
And happy with what I have
I am happy
To have been created as me
To have created and still
To create
And I am elated
To a heavenly sort of place
As my heart I do consecrate
Raise my eyes to the stellar fires
Bless each and one of my earthly
And  unearthly desires

I pour the sacred water
Upon my head
Feel its coolness
In the sparkling night
I feel the divine essence
from above
Bless my spirit, Bless my soul
I thank the Universe
For keeping me whole
For making me a woman,
A mother
A friend devoted
For staying real,
not sugar-coated
For being blessed
A sensual creature
(****** delight
a powerful feature)
I am thankful for my strength
And intellectual liberty
And for my constant fight
To keep myself

And, most of all --
I am ever grateful
For this divine opportunity…
Ever humbled, as it is
Bestowed upon me:
To experience
the profound inner light
of my own emotions
to give myself a gift
of utter devotion
to allow myself
without inhibition
the freedom of expression
I was meant for
To come into
Yes, in joy
Yes, in wonder
I raise my head to the heavens
And take in the thunder
 Sep 2015
Just Melz
I would happily suffer
   because of how much I love you
I will put myself through misery
    just so you feel no pain
I would walk on flames
     and put them out
         so you can walk through
I will drive myself insane
     so you can have no part of the blame
I just wanna believe
        that you love me
               that much too
Darkness pervades; an empty whole.
Tears fill this broken bowl.
The nectar too salty to quench the thirst
A brutal reminder of what came first

A Blackness, a Void. God illuminated into being.
Beauty, Belief, Faith - a false way of Seeing.
The futile attempts to make the hole whole,
but it's Loneliness that resides in our Soul.

In every being sprung into existence
the Romantic effort of Man's resistance
is Love, hailed as the Cure.
But ask yourself, "Are you sure?".

At a life with Loneliness by our side
Love's importance becomes amplified.
But Love is just a wishful lie
it is Loneliness that embraces us as we die.
 Sep 2015
Purple Rain
The moon is bright,
as bright as your beautiful eyes
Your soul is sweet as candy,
Your heart is dark,
Wicked as the devil him self
If I can change your heart I would,
If I could fight all your demons,
But they destroy me deep inside
I'm not strong enough,
your only thing that can destroy me
Physical and mentally
If you follow the trail,
come in my mind
Of the wicked woods of darkness,
**** all the monsters that live inside these woods
They run and fleet from you,
Because your so dark, stronger than anything "any god I can image"
The beautiful angel I was in love with,
Now my tears come from my eyes of the name Isabella
I'm paralyzed of the neck down
Because your magic is so strong, I refuse to fight you
You grab me by the neck,
Your eyes red as blood
I looked you in the eyes and told you I love you
I closed my eyes and told you
- Never more
but my brother. Please like
 Sep 2015
am i ee
bathed in the cool light of the moon,
my sweet puppyhead and me,


under the full soft light, 
her ray’s illuminating the yard,
the woods.

footsteps crunch drying leaves,
fox, deer or foe?

waning canopy,
boughs lighter each day.

fall, majestic, peaceful
dying for another year.

plants and creatures, 
taking refuge in the deep dark void
of mother earth,
of mother nature.

squirreling away tidbits for a late winter snack,
coats blooming, thickening.

such delight, 
each night,
sitting outside,
my puppyhead and me.

quiet and solitary,
no humans 
annoying me.

silent and still
only nocturnal creatures
meandering about.

what magic,
what sacredness.
what mystical delight.
never apart,
only the ONE.

such silly confusion,
thinking a person,
separate and small,
quaking with fear.

the big deep dark mystery
laughing and jovial,
always here,
here for us all.

open your eyes, 
feel your nature,
always here,
never apart.

fearing death
fearing life,
what a silly way to live this

the moment you were born,
you began dying,
what a relief,
knowing the score!

relaxing into the madness,
laughing at it all,
pure and free,
forever more, 
and not……

not being,
eons of reflection,
sages and rishis
revealing the truth,
it can’t be done for you,
only you can become 
that which you are….
that which you always were.

my sweet love, my sweet life,
my puppyhead and me,
sitting here in Fall.
in Tao, in the One, her darkenss, her mystery

— The End —