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 Mar 2016
Dream Weaver
I was the type of person
Who held onto things too tight,
Unable to release my grip,
When it no longer felt right.

And, although it gave me blisters,
And my fingers would all ache,
I always thought that holding on
Was worth the pain it takes.

I used to think in loosing things
I'd lose a part of me, too,
That slowly I'd become someone
My heart no longer knew.

Then one day something happened,
I dropped everything I once held dear.
But my soul became much lighter,
Instead of filled with fear.

And it taught my heart that somethings
Aren't meant to last long,
They arrive to teach you lessons
And they continue on.

I didn't have to cling to people
Who no longer made me smile,
Or do something I've come to hate,
If it isn't worth my while.

But you were my light,
And the hunt you make
Hurts in the moment
And takes away my breath.

That sometimes the thing you're fighting for
Isn't worth the cost
And everything I ever loved,
Was bound to be a loss.

But that's what addiction does
To crave, to ****
To **** out our souls,
To increase enmity between hearts and woes.
 Mar 2016
Tulip Chowdhury
Reality *****
it drains me out,
but and then at times
it gives strength
like a match stick
to spark flames
like a key
turning on engine
carries me to the summit.
 Mar 2016
The world is such a lonesome place, filled with shades of black and white, filled with catastrophe and despair

Challenges do not always get easier, criticism does not always get quieter, people do not always get nicer

But in these moments of sadness, gloominess, and adversity
Look inside yourself and find courage

Make your challenges into stepping stones, take the criticism with a grain of salt, forget about those who do not treat you right

For in the end, all that matters is who you are, and if you like who you have become.
 Mar 2016
Sk Abdul Aziz
I invested my soul and mind into this relationship
The least i expect is that you give me a proper reason as to why we can't be together now
These years of my life that i put in for you
Don't these mean anything to you?
Just when i thought our journey together would culminate into something beautiful...'re quitting on me
How can you do this?
Tell me something very honestly
...did you ever truly love me?
 Mar 2016
David Ehrgott
The pickles
on the shelves
in the condiment aisle

are readying
for the winter

The half-sours
stand at attention

The garlics stand
at parade rest

Dill chips are
stacked so
their eyes cannot see
out the jar

Mrs. Smith's bread & butter
pickles will not be on sale
again until late Spring
(so tasty are these)

What a long cold winter
awaits those

underachieving cucumbers
 Feb 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
All we share in common is nothing
but at the moment nothing is enough
all we share are the insults you've thrown at me
which I feel are better than having bombs drop at me
all we can agree on are thousand disagreements
something much better than the war entanglements
the innocence of my blood that was almost shed
for my cradle wanted but to see me dead
all we hold in our hands is the street from where I beg
but isn't that prettier than a torn head or broken leg?
all we breathe in from the gutters is your oxygen
it's enough even if I am not forgiven
all we share is that crumb you dump in the pit
and your jeers, unsympathetic for my tears besides spit
all we share is the world you've grown up from
because chocking melancholy has
taken over my precious land
all our palms touch are the petals of red roses which
I pick up after your beautiful dinner
after it's trampled over by the carefully shaven heel of your lover
for it's after being trampled that its scent is sweeter
and which fragrance does spring in me hope
all we share in common is spring grass that's greener
for so it was in that field I last watched my best friend play
it was where his blood oozed as I did pray
  grass that burnt black as I called on
my little brother's heart not to stop
all we share in perfect common is prayer
you praying for my kind to leave
I for those left behind whilst they hopelessly grieve
wondering if I made it to the other side of the ocean
doubting whether Allah, Jesus
or whoever's creator's really watching
and if He's watching whether he's enjoying the tragic play
of reality,
all we share in common is the big beautiful sky
for while you look to it and wear that pretty smile
I smile too,only I recall the darkness left behind
the neighbour who took my bullet
the soldiers who arrived when it's too late
the lover who stepped on my land mine
one who promised they'd forever be mine
(how forever could be so short!)
the malnourished children and desperate parents
what's a happy blue sky to you only reminds me of their pine
so while you smile, I smile and at the same time I cry
I understand, all we share in common is nothing
but I'm glad I've learnt that sometimes in life
nothing could mean everything
Inspired by Warsan Shire
 Feb 2016
They sit so silently upon a perch
Watching, waiting for our demise
Cackling with insatiable mirth
Those phantoms on the rise

They wait for us to be broken
Crashing upon a jagged shore
Whispering words left unspoken
Collecting bones for evermore

They disdain the truly fleshy parts
They have no use for real
They pick and pluck for the heart
Believing it can heal

Except it's just another dead *****
Dripping blood and spilling lies
Reality is truly distorted
to the Phantoms on the Rise
 Feb 2016
Mike Hauser
We were born into a song
Sing it still now that we've grown
The melody remains the same
Though the words have slightly changed

If you please, come sing with me
Mixing lives in harmony
Perfect pitch, tinder keys
As together we're all born to sing
 Feb 2016
To that time we played blackjack
I was impressed by your ability to shuffle all the cards just like that,
&then; you showed me a magic trick with pistachio shells
Oh what a friendship it is when someone buys you peanuts and opens all the shells

Yeah confession;
You're in my sci fi screenplay
I think I wrote about you in the most innocent way
And theres a song that,
I currently have on replay...
And a smile that can't help but shine when I see your face
What a moment it is when you're sitting there on the bus and you just want to photograph it

Life's a chess game, and now its your move..
I'm standing on the front line,
I'm giving my horsey to you (haha)
Oh this life's a chess game,
One wrong move and I'll lose....
But here right now we're at a stalemate
All my pieces were going but the piece that remains, patiently waits
For you..
Oh with you I never want the game to end so soon

And I know that we can't fall in love
Cause we've got different ones for us
But what a friendship it is when none of that matters no more..
You're the chess opponent I've been waiting for,
You are.
Really like this one, its one of my best from this year in my opinion! Really personal references..
 Feb 2016
Irving MacPherson
write me

me in


a nothing

you're too
thin skinned

wage war


be surprised

a ****

you can't polish
In Out

"**** you can't polish"
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