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 Feb 2016
Irving MacPherson
If it's all
the same to you
I don't have the time
to sit on a fence
thinking you
have a clue.

Seems you don't know
what you don't know

Snivel you must
with one big

hard ******

You don't know
what to do..

You slip
and you're slim

Figure it out
I can find A rhyme

But I really don't care

Too bad you
leave your stench

 Feb 2016
Irving MacPherson
I say to you,
I grow in your garden 
as you grow in mine.

I grant order and chaos,
no move is yet to play out.

I am All,
all in All....
beginning ending,
beginnings endings.  

in this non-creation,
between blurred lines.
It is there as Humankind you stand..
Male and  Female,    
galaxy amid galaxy.

I give you azure for pleasure,  
darkness abides in good measure
beyond this world waits great treasure.

The service I ask of you is short lived and simple..
Love,  love yourself, love one another,  .. just love.
I am not away on business
as some would suggest,
I have not forsaken
any of my Creation.

I am always moving in,
always moving out..
forever turning on,
forever turning off.
It starts and it ends and it starts again to end again,
Impotence amid Omnipotence, a Mystery never to be solved,
always to live and to die moment by moment.
I am beyond your Imagination,
you dwell in my imagination..        
in my image you have your Being.

You will never stand alone,
you are always a part of this dance
in the endless stream of much more.

I carry you
gentley through
soft currents
as well as rocky rapids.

My words to you
do not dwell in a book,
They are alive and bring life.

You were born to create this day,
this Day, the only thing new
under the sun..
Your freedom of will leaves you
to create evil as well as good,
your choice yet not your choice
being forged out of my choice.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel,
you are the Light passing through the tunnel.

You have forgotten who you are,
who you were, who you will be.
Fret not... I come to remind you of the abundance
that is at your fingertips. To help you to turn away
from the notion of scarcity. All you need, you have..

All you will ever need you already have.. you will it to be
At times not knowingly. I am here to move you towards clarity.
You can end the fight bleeding and on the ground
or just not get in the ring... your choice yet again.

Free will is just that..
it is not without consequence.
Ignorance of Universal law is no excuse,
the domino being pushed they tumble  into a future which is here
along side the past, only the moment... infinite.
 Feb 2016
Irving MacPherson
I like my whiskey warm

That seems to be
When I'm in good form

To step outside the circus
That seems to be my norm

Sing a song of six pence
A pocket full of worms

Warm whiskin-e
On a balmy winter's eve

It's my only holding back
Before a kiss it to me

Late February winter's breeze.
free verse.. i lost track
 Feb 2016
Golden flower in her hand
Like snow on a winters day
Her lips are pail
Her cheeks dim
But her hair the same
An oceans wave of god sculpted silk
Her dress is perfect
I wish she could see herself twirl in it
Her button nose still cuter then ever
And her nails just as they always are
Painted with a midnight blue
Matching her captivating eyes
Oh how I wish to see them sparkle once more
Under the light of the stars
I wish to just see her radiate with beauty one last time
Before I seal her casket
And say my very final goodbye...
 Feb 2016
The Dedpoet
The streets come alive when so many
Sleep softly into their dreams.
      The newer L.E.D. street lights pierce
The secrets on the Old 90.
    The women that the sun does not touch
Is aglow in the moonlit pavements,
Because she is a nocturnal,
     To be seen by those who cannot see
The bright sun, she shares herself
With the secrets, only known to those
That never stay.
       And to better fit into the list,
To better know the secret is to become
Something other than what is expected,
      A desertion of your standardised
Places, where scars can be hidden,
Everyone can dress as royalty,
     This is more common and natural,
Becoming the creature we all seem to
Leave behind.
     And here there are lovers,
Beckoningly fighting one another
For a chance at one night,
An embrace in the eternal momentary.

    And the thirst is deep,
The desire is a window to the stellar
Places, a deep freedom in the nocturnal,
        An occasion set for nightly meetings
Of souls with shadows that seem to chase,
       Street people on the Western venture,
An exchange of souls at home in the night.
A series of poems I will write to my city, my home, and the unique lifestyle of the city night.
 Feb 2016
You will age
You will lose your health eventually
You will die

So all you will have
Is the person you were
And how you treated others
I guess

And it's not an automatic process

Mother lives in a fantasy world
Where nothing can ever go wrong
Where America prospers

The day our economy fails
And there isn't a **** thing
In the markets

And there is a big global war

I will simply say
I told you so
I told you so

Human beings repeat
The same mistakes
Over and over again!

If you think you have it bad now
Remember things can

And do get worse
 Feb 2016
A world war
Mass starvation

Terrible times
A few years or so

Terrible times
For America

There will be a big war
I bet

I bet there will be

Things Always go wrong!
 Feb 2016
A Lopez
I'm not some
Cha cha cha
Where you can
Water my head
With lies
And watch me

I'm more of the
Fly catcher

That catches you,
Churns you in
My salivic poison

I sit back while you
In my soiling
 Feb 2016
Who got a helmet
I'm losing my mind
We used to run along
But now we're running out of time

Said you'd hold my hand
Said you'd make a stand
But what am I doing here
Alone in this island?

We were the stars that align
Shining alongside the night sky
We thought it was forever
Then the sun came and lighted us over
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