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 Jul 2015
It’s that time of night
Where it’s still today
But maybe it’s tomorrow.
Teetering between the present
And the future.
I’m often like that
Resistant to change,
Complacent in my old ways
But all too aware of the
Inevitability of what’s to come.
It’s the dull comfort of these chains
That keep me moored to the
Perpetual winter.
I am cursed with always knowing
But not wired for doing.
Perched upon this fence
The vista is thrilling and the scenery
But sit I must and watch the parade
And clap to the oompah
Of a passing tuba.
Somewhere the sun is rising
I watch the clock
Tethered to yesterday
And not believing in tomorrow.
 Jul 2015
There she is
reflected in this tiny droplet,
I see her laughter her pain
Her struggles and joy
Crisp and flawless like her love.

I am in there as well
The dreams dashed
The dreams unfulfilled
The future waiting to unfurl.
A teardrop is a marvelous thing
Like a bird’s eye
The future and the past
In clear view
Nothing obscured
Nothing hidden to protect the innocent
Or the sensitive
Or those trying to forget.

Sharply I see her good
Embracing her imperfections.
What is the formula one employs
To solve the mystery of love?
My rational mind is left wanting
Wavering and vacillating between
Apples and oranges
But in this teardrop
All is made clear
The fog and fissures
Are wiped clean and caulked,
The world I need and the world
My heart desires
Reflects with blinding light
With precise clarity.
From this crystal half dome
My blurred doubts are brought
Into focus
My entire world resides there
In that one tear of joy.
 Jul 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
Those might have been told in any other way
but you could not understand
No, No this is not a spring song
Not even a fairytale

An exclusive secret,
a pain which originates within a love,
reverberates with the rebel song,
within your known sky, wind

Naturally has seen in dreams
Rarely meets with the real
Crops of thousand wishes,
As the Vinci's Mona Lisa

Truly forms in nature
which has a vitreous luster
As the Crystal of Sapphire blue
where the beauty beyond

Of the words mystery unveiled,
yet the fascination of the Poe's uncovered poetry,
As the fathomless depth of Mid Atlantic ridge,
which goes a long way

Tastes like the first kisses of love
which is full of longing
where whole life is covered with dissatisfaction,  
within the prospect of ever known

Like an old wine
where levels of alcohol is too high
After spreeing over the night,
Still hanging in,
Even after taking the morning black coffee
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
 Jul 2015
Mrs Ashley Somebody
Billows of blue sheets
Scarlet ribbons in the sky
Violet petals
Gold strewn across the heavens
Dazzle me. Then the sun sets.
 Jul 2015
Thinking Out Loud
The moment
of a fleeting thought
recalling a welcomed visit
where calmness whispered
rhythmic words
were remembered
as the melody
danced through her body
giving birth
to a reborn peace
 Jul 2015
Phantom Byron Lorde
Damnation to this drink
Shattered glass on the wall
Dulled senses no longer think
But I still hear her voice call

It echoes deep inside my head
And reality hits much too strong
When I know she is long dead
I want her, is that so wrong?

Damaged thoughts are to blame
Someone new in darkest lust
Using this woman in a game
Where I strip her of her trust

Do I use her all because of you?
Because she is your exact double
Oh this woe, what should I do?
Is this worth all this ****** trouble?

She sees beyond my deep scars
As you, beloved, once did
Still this bitterness still mars
All this madness I once hid

Can I escape my coming destiny?
Can the visions reflected be true?
To no longer feel pain and misery
How can this be if I am without you?
Copyright 2015
 Jul 2015
Vernell Allen
Invite me into your nightmares.
Open your gates and
I will walk by your side,
holding your trembling hand.
You are not alone in this.
Trust me.

Show me scars and I'll
show you beauty that
marks battles you have conquered.
Look into my eyes and see
Your rawest form and be not ashamed.
I am not.

My love is the infinite stars
That twinkle in the sky and
Set fire to your heart.
I will be your light in the darkest hour
And I will guide you to safety.
Follow me.

I am the still voice that will calm
your troubled waters,
bringing you peace.
Just believe me.
Allow me to enter
Your castle and together
We shall build a dynasty.

And those nightmares will become
mere memories...
 Jul 2015
Feelings soon forgotten,
Had it not been for him,
Lips unlike before; fragile,
But the flutter all the same.

Playful, light glances,
Reveal much of the heart,
A renaissance began anew,
Inside the mind, body; start.

Awkward steps, a cold voice,
Washing over like the tide,
Left true to see a fleeting stance,
As they said their final goodbye.

Pure reflections of the face,
Left a smile to trail the sky,
The sun would whisper, clouds abound,
To dissipate among the stars.
France left my heart to wander, and my soul to question.
 Jul 2015
such a sweet tinkling
to bring such ugly words
you are an animal
you are a monster
you are right
i never deserved you
 Jul 2015
How many times
must my mind
bury you, and my
heart keep you alive?
How adept at shattering
and gathering must I
become, before the work
that was said unto us,
trialed thus...cease?
Breath is the sound that
answers that matter
what, I cherish your breath
as you cherish mine.
There are some things as
dear as breath...though they
may come and go.
 Jul 2015
devante moore
You promised you'd fight for us
But if I were to end this
You would encourage me to go
Your words get caught in a spiderweb
Spawn up then ****** dry
Guess your vision of us was misled by your own eyes
I promised I'd never take a break from you
But I forgot to messaged you two days in a row
Some promises are meant to be broke
You must think my words aren't reliable
I easily stuffed them behind the wall of flaws because there pliable
The promises we made should be buried beneath the ground
Silence forever
If they could speak lies would be their only sound
Both bound by this undeniable love
But missing the necessary pieces to crown our words as kings and queens
Instead they've been impeached  
Some promises are meant to be broken
At least the ones we've made
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