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 Jun 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
One day I went along this way
to the river
She called me
I had heard, loved
got lost in her

at that river,
I was swimming,
had a bath
went to the other side,
plucked the red lotus
Tirelessly had seen her maze form,
told her my unspoken words

That time is over
The river is buried,
doesn't call no more
never hear the songs of downstream
do not write a love poem for her
In fact,
not going the way anymore

Now the way turned the Highway
Cried out to the big Lorries
when I open the old window,
See the rain forms but never reply

Why I still see the dream
In Rain,
A small boat on the river
has lost in the fog-
@Musfiq us shaleheen
 Jun 2015
K Balachandran
Some stories find no reason ever to end,
eternity is all ears throughout  the length.
On a plane different,some do not even begin,
possibilities sowed in  stardust lie in wait.

ചില കഥകള്‍ പറഞ്ഞു തീരുന്നതേയില്ല,
അനന്തത അതിനു ചെവിയോര്‍ത്തിരിക്കുന്നു.
മറ്റെവിടേയോ, ചിലകഥകള്‍ തുടങ്ങുന്നതേയില്ല,
നക്ഷത്ര ധൂളിയില്‍ വിതച്ചിട്ട സാദ്ധ്യതകള്‍ കാത്തിരിപ്പൂ

(Translated to Malayalam, a language of south India)
Do not look for meanings in everything you see,
cosmic conundrum is to be read like poetry
 Jun 2015
poetessa diabolica
Life thawed

  mid temperate

      ice crystals

  'neath throe's

    reckoned awakening,

spring enveloped


its wings tattooed

    'pon nature,

the lake reflected

a softer side


    a gentler zephyr,

condensation filled

  the atmosphere, her

   clear tears saturating

    resurrected skies,

vapors misting on

   the horizon

  amidst forgiveness

     of flawed sunrises
 Jun 2015
In a life full of ordinary shades
You brought an extraordinary burst of light
simultaneously blinding me
while giving me sight.

In a world full of sharp edges
You brought sumptuous cushions
to protect me
when I fall.

In a heart unwittingly empty
You brought the knowledge
of what it is
to love.
 Jun 2015
Mike Hauser
When they discovered him a dreamer

The decision then was made

To have him keep rocks in his pockets

So he wouldn't float away
 Jun 2015

allow me to preface
this poem you will read
by telling you i was
just so we're agreed

i never went to
Sunday school
i never went to church
in those days
when i was raised
my soul was
in the lurch

my father disallowed
talk of God in any way
it was nil
had no free will
it is the same today

i had no real mentor
neither did i learn
i was slow
i didn't know
of the Lord's return

but when i was a child
i had some "crazy" dreams
as you see
there were three
not nice by any means

the first one was of Tucson
the place where i grew up
it was of its destruction
and that a bitter cup

thete was nuclear destruction
a mushroom cloud and more
but the big deal?
it was so REAL!
i saw what was in store

i had this nightmare
several times
three nights in a row
i was quite scared
not knowing what to do

then there was another
much worse this one was
people running
there were things
which buzzed!

i thought it was a dream
perhaps it was not
perhaps as well
i perceived hell
in a dimension caught

three nights in a row
I had this experience
i don't think
that I could sink
much further than thence

but another dream came up
that would terrify




He said He was returning
that i was now ensnared
that me and my family



there was a host behind him
His face i could not see
i just knew it was
as certain as can be

and this is all the story
you may think me a sham
put up a fight
"i can't be right"
but folks

*I AM???
I'm really sticking my neck out now
But if just ONE PERSON reads and
comes to believe


Please also read
the world between my teeth
go ask Alice

 Jun 2015
And I saw
The endless possibilities
The untapped source of love
The well of dreams unrealized
The kiss of unknown angels
The notes of songs unsung
The memory of those who've gone before us
The hope that fills my heart
The love that threatens to break me
You opened your eyes
And I saw
 Jun 2015
Amitav Radiance
There is meaning within a meaning
Heart always wants to decipher
After unwrapping the myriad layers
With dexterous thinking and imagination
Every meaning is unraveled with time
It’s a labyrinth through which life goes
For the true meaning is hidden always
One who wants to seek passionately
Will trespass all the arduous challenges
Lay hands on the hidden key
To open the cherished door of the heart
True meanings are intricate ciphers  
Only the brave heart can decipher them all
 Jun 2015
Kerli Tulva
The sweet tunes of the soul bells
Echo in the depth of eternity
Composing a divne symphony.

Light and darkness, hand in hand
Fight and subside on the quiet land.

Things I haven't told, maybe never will
Reside and smolder, in heart fulfilled.

The sweet tunes of your soul bells
They save you and bring you out of the hell.
 Jun 2015
poetessa diabolica
Chambord recollections,
   exhaling smoky vapors,
wisps of  Madagascar aromatics
midst a French Château dream,
  dipped in honeysuckle reminisces
  of cardamom spice and the pungent
zest of once 'neath a midnight legend
 Jun 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
I wanted to stump ******* your chest
So I could leave a footprint in your heart
If only someone would show me how best
I could do it without you getting hurt
I wanted to trip you so that you could fall
And be mine forever, once and for all
'Cause whilst many called my pieces *******
You said sometimes **** is worth the stink
Encouraged me to ignore what they think
And reorganized my jumbled mind to neat
You melted my heart like it were ice
With a single glance at your eyes
You stole the rhythm of my heartbeat
Or say in your presence It's a drumbeat
You make me lose the sense of senses
Yeah, even the grip on my tenses
I'm a car and you drive me so wild
If any of my control is left ,It's so mild
A touch of your skin drives me mad
You're that thing all lads wish they had
I don't know how to say this, ***
That I adore how gracefully you walk
That you sound like Angels when you talk
But I cannot utter even a single word
Of it ,your presence,leaves me speechless
And yet your absence leaves me breathless
I wasn't one to fall before you came around
How'd I avoid falling when my feet are spell bound
So I tried to write since I'd lost the gas
Came up with nothing better than this.
 Jun 2015

This is my spot, just outside these green coffee house doors,
my piece of sidewalk, my place in this world
A small square of concrete where I try to bring smiles
to those in a hurry, hustling past, chasing their lives

Opening the case, I bring out my constant companion
I love her feel, smooth and perfect, she fits so nicely in my hands
Her neck like soft butter against my calloused fingers
A black Takemine cutaway, my favorite guitar, my best friend

There was a time when I would make eye contact,
cast a smile and a thank you at those who would stop and listen
But times have changed, people aren’t as friendly, smiles aren’t
what they used to be and the frowns just bring me down

Now from beneath my hat all I see are legs and shoes, it amazes me
all the different shoes, what they say about a person. Shiny shoes,
maybe a quarter, nice high heels a dollar or two, sneakers,
worn and tattered, my best customers, a five may fall when they pass

It’s not much, but it is a living at least for me and it’s not really a job
I don’t have to be here, I want to…playing music for strangers, for me
It’s kind of like writing poetry, only you listen instead of reading
and the coins and bills finding my case…comments, but better

I start today the same as every other day, with our song,
the one we sang together in school, the song we related too…funny
She was my heart, the one that got away…so what, I never got over her
It’s my deal not yours…I press the strings, fingers preparing to play

She was the love of my life, we were meant to be, at least I thought so
but after school we went in different directions, it happens I guess,
that was so many years back…I lost track of her long ago,
but my mind never did and I suppose my heart didn’t either…I play

A few coins trickle in…shiny shoes, wingtips…feeling sorry money,
but that’s okay with me, it’s food or few beers eventually
Then a ten spot hits the felt, gorgeous high heels, those with a red sole
I know my smile is growing as I arrive at the chorus

“And you fly away today, and you fly away tomorrow”    
When I hear a melodic voice singing along with me, it is the high heels,
the harmony is perfect and beautiful and…sounds so **** familiar…
I lift my head up to see…it is her, after all of these is her
I saw a program about a street inspired this.
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