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 Apr 2015
poetessa diabolica
She's like deliquescent caramel,

the cool side of a pillow

        to lay your weary head,

subtleties of springtime &

          warmth in wintertide,

whispering hope upon lush  

        Zephyrus pipe dreams,  

    mellifluous nymph with wings

                 of a butterfly warrior,

softly determined,

    unfailingly true-hearted,

       whilst relentlessly ferocious

  Wise, yet sometimes struts

        blindly in the light,

       as dulcet tones of a cello's

           melodious marmalade

            in sentiment's tender fancy,

she's beauty, charm,

         knowledge, poetry,

               utter strength,

               & humane weaknesses,

she's twisted and ethereal,

           her aura sublimely captivating

     you may covet her body,

            you'll never possess her soul
 Apr 2015
S R Mats
The weight of a dragonfly does not break the stem of a flower.
 Apr 2015
Poetic T
We are all stripes on a flag
Sewn together in unity.

Some may try to rip us apart
Fray us at the edges.

But we are of one kind Human
Kind, and our Stripes will forever
Flow in the winds of time.
 Apr 2015
SE Reimer

in drops and drips
her palette tips,
a mem'ry full of
kaleidoscope tricks
its tumbling skips;
this is morning glory
at their best.
once at attention
she stands now
at color-filled rest,
unfurling her glory,
tell her your story;
she’ll drink in your weeping
sharing with others
in manifold colors
all of these losses,
your sorrowful world,
spreading her palette of tears,
colors a'running astray.
those tears can't really
be wiped away;
there's more where
that came from, dear...
a boat load of color
to drown in and smother;
beauty-filled dripping,
til finally the
balance is tipping
the other way;
and for just a bit
there as she sits
the river that ran
in colorful brilliance
is dried up,
and *******,
and only then is she
able to stand up
another day.
she is mourning glory!
still here on earth,
her feet firmly planted,
but awaiting the end
of her color-filled story,
and wondering...
will she ever
find that treasure
she once held so close,
this side of heaven?
she may have to settle
to weep with the flowers;
passing her hours,
one sunset closer
to her forever;
her bouquet of scent
drifts away... spent,
one flower fading
slowly is trading
at color-filled dusk;
she’s mourning glory,
her colors returning
to dust.


*post script.

this, these lines, are not quite as they started out,
not what i thought it was meant to be...
but then life... it never is, is it?

"with hope" by Steven Curtis Chapman:
 Apr 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
Break the time like the twisted tins
on the shack
which had broken at the time of tornado
Squeeze out of the truth
As the juice of the fruits

The old saying
but the truth
Forcibly changed history
Erase from the mind
understand that false

The poem on the torn page
piece set of words
blowing together as a new blend
Just like the Rubik cubes to match
with wit and strategy

Man I
Still hidden inside
Persist - for defeat - burn and broken
Wrath - dreams breaking tension
Anger - failure to prove myself worthy of
Huff - your aloof exit
Boast - a liking to thee,
            love for getting

- The ability to be able to still speak of love
Like to wandering away from the land of Stars
For no reason
@Musfiq us shaleheen
first it has to be said that

the swallows are back here,

down over the dunes.

cutting through sand,

walking through time,

deep  paths

show layers

of blood.

he talked of lizards, he talked of wood,

the size and fear of endearment.

he was many men,

he is one.

the tin hut stands empty,

revisited often.

the swallows are back.

 Apr 2015
K Balachandran
Morning light, without fail tells me something new, about you!
Each day adds some more in my story book about your love,
Some little thing, makes me think about invisible you each moment.
What do I do other than being possessed by you, in spirit, body and mind.
Ever  imagined a love in which body would never figure
yet the ecstasy is beyond anything one can compare,
one reaches there  only lifted by the wings of meditation..
She sends her love
She sends her love down
into the Mother
that holds her dearly
pressed deep within layers
crystalline veins
become fingers of light

beneath the surface
precious stone
purple points of symmetry
down through darkness so dark
ancient dreams she remembers
She sends Her Heart
Heart Pure

She sends her love
She sends her love down
into the Mother  
that holds her dearly
millenniums of rotation
meld together in perfect form
full, round and firm

layers upon layers of
bones, stones n' trees
leaves laden with mud
pressed dense n' deep
beneath the surface
orbs of precious stone
purple points of symmetry

crystalline veins
become fingers of light
tunnels of silver
copper and gold
milleniumms of rotation
meld together in perfect form
full, round and firm

stones trees n' bones
mud laden with leaves    
pressed deep n' dense  
down through darkness so dark
ancient dreams She remembers
She sends her Heart
Heart Pure

fingers of light
the Warm Core  
Beating Heart of the Mother


Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
She Sends Her Love
A Mantra
 Apr 2015
Rainbows cross the silent sun,
The full moon lingers on the horizon still,
The comet has come.

The Earth stands still,
A cosmic event unfolds,
The winds are silent now,
The Earth beholds us here,
Wondering what it is we are doing.

The last woman standing
sinks to her knees,
Her tears to the soil falls,
A flowering life unfolds,
Ancient cycles perish,
New intelligence begins,
We behold what we have wrought
What we can create.

A cloud forms into a giant question mark
across the vast skyway,
Eyes seek answers
Time stands still
we still don't know why.

As a chorus
we all sing our song
love emerges
in a single sound
stillness echoes
peace is finally found.
Steve's 180th Hippie dream of peace.
Earth Day
 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
My words
Deepest feelings
From the soul
With every drop
Of ink
Is the chasm
Between me
and blank pages
Crossing over
To dwell
Among the lines
Are the meanings
 Apr 2015
Amitav Radiance
Her soul was clenched in the hands of distress
The feeble screams were reverberating in the dungeon
Not even the faintest light were allowed to entertain her
Till her soul regained the power to scream
Only her soulmate in distant land could hear it
As everyone was oblivious of her agony and suffering
Defying all odds, the soulmate reclaimed his Love*

© Amitav (Radiance)
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