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 May 2018
Cecil Miller
The ageless plight of persistant awakening,
Thoughts protruding into my every day,
The restless inner noise of ruminations,
Rustling windy bow-quaking wispers,  remain.

The restling of memory spurs a conversation with the past
Concerning things I have done,
As I recourse for resolution within the recollection.
I'm just playing around with a bit of alliteration this morning. I figure the proverbial inner monologue is just as good a topic as any.
 Dec 2016
Cecil Miller
I am a town wherein nobody lives.
The residences have long sense been vacated.
The "Cah-caw" of the crow crying ******
Echoes through the crevices of my skeletal structures.
I am alone,
With only the tumbleweeds to move me.
First draft of a poem I am working up. No title, yet.- (artists are more prolific at night, I guess.)
I will probably include it as an opening spoken word stanza to a longer progressive  art rock concept I envision.
 Feb 2016
This is supposed to be a poem,
Ill get round to it..
 Dec 2015
Cecil Miller
Seeds for birds, and seeds for me. 
Seeds that grow for me a tree.
Nature grows, and flows, is free;
As the way I share my seeds.
More from my poetic banterings
 Dec 2015
Cecil Miller
Yonder burns the vigil,  that beacon that guides me ever closer to the hearth where I once lain the burden of my  innocence with another on that faux bare skin rug. If only I could reclaim it, but only to surrender it again.
I was bantering some poetric quips with a buddy last night. I really dig when that happens. Poetry is its own beautiful language.
We know what we want to pin up,
But not sure what to pin down.
 Nov 2015
Richard j Heby
waternlight mixd = god and spite
Do you feel frightened?
Or enlightened?
 Nov 2015
Cecil Miller
Wherefore art the shadows chased
Far into the recesses of the past?
The world is sans perception
With them wilted into retreatment.
Thither - they that matter.
All else exist for their splendor.
I long to see them frolic, once again,
As did that wild lorneful and youthful creature,
When I was he.
I hope you like it. 11-10-2015
 Nov 2015
Hanna Mae Mata
There is no such thing
as a bad writer,
just one who isn't sad
- not sad enough.
 Oct 2015
Mike Essig
god made stars
for starving poets

when they look up
they forget
how hungry they are

 Jun 2015
Cecil Miller
I don't believe in Cain and Abel.
It is, like, a fairy tale; a fable.
If the world had no glocks,
We could defend ourselves with rocks.
I was sporting with fb friends about a sign that cited the first credited ****** in the world in the gun control debate. I wanted to respond in a cute way. Is bringing up the idea of ****** really a good idea when beseeching to have less gun control?
 May 2015
Cecil Miller

Alpha-Omega is with you, and bids you go forward with a patient but steady momentum.
Keep yourself to the Old Truth.
Your work
Is that of the seasons which are cyclical as the wheels of your sowing and reaping contraptions.
This ancient charm, called the Sator square, was used to ward off bad fortune, and to heal the sick. It has many otber uses. In this piece, I offer my interpretation, an affirmation of the simplistic old faith. It was often used by christians and pagans to heal sick animals like beasts of burdon or domestic pets.
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