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 Aug 2017
phil roberts
Protected by a suit of dreams
And armed with a smile
He came out of nowhere
And went his own way

Seemingly believing nothing
And walking in no-one else's footsteps
He follows no rules without reasons
But he knows right from wrong
And he knows that's what matters

In a world of easy hypocrisy
Where compassion is stifled by fear
And belief is a reason to hate
To hate and destroy other beliefs
He goes his own way

                              By Phil Roberts
 Jul 2017
Ma Cherie
do you hear me now,
my beautiful beating heart?

I have sought
so erroneous before
so please-
tell me how we start?

oh sweet
transcendent love
my nameless
hear me sky above
because to find you is my duty,

you are the fibre of my life
the reason I am here
the stitching through the strife
I so want to hold you near

oh my pulse
how it now quickens
at the thought of your sweet touch
an how every breath I take
I am loving you so much

you are the meaning
in my death
an so the reason for my birth
you are the draw
of every breath
and in what my life is finally worth

I couldn't see you before now
I was lost
within the dark
but you are the light within
the light,
I so need your lovely spark

you are my inner poet- bard
my poet laureate
an as we get ourselves in touch
we shall know our glory yet

you are the incentive to the stars
why I look above -my sky
where I circle
in hopes to hear your cry

an I will love you always
until the day I die,

you are the heart that matches mine
an the calm within the storm,
in the center of the "eye"
where together we'll transform

into divine potential
that we were always meant to be
an thankful forevermore
for this gift of being set so free.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Huh?! I love it about finding your love within and externally. I'm still looking externally but I am a free spirit- finally realized this lol  the one we seek is internal love ;which equals self love and also love for all things and people? Hmmmm lol Reading philosophy this morn
Love you all x - Ma © 2017
 Jul 2017
K Balachandran
fire ant performs
acrobatics, on a leaf,
pauses for applause!
 Jul 2017
Hazel Redwood
Black void
deep thoughts
Not even the wind
The air stiffling
as I breathe.
Thoughts diminishing
Peace. Silent.Free
One of my older poems... Written about 3 years ago..
 Jul 2017
....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee

No man an island
yet we stand with brand
in hand, waiting
to set set alight all bridges
as we make our stand
for ourselves
over our fellow man.

We stand and watch as
killers ****, then
turn the channel
seeking the next
momentary thrill.

Less and less we involve
ourselves with others
in a meaningful way
we are more likely
to be engaged in
digital play
as we die
a little more
each solitary day

If it sounds
like I am preaching
it is because  I am

More to myself
than others
but then again
perhaps I am reaching
to you and others like
to those who understand

the carillion is a ringing
that, the sounds of bells
are stealing up upon us
as we ignore calamity to play,
tetris and zombie clan

"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated.**

we the poets of consciousness,  
are the translators ....
of the thoughtless thoughts
and long lost creeds

we are the heart that cries
as this world bleeds
from razors cuts
by the many thousands,

we are the recorders of the deeds
both small and large
important an seemingly insignificant.

scribes and libraians we be both
noting written word and oral oath
we partake, we give to all
but at our best we are the accord
of action and thought, deed and word

so that we reflect upon
ourseleves and others
the joy, the hate,
the hurt, the succour
the wonderment and ease,
the love and loving care
we make the hard easier to bear
we make the horrible, we make crazy
we have the ability to make the hard person care
those in despair hope...those at the end of themself
reach once more for the dangling rope

we are the fabric, the paper
on which this world is printed
we are the old gold coin
and the newly minted

we are islands with bridges between
we are understanding,
between commoner and queen

we are those who stand ready
to extinguish harmful flame
yet we are those to set hearts alight
we are those who call others
away from the game
and into the heart of the heart
into cognizant frames

we are listeners
and bell ringers both
we refine the languages
we create the quotes

we are the fresh morning
we are the new start....
Quotes taken from Devotions upon emergent occasions and seuerall steps in my sicknes - Meditation XVII, 1624: John Donne

Those who know this poem will realise I have used the quotes out of sequence, please forgive me this..
 Jul 2017
In a world
where words
breaks and mends
  -- trust and hearts
questions are better than tears
what ifs are better than fears
That feeling...
It's like, an escape, delusions, illusions..
 Jul 2017
James Floss
Isn’t fiction
It’s great
Things grate
I surmise
To hydrolyze,
A basic strife,
Gives us life.
What seems mystical
Is really chemical.
To life!
 Jul 2017
Valsa George
In my yard stands a tree
tall and sturdy
lone like a hermit,
regal like an empress
her roots dug deep
her branches touching the heavens
peeking behind the skies veil
She has a coy dalliance with the Wind
Sometimes he comes tickling
her tender parts, whispering
sweet nothings in her ear
Overall she is still
like waters without ripples

She stands upright
brooding over the saga of struggle
from a sapling to a towering giant
Indeed a tryst with destiny!

Under the summer sky
braving the smarting beams
she remained uncomplaining.
Below the thundering clouds
bearing a thousand needle ******
she stayed nonchalant.
When the wind swept across
bending her branches in all directions
she stood on firm feet unwavering.

She tells a tale of struggle and survival
She had stood there before I was born
Now she displays every scar and every stripe
on her knotted bark as a proud trophy

Sometimes I feel her pain
when wet and dripping in pouring rain
or scorched in the sun’s fiery rage
Yet she holds an umbrella over all
who come to her in sun and rain
This is a poem to highlight the beauty of trees and to show how they are important to each one of us.... Also the need to be like trees giving shade and shelter to others, holding an umbrella over many heads!
 Jul 2017
L Seagull
Ego is full of words
Peace is speechless
It has nothing to prove
It accepts pain with a smile
And thanks the Earth
For the gift of feeling
When choosing between acceptance and disillusionment remember the pure state of unknown. Life envelops by some grand scenario. I chose to have faith in it.
 Jul 2017
Traverse pyroclastic star fire into super nova force speeds
Packed full of adrenaline where the heart of the universe breaths
Barely enough time for a simplistic five senses to absorb
Vivid ether and experience only a consciousness can store
For the tactile sensations are dynamically built within us
Confusing human shells slow to evolve for floods of stimulus
Riding a constant high of something always quite unseen
Never very sure debating between reality and a dream
So we drift as if we were all perfectly awake
In most grim hours where a soul is often give or take
Every person in our life is there for a reason
Whether for a day, a few months, or several seasons
Failing to find proper weight to fit the measure
That every single moment shared is a galaxy of treasure
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