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look inside my eyes
see the pain that grows inside
see the tears that now have dried
see the hurt that i have to hide
see the bags under my eyes
from sleepless nights
and late night fights

see all the stress
that bubbles in my head
wanting it all out
want to scream and shout
break a glass or two
lock myself in my room
cried another night
another sleepless night

woke up with sadness
as i cry some tears in bed  
laying there crying
again i rest my head
doubting my day today
should i even bother to pray
for it never came true
to come home one day
not feeling so blue

depressed with this life
how on earth do i avoid all the strife
when my temper runs away
i feel like i should be dead straight away
never knowing how to say
leave me alone
just go away
for my voice tends to leave
every time i dont believe
that im ever important today
or every time i have a bad day

so when you all say
pick yourself up dont delay
think about what I say
as i dry my tears away
for this sadness never ends
i feel so alone
never having friends
the only thing that comforts me
is the warmth within my sheets
so when you live like me for a day
tell me then what you would say
for my life is really bad
its really dark
its really sad
so when i say its hard
dont think im just saying it
for the truth is here to see
i will never ever be free
believe ir or deceive it i dont really care. but those are my feelings. that are on your screen right there!
Dreams tell me everything I will ever need to know.
Come one its time to go
Time to leave all behind

You did your best…
As sincerely as you could
Worry not, cause no one cares
No one’s seen the scar, the wound
Gaping hole in your heart so big
The emptiness that has returned to hound

Bother not, for no one loves
Its in your mind..
People like you don’t deserve
that second chance that life can give

Move on, its over
Tell yourself, Wake yourself
Cause its past time, you moved on
and left the dust behind
Let it settle and you will see
Only memories of a dimmed out mind

Bury yourself, cause there are places to hide
Wear a mask, as you always did
Of a cheerful exterior and go back to what you did
Where you found your inner strength

Focus, cause its no use
Its not coming back and you have far to go
Life’s not over, till it happily slides past the shore
Where you’ll come to rest
your burdens galore

Can you tell anyone what you feel?
Can you tell anyone who you are?
Can you explain, why it is you?
Can you think of a way to get out?

Then, I say, again get up!
cause its no use, being stuck in the past
Being stuck with this state
You can’t battle it out
So make the most of it
Channel, your love to the ones who need
There are so many aching for a kind word you see
Where your words will not rebound on empty hearts
Where your words will sink in hungry souls
Waiting for a smile a hug and unconditional love

Come on, let’s go
See they are beckoning
A world yet undiscovered
Don’t stay back, stuck in the throes of pain
When you can find, new hope, new light again
Where the sun shines bright
Where the darkness will fade and bring glorious light
Where you can beam and meet a thousand smiles
You only need to find that fight
make it worthwhile till it lasts
So get up move your body
Get up before its late
Don’t give up before this fate
Cause I want to live
and you can’t take
That right I have
For I am a part of you
A force greater than you
Yet you’ve weighed me down
So I say, I want to live I want to survive
Throw me not away for a love that could not survive…..
The struggle of the spirit over the flesh….This is my spirit beckoning my body to forget the pain and move on..2 different identities of me  clashing! One with hope and one without
I look at you and see.

a person look at me,
unsure of what she’ll be,
she assumes her eyes deceive.

Won't listen to her vision
Misconception for a livin.
Her perception isn't vivid.
Opinions become twisted.

Confused but she believes
that she’s better as a we.

Singular is scarier,
than living life naive.

Oh the things she could achieve,
success and reach her dreams.

*But dreams start *inside that heart worn on your sweater sleeve
We never know how fast we're dying
We never know how hard we're crying
You never know how when I lie awake
I think of things that make me quake
We never know how tired father time is
We never know when mother nature's time ends
We never know anything
We never know who someone truly is
We never know anything at all. I wonder such serious things at times. That's what depresses me so deeply.
For some reason I have aged
than the normal human race would.

I am older than any human alive.
I am older than the trees grounded to earth by their roots
and the purest water that flows in a place no being has ever discovered.
I am older than Christ
I am older than dinosaurs
I am older than earth itself.

But normally when people ask me, I make it simple by thinking up a random number such as 
you could say I look
for my age, but all I can see when I look in the mirror is

— The End —