Poems are known to be depressing And that is the truth Everyone knows it Everyone has written one.
I will admit I have written several It just makes you feel like you are doing something more productive than wallowing in self pity But what about the happy ones?
The ones that instead of making you shed a tear Make you smile from ear to ear. The ones that rhyme and talk about a love that's lasted the length of time.
The ones that make you warm And in your stomach butterfly's swarm And everything seems colorful and life is plentiful.
The ones that talk the greatness of life O'how grand it is and always has been. How possibilities are endless and Dreams can come true.
But there are naysayers But there are people who prefer darkness But there are people who despise light But they don't need to twist your thoughts.
Their thoughts can drag you down with them They can twist our minds. But.
Get rid of the negative thoughts. Try bringing them up with you Show them lightness and how if you dream hard enough The sun can shine!
you are in most of my of my poems, how about we fast forward to the part when you're mine and you are more than i thought you were and we are both happy.