Pass the potatoes, the stuffing and sauce
If you don't do it soon I'll reach right across
You've been cooking for days and I still haven't eaten
I tried that one time but you gave me a beaten
Wooden spoons hurt, by the way, you should know
There's a black and blue mark that shows every blow
Carve up the turkey while drinking the wine
Wait there's two turkeys, I've been drinking since 9
There are rolls in the oven, I think I smell smoke
Now there's a fire, I'm starting to choke
Open the windows, open the doors
Turn on the fans and out the smoke pours
You'll tell this story every year, I would bet
Somehow when I'm stupid, you never forget
But I guess its OK, it makes everyone chuckle
Like when Grandpa is full and he loosens his buckle
Let's not forget why we're having this meal
All the love in the room, and how happy we feel
So much love in this room with plenty to share
May it reach out and spread, to all, everywhere
I hope some of you can relate to this and it makes you smile!