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If you asked me
To use one word to describe myself...

There are quite a few
Words to describe me

Sad is just one
Fake is another

I'm a liar, that's true
I'm naïve, that too

I'm pathetic, I know
I'm tense, don't go with the flow

I'm stupid and lazy
And probably crazy

I'm lost as can be
I'm ugly, you can see

I worry too much
And shy from kind touch

I'm frightened and scared
I'm sure no one's ever cared

But you asked for one word
Only one word

So my question for you is
What's a word for
The opposite of perfection?

Because that's your answer
I'm not sure why I started rhyming in the middle....
You ask me
If I've considered suicide
Like I'm actually going to answer

I mean,
What would I say?

Yeah that's all I think about
Put me on piles of medicine
So I can be crazy
As well as sad

But let me tell you
I most definitely
Have considered it

I've got the perfect tree picked out

It's got the perfect branch
For hanging yourself
There's a rope already attached

Or if you prefer,
It's easy to climb
You could always just jump

These are two options
But wait,
I've got more

There's a lake out back
It smells bad
But you could definitely still drown

Or better still,
There's a great knife in the kitchen
Really thin blade
But it's super sharp
For minimum pain
And maximum blood

Yet still,
There's more

I've got duct tape in the basement
You could make yourself suffocate

Of course,
You could use your pillow for that

There are the long ways

You could starve yourself
Sleep deprivation

So Mr.
"Psychological Doctor,"
I don't know...

Would you say I've thought about suicide?
Why do they even ask?
understanding that my mistakes have been mistaken for lessons,
lessons that do nothing but make me look bad.
because everyone wants a say in what you do, and how you do it.
what you say and how you say it.

you announced you have a point,well your points have became pointless.
I will go through this process.
that I may make intense progress.
I don't care if you think less,of me.

they always tend to notice all the bad you do,
they want you to be happy,
but they put all the sad in you.
I clap my hands at the audience of ridicules.
for they have took the very dreams I pursued.

open up your mind.
for you have already became blind,
to your eyes.
is it me or life you utterly despise?

I am walking on my heart,
and if I had known from the start,
that this pain would take its own toll
I'd be up and out on a roll.
we are changing
and yet,
we haven't changed at all.
 Jun 2015 Carlique King
From your lips
Drips a melody,
Every word you speak
Sings to me,
Your voice rings
In its flawless key,
Our tongues entwine
In harmony.
Happy birthday, baby. I love you.
By Quinfinn & AB

AB:Freedom Of Speech,
No longer free,
We're all the same (Person)
Different colors,
Come in packs,
There are others,
Judging covers,
Crazy personalities,
Talking in third (Person)
Minus beautiful necessities,
For faithful lovers,
Damaged memories,
Just like the next (Person)
Got it just as bad as you,
What a feeling,
To be high,
Loving life,
Exploring miles,
And not killing a (Person),
Swear its petty,
Keep it steady,
You and me are not the same (Person)
Moving on to better things,
Wedding rings,
Changing things,
Making moves,
But you'd rather be a stupid (Person)
Getting into drugs , royal rugs,
Should be spreading love,
Get to know a familiar (Person)
To lead you on the right path,
Coming back , take another drag,
To know the facts man!
Swear you're not that (Person)
That people use to see you as,
You were a blessing,

♦ Wouldn't look good for your character,
That's why I keep to myself,
Put a barrier around myself,
Would not live to let another human being break my health,
Limits ****,
And so does unfairness,
Not believing your awareness,
I'm aware,
That you'll swing it out of the park,
And into the window of ignorance,♦

WSQF: what cost...freedom?
is it not free?
no...neither are we.
what color is humanity?
are we not all alike?
no....we who judge a man by the skin he wears
care not for the heart within...seeing only projected lies
created by fear and ignorance.
define insanity...
what is real and what is not?
we are the third person
you are the first
i am the first
there is no second except what society dictates
what needs employ hatred, anger , fear? should be all...collectively..we are the one
we are not wild dogs...loving is human and animal,
but not a wild animosity, not a purge of wisdom
loving is dignity, intelligence, fidelity...oneness
too easily, humanity loses its memory
we are obsessed with personal gain, while we lose our souls
unemployed by design, the very few enslaving the many
what hath man's interpretation of god wrought?
all of the same genes, the same skin, the same gene pool
are we, brothers and sisters all....the same living, dying membrane are we
where there are walls and bridges, we lose ourselves,
our collective consciousness
raising our younglings to hate and fear upon the dictates 
of societal and class grudgery and vain apathy....greed.
man's only limits are those he is bred to believe
awareness is light and we are not sheeple....we are people
awake humanity with the light of reason and empathy and education.....of self worth, of dignity, of love
break the stained glass of slavery, ignorance and oligarchy of fear....
arise, humans and embrace the light of love
live together, enrich each other....find one the whole and the one....

♦ Wouldn't look good for your character,
That's why I keep to myself,
Put a barrier around myself,
Would not live to let another human being break my health,
Limits ****,
And so does unfairness,
Not believing your awareness,
I'm aware,
That you'll swing it out of the park,
And into the window of ignorance,♦
I just hope you like this very creative display that me and Quinn has beautifully made for you I hope that you only see positive through all words and take the words and use Them to make the World a very positive and unruined block of love.
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