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Smiling is so overrated
And so is shedding tears

If I smile then I'm fake
If I cry then I'm weak

I will lock away all my emotions
And be the broken shadow no one notices
Maybe if I'm strong enough
I'll break away
From this world

Maybe if I'm thin enough
I'll slip through the cracks
And be free

Maybe if I cut enough
I'll bleed the bad out
And be happy for once

Maybe if I try enough
It will actually be okay
Not fake like now

Maybe if I cry enough
I'll make an ocean of tears
And swim away

That moment when your brain betrays your heart

It happens in slow motion

and all you can do is watch.
These moments are not easily forgotten
Keep your friends close
But your enemies closer

It's a good rule
But here's a better one:

If you want to survive
Keep 'em all at least
An arms' length away

Because if you let them in
When they leave
And they will leave

It just might **** you
I know from experience
Dear old best friend,

I am fine without you
Things are going well
I'm fine
Really I am
I don't need you


P.S. Everything above was totally a lie

P.S. I'm so not fine

P.S. I miss you

P.S. I need you

P.S. This pain is killing me

P.S. I loved you

P.S. When I said goodbye I meant it

P.S. Tell the world I'm sorry

P.S. I'm leaving now

P.S. Please stop me if you care
No I'm not committing suicide
To make a poem is simple
All you need is

Nights of tears
A bit of blood
A lot of pain
A touch of peace
Heaps of feelings

All you need is

Pure exhaustion

All you need is

A whole load of

Then when that explodes
Out of your body
You just need to somehow direct
All of it onto
A piece of paper

That's how you make poetry
Not that I would really know.... To all the true poets, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be cocky by assuming that I can write poetry. I know that I can't, I'm just trying to summarize how I write, no matter how bad it is
You were miserable and alone
Barely holding on

Then I came into your life
And I see now its only harder

That you're more miserable just
Not as alone

I was a mistake.
You deserve better than me...
Sorry I wasnt good enough for either of us
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