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 Dec 2015 Brianna
 Dec 2015 Brianna
Kiss me.
I dare you.

I almost know
it wouldn't be smart,
yet I can't help
but be drawn
to your

Let me drown.
I dare you.

Let me drown
in the warmth
of your arms,
weighted down only
by knowing
what's to come.

Hold me close.
I dare you.

Make me want
nothing more
than the weight
of your body
against mine.

Don't let me go.
I beg of you.

When all I have left
is the memory of

trembling lips,

starry eyes,

beating hearts,
heavy breaths,

I'll wish
I dared
not to love you.
 Nov 2015 Brianna
Hanna Mae Mata
I wonder if I tilt my head a bit on the side,
so my jaw would be angled just right,
so my nose would be touched nicely by shadows,
so my eyes would spark to lure the light-
I wonder if I walk a few steps towards, perhaps a few steps back-
I wonder if some type of arm stretch, or head rest-
will make you ask for my number.
And you- a fine sculpt of a man
do not need to do any but breathe then,
to have it.
 Nov 2015 Brianna
 Nov 2015 Brianna
I'm a admire of art
loving you
was my masterpiece.
The brush strokes
I couldn't
a beautiful picture.
feedback is greatly appreciated. thank you
 Nov 2015 Brianna
Everything I saw in you
I don't see anymore

Everything that was once there
Is missing from your core

Your smile
Not so radiant

Your eyes
Don't sparkle or shine bright

The way your arms enveloped me
The way you use to hold me tight

These things now bring me nightmares
They cause my suffering

And now that you have left me here
You will be the death of me

I'm trying hard to let you go
But you never seem to leave

Staying in the back of my mind
Haunting my thoughts, always bringing them back to you
I think this explains how I'm feeling but I'm not quite sure....
 Nov 2015 Brianna
W Winchester
Hot like matches,
bright with heat

Fiery candles
lining the street

Warm to the touch,
full of hot air

You and I were
not meant to repair

Where we ended
is all we could be

Like a match,
you and me

We were temporary.
And don't you dare think we were anything more.
 Nov 2015 Brianna
W Winchester
I have no idea what to say. I don’t know what I believe in.

I do know what I don’t believe in, though.

I don’t believe in god. Or any salvation, really.
I don’t believe in sheltering opinions and coddling students. I don’t believe in censorship.
I don’t believe in the idea that we should teach by word of mouth instead of leading by example. I don’t believe in hitting children as a form of discipline.
I don’t believe in authority that abuses power in order to **** anything in their way.
I don’t believe in searching through your daughters text messages to find out if she’s in trouble in place of fostering a relationship that allows open communication with her so that she doesn’t need to hide.
I don’t believe in hanging threats over people’s heads in lieu of the things they have done when they were a different person.
I don’t believe in kicking people while they’re down by telling them that “someone somewhere out there has it much worse than you do.”
I don’t believe in hurting for everyone equally at the same time.
I don’t believe in painting my nails purple.
I don’t believe in vegetable juice.
I don’t believe in veganism.
I don’t believe in paprika or leprechauns either.
Hell, I don’t really believe in anything– and that, I can believe.
Originally a class assignment, but I feel like it belongs here too.
 Nov 2015 Brianna
Zaynub Elshamy
You need nothing but your smile
no cares, no worries, no style

As we venture out on an escapade
to ensure that our dreams never fade

Walk, talk, laugh and love
nothing else but heaven above

We roll in the clover,
one under, one over

We dare to caper away together
we don't even stop to notice the weather

When it starts to rain, we don't care
we giggle and find some cover to share

Oh, and when the night comes rolling in
that's when we know what this day has been

If but once in a while, we can take a chance
going off to explore in our lover's dance

Then we can suffer the days apart
knowing there's no end to what we let start
 Nov 2015 Brianna
 Nov 2015 Brianna
The air isn’t crisp for November
but it’s still soup and brown bread,
shivering **** on the terrace.

It’s dark at half four, but it’s still
not fast to throw my coat on.
Stopping and smacking the closed library’s door.

The rain’s hissing off the new tarmac
making clouds that my breath won’t.
But it’s still no sun, and old makeup washed off.

There’s no slush,
but there’s brown leaf sludge.
There’s ten thousand prospective students on campus.

There’s a panic. An anticipation of exams
and Christmas shopping.
But it’s still quiet nights and used teabags.
 Nov 2015 Brianna
Dripping peach juice down our chins,
chasing each other in the fiery sunset.

Veins popping out of your arms
begging something I couldn't quite make out....

You would draw me.
My body blown up on the big screen,
my curves soft like the smoke you were blowing out of your mouth.

The ***** videos,
followed by the sweet ones,
the ones with the sun in my hair,
our laughter electric as we fell down the rabbit hole.

The spray paint we dropped on the roof
as we ran from the sirens in the distance.

Electric, electric, you are my electricity.
No one can catch us if we float on air.

You said
"will you be my girl, will you be bad for me?"
And I slid down the slide, my legs scraping the mulch.
"For you babe. And you only."

The curve of your spine against my arm.
The freckles on your back,
the fine hairs on your neck pressing into my lips.
The warmth.
The light coming through the blinds,
your face illuminated.

You throwing up under the streetlights,
windows fogged, sleepy eyes saying:
cmon love lets just make it home.
Everything is gonna be okay, the police are gone..
Cut your losses, let's make it home.

Christmas trees in bay windows,
we watched them jingle.

I would leave love letters under your pillow,
in your car, whisper them to you as you drove.

You're a magic man.

And in your boxes- your hidden treasures..
I would stare at them until you set me under another spell..

Your dark hair wrapped up in my fingers..
Another sunset.

Asleep in the back of your jeep,
in the middle of the woods,
river water burning my throat.
Listening to you *****-
always vomiting,
always kissing.

Peach juice dripping.
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