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 Dec 2015 Brian Fahey
Amy Perry
I love you,
Wildly, silently,
Imitating it's idly,
Displaying my affection quietly.

Timid, I am, of course.
Enjoying our discourse.
And everything you are,
I'm so heavenly immersed -

Yes, in your quirky quarks from quasars,
Running its benevolent course.

Still, inside, I thirst.
To let you know,
I'm yours.

Lost in a loving serge. . .

With quarks from the hottest starburst.
 Dec 2015 Brian Fahey
Sarah Spang
I am
Nothing more
Than a bag of bones.
My rib cage
Is a prison you rend
In twain, tear the mesh,
And sift fruitlessly through.
I am
An empty shell
You discarded;
All unraveled ends
And frayed edges.
I am
Orange peels
Carrying the essence
Of something sweet
As an echo of scent
And color-
-I will
Return to the earth
And start again.
Sorry for the long hiatus, been busting my **** to make a dent in some school loans, but I promise to post a bit more consistently. Thank you to the people who emailed and asked me to continue.

To make a small donation if you enjoy my poetry, visit my GoFundMe:
 Oct 2015 Brian Fahey
Amy Perry
The sultry subtlety of bird-song;
The beating of Nature's gong;
The ambiance of nothing-gone-wrong. . .
Peace does exist where
birds belong.
 Oct 2015 Brian Fahey
Be careful what you accept in love...
It may shape the entire affair
There is no Changing once it's the habit...
Don't take less and then expect more....
Acceptance may change how you feel...

 Sep 2015 Brian Fahey
Sarah Spang
Behind closed eyes
Across plum fields
of dream and memory
The scarlet sky
Draws far and wide
Above the cyan sea

There on my back
In turquoise grass
Pressed tight against the earth
My searching ears
Catch distant cheers
Of gulls caught in the surf.

And there above
The rising sun
Is like a tangerine
Drizzling sweetness
On and down
To soak me while I sleep
 Sep 2015 Brian Fahey
Sarah Spang
The dragon looms before him
With waiting wanting jaws
And with its talon-ed fingertips
It grasps him in its claws.

Together forever, blissfully
They soar up and away
He doesn't know he's falling
As the dragon flies away

And every time he hits the ground
And gasps in disbelief
The pain drags on until the dragon
Offers him relief

One day, wings will carry you
Beyond what you can take
Those soothing claws will let you fall
And crush you when you break.
 Aug 2015 Brian Fahey
I'm sorry* are just two words you can say
but as she says them she releases her prey
picks up a knife, reopens her scars and bleeds out her life.
As she's bleeding she drops the weaponry and mumbles *Goodnight.
 Aug 2015 Brian Fahey
Losing people,
for me,
is a constant cycle.
No one ever sticks
I never knew it'd
end like this.
So tell me, now is it my turn to be a Jellyfish? I may extend this later.
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