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She was a spider
who spun and spun
webs of lies
which grew bigger and bigger
until all her fine spider legs
got entangled
she could breathe no more
and her web became her world
until she weaved her own undoing
strangled by the threads of untruths
This is for a friend I truly care about who got addicted to lying she doesn't even know who she is anymore.
My fingers played the piano to the beats I have never known,
It rhymed in it's perfecting beauty as it echoed in our crystal halls.
Yet a question harped in my mind as I touched the piano for the first time.
Is it my mind that knows of the lyrics of what to become or has it always been my heart that sings of you.
His kisses were long and soft.
They were softer than the carnations he got her everyday.

But Alas ! Those kisses were false and those carnations were imaginary.
She looked at the watch as she tallied the last account for the day.

His existence was unknown and their love was unfound. She removed his picture which she had lovingly pinned on the wall.

Heavens cry and clouds sing,
She got the prince but she lost the ring.

They never found his dead body.
She still remembers how he chose the carnations for their wedding reception.
Goodbyes never hurt me
It's always the memories that follow
To live in such a cruel reality
A world so insensitive and shallow

A goodbye is just a moment
But the memories are stuck on replay
To think we deserve such torment
We remember each and every day

A goodbye will not hurt you
But the memories will shatter your being
Break your heart into pieces
Your life may even lose meaning

Goodbyes do not hurt you
They are only the beginning
A life that was once so simple
Turned into a life so unforgiving
He was ready when they came to take him
stepped out to the day as in a dream
and with a face unmourningly serene
entered the waiting palanquin!

How quickly passed his seventy years
he felt having spent not a year even
now on a ride on the bearers’ shoulders
his lips moved in prayer to heaven!

His heart was not weighed with grief
but a resignation deep and tranquil
there comes a day one has to leave
preordained by kind God’s will!

That way he had wanted it to be
when death came to knock on the door
would hear him say I am ready
won’t keep you waiting a moment more.

Through the hush when rang last bell
and to the wind his breath was free
echoed through the mourners’ wail
the untamed refrain *I am ready.
Maharaja Nandakumar was hanged on false charges by Warren Hastings. It was a ****** and not execution of justice. Hastings was later impeached by the British Parliament for this crime.
This poem is an adaptation from the eye witness account of Nandakumar’s last moments before his execution on August 5, 1775, recorded by Alexander Macrabie, the then Sheriff of Calcutta.
Nandakumar remained composed through the ordeal up to the gallows.
There's nothing
      More beautiful
   Than discovering
           You might actually
        Be in love

There's nothing
       More heartbreaking
    Than noticing
           You're finally loved
       Yet unable to return it

There's nothing
       More painful
    Than realizing
           You'll never be able
        To truly love again

There's nothing
         More discouraging
     Than remembering
              You've been hurt
          Too many times

And your heart can never
be healed enough to love
as fully as you once did.
From the day the magic of words grabbed your pen,
You have had an ink, an ink that settles any tumult inside.  
Your scarlet ink blots the pages,
Very much like what it does to a million minds.

From the day you’ve learned to walk, you’d rather dance
You’d rather stumble than just tread those awful paths.
Despite the flightless bird that you are, you’d rather fly.
You’d soar higher, for your heart would set the limits and not the sky.

From the day you recognised colours, you’ve been painting the town red.
The canvas has never been blank, even if your life’s been but colourless.
For what are palettes to a mind with such torrent of emotions
Your fears formed the blackness in the painting, your liveliness too garish for the sight.

From the moment love tugged at your heartstrings,
You’ve been but singing all the while.
You’d rather sing without notes than in a voice that would tell you’ve cried.
Your emotions so melodious, you’d drown somewhere softly in the shallow sky.

From the moment you knew of movement, you’d rather run.
You’d run from place to place, all the responsibilities shun.
It was on the day when the drops of sweat smothered your own face,  
and your mind was sore, that you realized *life was not another game.
artist heart emotions
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