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 May 2015 Rachel
georje naïf
I was once a rebel
I did some things I wasn't expected to do
I am a hard headed kid
Don't know how to listen
Don't care if someone will get hurt
Or if someone will be harmed
Then one day I saw my mom cry
And all of a sudden everything's change
I tried hard to be good enough
For my works to be sufficient
For her to be proud of me
For her to be happy
Though it takes so much wounds on me
I took all the risk
Somehow people can change. I thought so
Cause once a Black Sheep
Will always be a **Black Sheep
 May 2015 Rachel
Laken Cooper
Little things* which means nothing to you,
don't you know that it means a lot to me?
Just a simple "Hi." from you,
a simple text message, even if I know that you sent it to others too,
Your gestures, even if it's just a simple one,
don't you know how it makes me smile?
How it makes my heart skip a beat.
Little things that you've done has its big effect on me,
too bad, I'm the only one who likes  the feeling,
the only one who appreciate those little things,
because it's normal to you,
it's your everyday gestures from different girls,
it's your way to make them fall for you
Little things to me means *nothing to you
 May 2015 Rachel
 May 2015 Rachel
My mind is shattered
as emotion tries
to conquer all of
my being.

My mind is malfunctioning
as depression slowly
overtakes it and makes me
believe that I cannot
do anything

My voice is lost
when I see you
because I'm
not what you wanted.

You didn't want some
broken person who
cries when their gender
isn't what is considered
normal some days.

You didn't want some
sad person who
screams at everyone
when life gets

You didn't want someone
like me,
you honestly just didn't want
 May 2015 Rachel
 May 2015 Rachel
Those eyes so mesmerizing,
Deep brown core so paralyzing,
Those lips look breathtaking,
My nerves shoot electrifying.

Arms high looking hot veins,
A body like making you insane,
Two times hotter than butane,
Nothing with him is plain.

His voice raspy and deep,
His smirk with so sweet,
Strumming guitar like heat,
An image you won't delete.
For him,
 May 2015 Rachel
Laken Cooper
Love* is seeing imperfect things perfectly
Their flaws, which catches you,
Their smile, which means nothing to others but means a lot to you,
"Love is blind.", Indeed it is,
Turn-off's and on's isn't a big thing when you're in love,
Just the fact seeing them makes you happy,
makes you smile instantly
foul smells, unpleasant things or anything doesn't matter if you
really love them
I doubt people who says that they already have their true love
Where's the love there?
Love, because he/she looks good? 
Because he/she is rich?
Loving someone despite their flaws and issues is what we called true love
Added by trust, respect and faith are the perfect ingredients to achieve true love,
Just by accepting them in any imperfections that they have will mean a lot.
Bored. Yay.
 Apr 2015 Rachel
georje naïf
You acted like my man
Protecting me when I'm harm
You act like my best bud
Comforting me when I needed to
Then later on I'll be left behind
Watching you to walk away
Walking towards the girl you love
A scenery that really torn my heart into two
I'm confused on the way you act
On the way you treated me
You make me fall
And expecting someone to catch
But my expectation fails, because no one did
I tried to pull you out on my chest
Cause you wreck me a lot
But I guess this is how my fortune goes
Though you hurt me more and more
My love just go deeper
My friends told me to forget about you
Honestly, I tried to
But what else can I do?
If this feeling was stronger than me
Now I'm acting like an idiot
Really don't know how can I forget you
Just to escape on this rail you've done
I'm tired of this *****!
I wanted my heart to take a rest
Of this Heartache I' going through, because of you.
 Apr 2015 Rachel
Laken Cooper
You are lucky,* because you have your parents with you,
some kid out there are longing for their parent's hug, kiss, comfort
which unfortunately they can't have

You are lucky, because you are surrounded by good friends around you,
Have you ever experienced having no one beside you?
having fake people around you,
who claims themselves as the true one but their only purpose is to put you down?

You are lucky, because you can move and see things freely,
How about the people who are uncapable of doing that?
blind* people who can't see the beauty that God has given us,
deaf people who can't express their feelings and so on

You are lucky, because you are given a chance to learn everything,
Poverty hits us, the main thing that is affected is education
Many people wants to learn and you are lucky that you've been given a chance to be one of them

Do you ever think how lucky you are?
But why are we not contented?
Instead of being thankful,
Why do people always crave for something more?

*"Craving is suffering."
We all are lucky, we must appreciate it.
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