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 Apr 2015 Rachel
Laken Cooper
Sometimes what a lonely person need is silence
Where you can think about things freely,
without anyone asking further questions
without anyone judging you
Just yourself fighting with thoughts that's running through your mind.
Silence is the best way to analyze things,
best way to contemplate
Alone no one will ever know
Where you can embrace yourself in
A boy saying I love you
   usually means
I want to sleep with you
and though we girls may forget our selves at times
seem careless or revealing,
    its because we do it
for those magical words to cross our hearts
even when we know they are not true
     we like to think one day they could be so
 Apr 2015 Rachel
BertJane Perez
My life was black and white
A colorless canvas that stood barren
Color was never essential
It was never a necessity of mine.

Yet somehow in my own dull perception
A dot had formed right in the center
A bright dot to say the least...

A peculiar thing I had never seen before
It grew slowly, little by little
A storm of color emerged with each inch
Brown, Yellow, Blue, Purple...
So many different colors

My canvas was no longer colorless
In fact it was the complete opposite.
It was not plain and it was not normal
It was now a work of art.

People gawked at its odd style
Praised it for its unusual strokes
A bizarre spectacle to most
And a quite unexpected transformation for me...

"Who painted this strange piece?"
Before I knew it people were staring at me.
Puzzling eyes that clapped in my direction

"Congratulations on your success"
Words that made me realize I was the painter
I was the one holding the brush
The "******" who painted my own path
The one who put color into my life

"Sign the painting" They all cheered
But now that I know I'm the painter
My work of art is not finished yet
I have unfinished business in my life

I cannot quit now.
Knowing that I still haven't found the right colors
The right mix of red, green or blue to solve my problems
I cannot call this a masterpiece...

My life is still a canvas
But it's not colorless anymore...
 Apr 2015 Rachel
Deepak shodhan
When I see you,
my heart fly high
On gossamer wings through
a cloudless sky!

Dont ignore and escape
from my sight
Every cell of my heart
is waiting to hold you tight!

Loving me is like drinking
a cool cuppa
I'm sure, you'll be loved
back like Newtons third law!

Can an atom be neutral
without proton!??
Baby, be my proton and
let my life neutral!!

Girl, you're awesome you
got me singing those veres
Come into my galaxy
my love is like univers!!

 Apr 2015 Rachel
Laken Cooper
 Apr 2015 Rachel
Laken Cooper
I'm like your shadow,
who's with you anytime and anywhere
But only shown when there is light
Do you really need me to add up in your life?
because when brightness comes my shadow is connected to it
How about in darkness?
You're going to leave me behind?
 Apr 2015 Rachel
georje naïf
I tried to call you so loud
But it seems you didn't hear a thing
I tried to reach you
But you're keeping a distance
I held your hands
But can't feel anything
Now I'm staring you from afar
Cause you're always avoiding me
And that's all I can do
Am I disgusting?
Am I that invisible for you?
Cause you make me feel so **Unwanted

— The End —