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amuba Jan 2019
The things we thrive for,
Premium wine and solid gold;
Old and wise rare, deep to the core;
All in our hands, warm or cold!
Our fate lies in our hands, this very hands are powerful and knows no bounds when we are ready to believe
amuba Jan 2019
I write this small piece
As I sit here and sing
My mood flies and cries
Unknowing the truths or lies
Blocked my vision with your words
Your expectations and your wants

I guess to save myself from this pit
I need to dig a hole something deep
A hole in you and a hole in me
I will fill it with the same thing so that you can see
The same thing I aspire one day to be
And one day we will rejoice the fruit of being free
Let me be free, let me be one, please do not separate me with my vision and yours.
amuba Nov 2018
The dream is big
The tension huge
The stress high
But I have nothing to lose
Me and my goals, deeply fused

In my dream I believe
I will hustle until I see
By my very eyes happening in front of me

I do believe in talent
From the words of successful and wise
which goes
"Talent is Practice in disguise"
In any field in any combat

My dream is big
Nothing else I know
Nothing else but grind and grow
Hey family, hey friends, hey world
To no one I owe

I am done living your dreams
Fulfilling your expectations
Following your rules and regulations
Begging your acceptance and recognition
I am not your slave, no more manipulation

'coz in my dream I believe
I will hustle until I see
By my very eyes happening in front of me

as a side-note:
I have someone who is bigger than all
He is huge, wide and tall
He crush and he growl
He is everything but weak
He is me and he is 'the beast'
Lets dream big and live fully.
amuba Nov 2018
I will ask and I will keep asking
Are you with me or are you me?
If you are why do you keep me dragging
When all I have to do was just "do"

Me, "my" Body and "my" Mind
The word itself signifies they are just my wings
Not actually "me"
Here to make me greater and become a King

So, I will ask and will keep asking
Are you with me or just here as a mere bystander?
'coz there is no room for that when alone 'm grinding
The path defines "who I am" and not "what I have"
I believe I am one, my body and mind are my wings here to help me in my path to become who I want to be. NOT as something to drag us down and give excuses.
amuba Nov 2018
Everything seems different
No clue what changed between us
All the things and meanings bent
Me and my whole body in fuss

Something doesn't feel right
When I touch you and your skin
My heart and my feelings goes for a fight
Something is terribly wrong within

What has changed?
This feeling that I can't manage
Uncontrollable that I have become
I still don't know what is to be done

I hope you are not the same
Please don't be in the same page as me
As the book has this horrible game
I hope you are all good and free

This horrible feeling that is in my gut
I will pull you out one-day be prepared
You make me terrible and everything shut
My mind and my heart, defeat never be declared
Something is really not right in me, within me. And I have no clue how to manage this unless writing it down. Writing is my medicine.
amuba Nov 2018
The dances we do just for the one to attract
The songs we sing we think it would affect
One less moment of boredom from you to subtract
If nothing works we morn and our heads we shake

Useless as they seem to us sometimes
Could be hard if you don't see when we whine
Little things that we do, we believe it's not a crime
Are just for you, to get a little bit of you and your time

If stood for us for our silly little dreams just for once
A pat on the back when we are in doubt
Then my sweetheart I promise you this and it's true
We will offer the whole world to you, just for you
I believe that we all are different and our roles as well. Its just to understand it and each other.
amuba Nov 2018
should I pick myself up
or should I just let it go?
care, wellness and love
with my own tears I wash and glow
this small period of life that I am living
Lord, I want you to let you know
I am tired of this unknown confusions never ending
so please tell me how will I grow?
tell me how will I pick myself up
how will I let it go?
it is a constant battle, when unclear about ourselves everything falls apart and does not make any sense
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