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Goodnight, dear one, the day has passed.
No ray of light is meant to last.
Our time is short, as verse to song.
Goodnight, dear one, you've been so strong.

Goodnight, dear one, eyes closed in peace,
let pain and struggle, at last, cease.
The battle that you fought is done
Goodnight, dear one, at last, you've won.

Goodnight, dear one, you've earned a rest,
for all the lives you've touched and blessed.
While in our thoughts, you're never gone;
goodnight, dear one, we'll carry on.

Goodnight, dear one, but not goodbye,
within our hearts you'll never die.
As precious as our time has been,
goodnight, dear one. We'll meet again.
Gone but never forgotten. I'll love you as long as the universe exists.
Let's not make
our hearts
the graveyard of desires.

Let's mix them with
"reality" and "empathy".

And let's process all
in the environment of "patience".

The byproducts are
"lessons" ~the flowers,
"maturity" ~the fruit,
"peace"~the fragrance,
spreading around..
Just a thought on a lazy Sunday afternoon..
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
What makes you happy?
  Is it the smile of the one you love lying next you, still asleep?
  Or the bittersweet commercial of a loved pet that makes you weep?
  Maybe the look that person you desire gives you that makes you weak?
  Perhaps overcoming that conflict that forced you to your knees?
  A moment in the mirror where you proudly accept what you see?
  Or you laugh and feel genuinely satisfied because for once you feel free?
  Maybe the scars healed over and the pain ceases to be?
  Is it when you can finally do something out of want instead of out of need?
  You can breathe again after years of suffering through grief?
  The love of your life promises to always be there to provide you relief?
  Tell me please
  What makes you happy?
November 6th 2017
Traveling along down that long dusty road
Carrying within a heavy load
You journeyed far as Christ in-dwelt
A warmth that would cause ice to melt
You went forth to Bethlehem: house of bread
With no guarantees only Spirit led
From there he came forth to shine the light
That pierces even the blackest of night
Born in a stable not a place to call your own
But that night love itself came home
Shepherds and wisemen and animals send
Honor to the king as on knees they bend
They came from fields both near and far
Following the radiant wandering star
They pay their respects and you hold it in your heart
Could you have known the truth right from the start?
You son would come to redeem and save
But to do so, he would first be in a grave
Was it quiet and still on the first night was all the world at peace
For we received the presence of the one who frees
As a mother you wrapped him in your loving arms
As a mother you tried to keep him safe from harm
As a mother you danced when he laughed and wept when he cried
You held his body in your arms again when he died
As a mother you walked beside him as he went
You trusted his plan even if you didn’t see at the moment
As a mother you were present and you cared
You comforted your son when he was scared
As a mother, show us your son that we too may know
Him and follow him and likewise grow
May our faith be strong and may it never die
May the well run deep and the living waters never be dry
As our mother, we look to you for compassion and healing
As our mother intercede on our behalf as we are kneeling
Be with us always and give us the grace
To look around us and, everywhere, see Jesus’ face
Bless and protect us and forgive us I pray
As we battle to move forward day by day
To look on love is to gaze at Jesus' face
To start to understand the depth of Amazing Grace
To look on love is to see past the faults to the good within
To still be loved and cherished even when we sin
To look on love we open ourselves to pain and heartache
But to keep pressing on when it's all that you can take
To look on love is to find someone who challenges us to grow
Attuned so well that, when something is amiss, they know
To look on love is to find a true friend; a treasure most precious of all
And when you are in need they come breaking down the wall
To look on love is to be at peace when there are no words
Someone to carry you when the cross you bear really hurts
To look on love is to see with eyes beyond the human mind
That searching the depths of our souls we find
To look on love is to take the joy with the pain
And find sunshine in the middle of the rain
To look on love is to find a place of inner peace
Where light and life are found, fears are stilled, and troubles cease
To look on love is to find that which does inspire
And will find your soul's one true desire
To look on love is a feeling so swell
For love takes all but a lifetime to tell
Started as one thing during Adoration this past Wednesday and turned into something for a friend of mine
I am trying to blend,
In a word filled with the opressed,
Distressed, and self-obsessed.
It leaves me a little depressed.

Authenticity is hard to come by.
Everyone is medicated.
Facades often created.
The fakery I have always hated.

I don’t belong.
All they see is skin.
Doesn’t matter what’s within.
Could care less where I’ve been.

Show me something below the surface.
Give me something more.
Let your feelings out til’ your throat is sore.
Be real, that’s all I ask for.
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
Don’t be mad
If we go to battle

You are the one that threw the first punch
The one that shoved a knife into my back
And left me to bleed out alone

Don’t be mad
If I pick up the pieces

When you’re the one that shattered my heart
That blew my trust into a mess
Scattered across the floor

Don’t be mad
When theres no room left for you

Who could trust a betrayer?
A liar?
A deceiving, conniving, selfish human

You can’t be mad
That I’ve moved on without you

No one will ever trust you again.​
I saw the flames in her eyes
two small embers that raged
I felt unsure as to the
materials used for her kindling
the line is thin between
passion and loathing
and I did not know
whether I should embrace the heat
or run for water
I have absolutely loved being apart of Hellopoetry for the last few months. I love the instant feedback and the great sense of community. However, I am taking a long break from technology. Thanks for the support. Hope to see you all in a while. Hope you enjoyed the few last thoughts I have posted.

(c) Mike Mortensen
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