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maybe one day you'll remember my name
you can scream it out of your broken window
but those memories we made won't fade away

the scars on your wrists and arms
will tell your kids the story of when you were young
how you felt back than and how ****** up the world was

this boy needed an escape
something so he could let go of his emotions
so he choose the way of blood and pain

and it worked, it was his way of surviving
and for me he still was the same beautiful boy

the lines on his arms formed a pattern of loneliness
the stripes on his wrists told me a story of darkness

everytime I close my eyes, I wish I could save him
his soul was haunting me and I couldn't be his hero

this time it will be me screaming your name
maybe the he is me and the me is you.
it was on a monday when I first saw you

you walked into the room and there it was..
the feeling I got when I first saw you was not right
I wanted to throw up, rip out my heart, cry
it made me feel miserable, you made me feel miserable
and that was the thing I always loved about you

it was love at first sight but you couldn't see it
or maybe I was just blind and you did see it

it was on a friday a year later when we kissed again
I didn't asked why you did it, why you kissed me
because when I looked into your eyes, I knew

you could never let go of me either
and for that moment that was enough for me
the feeling you wanted this to, maybe more than me
it always made me feel special, made me feel loved

and even today you can still make me feel miserable
but everytime you do that it never made me feel more alive

I know I ****** you up pretty boy
but let's be honest you did the same to me

so after all I think you did saw it, you saw me.
well let's be honest, I just like to write about us.
there once was a girl with beautiful sad blue eyes

she wrote stories about the moon and the twinkling stars above
because they were a million miles away and no one could ever touch
these things in the sky were so vulnerable yet untouchable, innocent

she sang little melodies about people who were so crazy in love
she could sing those songs with so much emotion and happiness
yet this girl was the one walking around wondering
if she could ever know how it felt, the feeling of being in love

this girl had her own way of living in this angry big world
she saw the beauty in normal things like a smile or a hug
but not just in things she saw beauty also in human beings

or maybe all of this was just an act..
to hide her own little problems for everyone else, the world
maybe the smile that she wore on her face everyday was fake
maybe I saw the beauty in everything else because beauty
was the one thing I could never find within myself

and maybe that is why I got a soft spot
for all the broken childeren out there who feel alone or left out
because everytime I look into the mirror..
I see a broken child, myself.
were is the bottle of ***** when you need it.
 May 2015 Alexis Rose
Why does the sun
Bother to get up
When all his children
Can't stand the sight of him
individually thanked everyone for the overwhelming response !!
 May 2015 Alexis Rose
AK Bright
true love is not a declaration
     it is a demonstration
true love is not how you feel about someone, it is how that person makes you feel about yourself
 Mar 2015 Alexis Rose
No one loves me
I'm not worth a single drop of blood

It would be wasted
If you spilt it for me

And dry your tears
For I'm the only one that has to cry

This time,
So there's no use shedding them for me

Sometimes, I wish I knew
How to disappear completely

So no one would remember my voice
Have no memories with me

I feel like life
Would merrily move along

If I were just simply

The titles also a radiohead song. But it doesnt seem like a bad idea. Erase everyones memories of me and just leave. Fall back into the everlong seas of black unconcious and then hopefully to the end of time- the extraterrestrial, super inconcievable meaning of life. I believe we find it when we die. I dont even know, I dont think anyone loves me so its about that time.
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