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4.1k · Jan 2015
Fly O Bird! - A Pi Poem
Abdul Fatir Jan 2015
Fly, O Bird! I allow adventure
Of mighty lands and snowy hillocks.
Beautiful heavens amazingly add
To the treasure.
Soon thou'lt to nation your own, fly,
Breaking all my desires,
Rendering ***** void.
It's called Piphilology wherein the number of digits in each word is equal to the corresponding digit of Pi (mathematical constant).  Those were the first 33 digits of Pi, the 33rd being 0 which is represented by the word 'void'.
The digits are - 3.14159265358979323846264338327950...
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
I drift lifeless in this weary night
Not cognizant of these dark ways
A tear in my eye blurs my sight
Souvenir of bright, beautiful days

I hear the sound of leaves, dry
Crushed like my life, torn apart
Like a soft, muffled cry
I hear their echo in my heart

I turned around with a firm belief
Of someone in this way unknown
But the sight multiplied my grief
An empty road with a shadow of my own

I looked up at the moon profound
Prepared I was to shout aloud
At this happiness I just found
When she hid behind a chunk of cloud
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Some wise men have said,
That the universe
Is made of strings, tiny,
Which vibrate in dimensions ten.
Six extra dimensions than
The usual three of space
And the fourth, which is assessed
Using a pendulum
Oscillating in nothingness.

Strings, like the ones of a guitar,
Playing different notes
And different symphonies
Bosons, fermions, electrons
And gravitons to name a few.
This annuls racism among sub-atomics
Since ultimately they're all threads.
Or do you think, a boson
Is superior to a fermion
'cause it swings in a different plane
Or because one of them is called
The God Particle?

Strings, oscillating like
The alternation of seasons
Strings, like the thread of relationship
Which stretches and swings
Between its highs and lows
Strings, oscillating like
The advancing and receding waves

All we could be is a painting,
A hologram, simple 3D information
On a two dimensional plane
Living our lives and executing functions
As the painter intended us to.
All we are, are threads
Arranged in a particular fashion
All we are is a bunch of strings!
1.6k · Dec 2014
A memoir may remain
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Soon I'll be gone with an expeditious stream,
On a swift time torrent as flick of a dream,
How much ever you may try you won't hold,
An emotion seldom summons once sold.
All marks of my existence will flow in a drain,
But Alas!
In a nook of your heart a memoir may remain.

Each soul has a given date you were oft told,
But to my silent tears you were often cold.
My footprint on sands you may perchance find,
A sweet recollection may flicker through your mind.
Tears from your eyes will then roll out in vain,
In a nook of your heart a memoir may remain.

The echoes of that laughter will all die off,
A cold reminiscence will remain in mind's trough,
To touch me then you will give out your heart,
‘It’s too late my friend’ will be said by the dark.
In the monsoon cloud, you'll miss me in rain,
In a nook of your heart a memoir may remain.
1.5k · Dec 2014
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Where is the change sometimes I wonder
All looks the same like the valiant sun yonder
It still burns and gives it's rays
Softening our hearts and lighting our ways
The moon still shines and follows it's course
It's we who've put ourselves behind locked doors
Upon these parts whenever I ponder
Where's the change they make me wonder
The colorful birds sitting on the trees above
Still sing the melodies of pain and love
The rainbow still shines after the rain
It's we who've flushed the happiness into drains
There's still vigor in the flight of butterflies
Alas! We've chosen to shut our eyes
Much beauty lies in the blue bolts of thunder
Where is the change sometimes I wonder
867 · Dec 2014
The Plant that Stood
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Heaven full of dark gloomy patches,
Yonder a fierce storm approaches.
Here I stand overflowing of youth,
Agonies of life they say are sooth.

Lo! the storm impulsed me so,
Leaves n' branches stooped all low.
Hither I lie yelling of pain,
Efforts to recuperate all go in vain.

Little they know what feels being solitary,
Men do praise my flowers in flattery.
Tasting the troughs of life being doomed,
Reflected how I was once ***** and bloomed.

The violent storm was followed  by rain,
Threw off all dust rejuvenated every vein.
Days passed : now my curve is gone,
And Lo! here I stand up on my own.

I reckon from the heaven a reminder was sent,
Sorrows and cheers of this life are never constant.
744 · Dec 2014
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
In this busy world of hate
They leave the commoner to fate
In this deck of cards they're the ace
When resisted they ask, "Which race?"

They ignite fires with flames unto skies
For their music are the innocent cries
They've flown rivers of blood longer than Nile
Rivers which can even turn a desert fertile

They **** woman and child with ease
When asked they say, "Preparing for peace."
You need your own hands for this fight
Because the real world has no dark knight
725 · Feb 2015
Abdul Fatir Feb 2015
I am awake I think,
from this human sleep of mine.
But the bed I slept on
was cozy and soft,
such that, I plunged deep, into
the dungeons of slumber.

And here I lie,
on this wooden plank.
And two others,
one on either side,
blocking my view.
Thusly, this might not be real.
No, it’s not.

My eyes see blood
like the sun’s against them.
And my lids laden
with an unseen force,
or perhaps,
I’m scared to open them
wide, into the sun.

Now, that I’ve opened them,
the world appears lucid.
I see my family, elegantly dressed.
And my beloved!
O what a treat to the eye she is
in that dark dress of her’s.
And the shimmer in her eyes!

Oh wait! Is that a tear drop
on her winsome cheeks?
And why’s my family glum?
Is this a sepulture I’m standing at?
But whose?
He might have been
someone close to us.

I’ve missed a grave news
due to this nap of mine.
I don’t yet know, if it’s good
to be ignorant of the tiding.
But it just might not be civil yet
to ask, “Who died?”.
The coffin’s being nailed.

I’ll ask her, aside,
when this tempest settles.
705 · Dec 2014
The Fallen Leaf
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Driven by the wild selfish air,
Taken through all foul and fair,
I wonder if life always will be,
A fallen leaf yearning to get its tree.

Wind so stroked its ruthless blade,
An instant parting from life was made.
I screamed if someone could hold my fall,
My cry to the dumb world seemed small.

O you who move with pride on earth,
I too was once green with mirth,
Perplexed I’m why bliss is so brief,
Why all paths end up in grief?

I always followed the sun’s amber flight,
Amazed I was when all that was left,
With me was night!
700 · Jan 2015
Winter Rain
Abdul Fatir Jan 2015
I am a drop of winter rain
People say I fall in vain
But none of them hears my pain
All they worry about is a stain

Peace from me at times they obtain
Still, no one cares how ruthlessly I am slain
I cry, wash their sins and am lost in a drain
Only with a hope of being born again.
648 · Dec 2014
The Boat of my Life
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Yonder a weary boat awaits,
A grey streak in the blue invokes,
Hither I'm on my dreams afloat,
Following desire: a serene abode.

Away rowing into the sea green,
Floating over waters never seen.
Tides love me with such hatred,
A dull smile, thither they are fled.

Tempests to the weary fiercely strike,
Dreams and Hopes shattered alike.
Lo! Foresees light, my heart näive,
A plank still floats on the wave.
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Desire in my heart forms a heap,
Stunned by woods' beauty, I weep.
But I won't stop 'cause there are,
Acres of corn field yet to reap.

Both the thoughts are still at par,
My heart with mind is caught in war,
Leaving the snowy woods I've to move,
Following that bright still north star.

In state of such dilemma you've,
To make one choice and prove,
That you can never have it all,
How much ever you desire the grove.

My wish is naive but promises are tall,
Now they give my weary spirit a call,
So let the white snow flakes fall.
So let the white snow flakes fall.
A tribute to Sir Robert Frost.
465 · Dec 2014
My Lost Love
Abdul Fatir Dec 2014
Hither this day as I hold thy wreck
Tears flow from mine eyes surplus
Thought of thy loss gives me an ache
As mine heart pumps life, lifeless

As I stare at thy body, isabelline
I recall when I said, "Thou can go on"
I knew that I was being mean
And in a flick of fate, thou art gone

O how I wish to touch thy strings
To hold in mine hands thy body, alluring
And fly with thy soul, if I had the wings
To listen again to thy melodies, charming

"It's just a guitar," say the angels above
Little do they know, thou art my lost love

— The End —