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 Mar 2015 abby jordan
if only
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
the rain hit the window softly
as the music quietly played
and i thought to myself if
life was always this simple
would there be wars in the world
would there be a cure for cancer
would people simply be nicer.

if only life was always this simple.
peaceful thoughts, real smiles, its going to be okay.
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
why ¿
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
I couldn't write for days
Because the words got
Stuck in my throat and
They sounded sour when
They came out on paper.

I sat forcing my self to
Write a well written poem
But my mind kept spinning
And the clock kept ticking
Making me go quite insane.

I just couldn't seem to put
My thoughts together and form
A decent poem that made sense
not some self pity love letter to
the one who won't love back.

You told me to just stop thinking
So much and write for my self
And not for others and I cried
As I sat there with paper and pen
Confused at why I could write.
So so confused
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
and my biggest fear is that
kids won't grow up,
parents won't age,
tea won't cool,
cigarettes won't burn,
seasons won't change,
pain won't end.
my biggest fear is that time will stop.
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
it was the music,
if it weren't for the music we wouldn't be friends.
she would be alone with nothing but a bottle of anti-
depressants and darkness.
but i am here.
i will always be here and i will never leave her side
because life might not be a bucket of rainbows and
flowers right now but i believe that one day it will be.
and i will be here when that day comes.
and i really hope she never forgets,
it was the music.
its going to turn out okay darling please stay alive. x
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
the leaves were falling
the way i was falling
for you. //
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
three months ago I saw you,
and God you brought me joy.
you filled my days with happiness,
even though you were just a boy.

two months ago I saw you,
i froze right where I was.
I swore my heart stopped beating,
and I felt that pain
that made me go insane.

one month ago I saw you,
holding someone else's hand.
she smiled and laughed
and I just sighed,
I wander if she knew you lied.

this month I saw you,
roaming aimlessly through the hall,
and for once I didn't run into the wall,
but walked right by like a stranger.
I do not miss you.
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
 Mar 2015 abby jordan
maybe i will miss the trees
i thought lying in my bed
for the last time.
after all they were the
only thing that never left.
i hated it here.
nothing but vacant "im sorry"
and transparent dark walls.
but after all these years
i never quite noticed
how much i'd miss the trees.
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