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 May 2015 JAM
Sitting in the gutter
Cause its the only place to see
What guts are

Wondering does anybody
Fight for anything

Cause I don't see it

I see people walking past
Walking away from things
With ease
Cold feet
Treading cautiously
Feeding doubts fire
Going about Life so passively

But Hold up let's join a cause!

Direct our anger
Politically, racially,
at poverty and inequality
Donate some money
Rant constantly about
Overturning regimes
Then retreat back to apathy
Woe is me!

Bleeding hearts in their masses
Floating past me
In the gutter
Cause its the only place to see
what guts are...
And hearts
Cause no one has heart anymore

Where is the love?
Where is the passion?
The courage and the loyalty?
All Going about life so Half heartedly
And what can you do with half a heart?

Give it to Me

Cause as I'm sat here
Reading entrails like some gypsy
Passing judgement on you
A poor reflection on me

It seems I lost mine

So I embrace the pain
that migrates from
an empty chest to
A swelling stomach

Lift myself up from that gutter
And feel what guts are
Take half that heart
And see how far it'll take me...

**To make it whole
And think ****, I best get some Rennies on my way past the shop :P
 May 2015 JAM
jeffrey robin
<>                                                              ­          




ain't so pretty


( but ---         I know

How hard it is to      Dare to live

How hard it is to          be alone )

Such simple gifts

( gentle soul )

Lost in the middle of AMERIKKKA

But too   "Good" to be         Critical


All your     "Friends"     with broken wings !


Strange !

( seein how YE never tried to fly )


... watchin YE fall ..... seein YE die ....

Sorta funny

( don't YE think? )
 May 2015 JAM
jeffrey robin
)(                     )(
////  • ||
              /\       /\


now / ain't it sorta funny

( Gettin a picture a things

By readin the poets here )

that the world consists of a bunch of people

Hanging around

Waitin to here the 3 MAGIC WORDS !

that will supposedly cast a numbing haze

Over their consciousness

( which will be treated as a wonderously

Desirable state !!!! )

& that in this state they will moon around a bit

******* unconditionally the

supposed spell caster

Until ( in a moment of pure uninhibited delirium )

They will start screaming and cursing

And slicing themselves with razor blades !

and falling into a ****** *** filled heap

On the ground mumbling like idiots

" why ? why ? why ? "


now // this doesn't seem like a very evolved species

Does it ?

It doesn't even seem like a species even worthy enough

To survive ....


but then again

To think some GOD


created this pile of uselessness stupidity


is beyond comprehension




The only plausible alternative

Is that some DEMONIC OR EVIL ENTITY came


One big humongous **** .....

.... And here you are !!!!!!


What do you think ?


( this is surely a trick question )

There being hardly anyone around here who can think

Or even wants to
 May 2015 JAM
Seán Mac Falls
Man has wheels,
Books and machines,
Birds have better means,
Sing as they fly.

Man has culture,
Laws and slight reason,
Beast lives for all season,
A life without lie.

Man has fashion,
Art, music, daze galore,
Flower is supreme colour,                                                              
Ferociously alive.
 May 2015 JAM
Valora Brave
I missed rainy mondays
the kind you can only get in the east
and I wove my days
with silken dreams
speckled with coarse sand and
at least
I thought I had a chance to understand
when I woke up to the rain
silently painting my window pane
 May 2015 JAM
Valora Brave
It rained for a week in the desert
at first we thought it was some kind of miracle
but then
we all started to drown
- *I thought I saw you yesterday
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