Sitting in the gutter Cause its the only place to see What guts are
Wondering does anybody Fight for anything Anymore?
Cause I don't see it
I see people walking past Opportunity Walking away from things With ease Cold feet Treading cautiously Feeding doubts fire Going about Life so passively
But Hold up let's join a cause!
Direct our anger Politically, racially, at poverty and inequality Donate some money Rant constantly about Overturning regimes Then retreat back to apathy Woe is me!
Bleeding hearts in their masses Floating past me In the gutter Cause its the only place to see what guts are... And hearts Cause no one has heart anymore
Where is the love? Where is the passion? The courage and the loyalty? All Going about life so Half heartedly And what can you do with half a heart?
Give it to Me
Cause as I'm sat here Reading entrails like some gypsy Passing judgement on you A poor reflection on me
It seems I lost mine
So I embrace the pain that migrates from an empty chest to A swelling stomach
Lift myself up from that gutter And feel what guts are Take half that heart And see how far it'll take me...
**To make it whole
And think ****, I best get some Rennies on my way past the shop :P
I missed rainy mondays the kind you can only get in the east and I wove my days with silken dreams speckled with coarse sand and at least I thought I had a chance to understand when I woke up to the rain silently painting my window pane