Freaked out with a simple display of mad,
but who's complaining?
It was the best I've ever had.
Shrunk my head to fit her blender,
but it got mixed up in the mail.
This smoothie wasn't meant for me;
please return to sender:
Great success who's doomed to fail.
More of less, I think.
Drank all that I could take,
but I'm not one for counting drinks.
Two for won and nine to three.
Divided by a mind too caught up in subsidies.
I'm not one for public service,
but you could teach me calculus.
Newton or Leibniz -
I could give a ****.
Just taking a ****.
I've been lost ever since my head shrinker had a heart attack
after I told her all of this.
Stream of consciousness ******* nonsense.