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Ever have that moment where a thought crosses your mind?
Just like any other random thought?
But this thought, causes you to stop in mid stride.
Makes words stop flowing from your mouth when in conversation.
The thought makes your face immobile.
No expression upon it...
Or emotion appearing within the eyes.
Almost like a mask, portraying a veil that covers what you wish not to be seen.
Everyone has those moments...
Sometimes when you're alone, or when you're around others.
That thought reveals a moment from the past that found its way into the present.
Everyone has had these moments
I forgot to fill my prescription.
How is it that I always forget something that makes such an impact on my life?
Without it, I am not myself.
or am I more myself?
Who is to say that depression and anxiety aren't characteristics as opposed to mental illness?

A chemical imbalance of the brain.
That's how the doctors describe it.
That's how we describe it,
To make ourselves feel less ashamed.

So I forgot to fill my prescription.
Sometimes I think I forget purposefully.
Is it possible to cautiously make a sub-consous choice?
Cause' I think I might.
I think I do it to make myself feel alive again.
**** being able to "function".
I don't see functioning as living.
I truly feel alive when I allow myself to indulge in the pain.

Treating the emotional agony as something that I shouldn't feel, only makes me feel more ashamed of it.

So instead I indulge.
I don't cry.
I don't cut.
I don't expose.
I indulge in my inner sadness.

It makes me feel like a rebel.
Indulging makes me feel more alive than the actual act of living.
And that terrifies me.

I terrify me.
 Mar 2015 A Person
BertJane Perez
You gave me flowers
And the thorns had stung my hand
And you said roses
Were the flowers for a special kind of man

I held them tight
My hands bled and I never let go
It was worth every moment
Because the pain helped me grow

The roses had died
I  had realized a little too late
Because now you're gone too
You and the roses shared the same fate

And now I stand at your grave
With tears and roses in my hand
Because you said roses
Were the flowers for a special kind of man...
R.I.P I will never forget the moments we have shared. You are engraved in my heart FOREVER. You were the most special man I've ever known.
 Mar 2015 A Person
 Mar 2015 A Person
Scientists say chocolate releases
the same hormones into your blood
as being with your loved one does.

And so I'm sitting at my desk
and it's an ungodly hour to be eating candy
but you're not here and all I want is that
sweet, sweet satisfaction of having
the taste of you on my lips.

I'm craving you, a desire that
clenches at my stomach; all I want
is some oxytocin in my system.

I lean back in my chair and sigh, tearing
another wrapper as I do, each morsel a tease.
This cannot compare to the richness
of your eyes, or the silkiness of your thighs.

This makes my heart beat faster
but you- you make it pound. This sends warm
sensations through my body but your touch
sends lightning through my veins.

It's almost morning now,
wrappers are strewn about my desk
and yet I still crave you.
 Mar 2015 A Person
 Mar 2015 A Person
I see you everyday, the quite girl a million miles away. Head in the clouds or in a book.
I find myself stuck to your hook. And as you pull me to the shore I feel myself sway away.
I'm under your spell. Is this heaven or is it hell?  Your a million miles away. Yet I see you everyday.
A shooting star I cannot catch, the flickering light of my last match.
I can't tell if this is a broken romance. I know you can feel it too. Will our vindication please come through.
I don't want to be the one to utter: I missed you.
Tell someone you love them.
 Feb 2015 A Person
Kim Santiago
If I showed you my teardrops,
Would you collect them like rain,
Store them in jars,
That are labelled with "Pain"

Would you follow their tracks,
From my eyes down my cheeks,
As they write all their stories,
I'm too scared to speak.

Would you stop them with kisses,
Bring their flow to a halt,
As you teach me that pain,
Isn't always my fault.

Would you hold my face gently,
As you dry both my eyes,
And whisper the words,
"You're too precious to cry"

If I showed you my teardrops,
Would you show me your own,
And though we're lonely,
We were never alone.
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