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I found out recently that I am different
Hopelessly different from people I meet

All my life I've been a misfit
Unable to properly please

Pleasing to some, my knowledge is infinite
Uneasy to some my gaze to meet

How hopelessly lonely this life is, isn't it?
An INTJ female overcoming constant defeats
Let me cry an ice cream tub full of tears
Let me know what is it like to feel your pain
Let me feel your absence from my arms as we walk
Hurt me

Let me miss you calling me weird insults, lovingly
Let me miss your voice suddenly going high as you say something sweet
Let me feel the wave of missing you upon catching your scent
Hurt me

Let me miss the wave of small breaths you take when you laugh
Let me miss your akwardness when someone compliments you
Hurt me

Let me miss your spontaneous energetic dancing
Let me miss your breath on my face as we get close
Hurt me

Let me miss your taste after freshly applying lip balm
Let me miss the feeling of your fingers running through my hair as I lay on your lap
Hurt me

Let me miss the smile I get upon seeing your name on my phone
Hurt me

Let me miss our moments interspersed
Hurt me

Let me know the feeling of being
alone again
Hurt me
Hurt me
To the person who says she doesn't want to hurt me but I'm ready for the pain
Look closer
Even closer than you are noww
Do you see the cracks?
Do you see the inherent sadness in my sweetness through them?
Do you see me being put together or do you see me crumbling?
Am I falling apart or am I healing?
 20h Immortality
lie after lie
tell 'em I'm fine
lie after lie
and they start to

lie after lie
and you start
to believe
lie after lie
but the blade
couldn't be tricked

lie after lie,
tell them you're fine
lie after lie,
glass is now
in your veins
lie after lie,
you tell yourself
"That's not deep enough."

lie after lie
rose petals on the floor
lie after lie
one poem burned down
lie after lie
your blue eyes staring
at the hole where
lie before lie
my heart used to be

lie after lie
and soon
you don't know,
lie after lie,
you're not fine

lie after lie,
and soon,
lie after lie,
it's not
a lie.
neon lights
illuminate the night’s
heavy clouds

while rain muffles
the constant urban humming

pierced by distant sirens
moving slowly
through concrete canyons.
Bored and lazy,
I lay my head down.
My eyes are closed,

I do not want
To do a thing,
A side effect
Of using.

I need a
Just to care,
Even when
I'm losing.

I'm thoughtless
When I'm sober,
Indifferent to

Learn from my
Don't learn
By doing.

I wish I
Wasn't ruined.
 23h Immortality
I put my words on paper
To explain my tears.
I pour my heart on paper
To explain the sadness.

But the day you asked me,
"write me a poem".
I had nothing.
For when I look at you,
My words are gone.
I was dying and no one cared. Not even myself.
I will never love anyone else
The way l loved you

It broke me
I caught my breath
chasing after another

I put my hand on my chest
to tame a raging heart

"Calm down ******"
I said

"But I'm falling"
it replied
Friday, September 27, 2024.
A video call. - a silly heart and tears.
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