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  Jan 2016 Joshua Haines
Crysta Gingras
My angel
Won’t you sing your sweet song
Fly with me far
And stay all night long
I’ll hold onto you tight
Wrapped in your wings like snow
And everything will be right
Until one of us must go
I’ll see you again
We’ll gambol and descant
Remember until then
It is my heart you enchant
My heart you have won
So angel
Sweet angel
Know you are the One.
Good morning my Angel
  Jan 2016 Joshua Haines
linger, even when the snow melts.
when the tires tread normally,
stay with me until morning,
dont leave abruptly,
  Jan 2016 Joshua Haines
Sydney Carter
Come to me, my darling,
with your pen and your paper,
so I can show you the true lines of a woman.
Trace my contours and follow my curves,
to all the places that you adore,
until your southern borders rise to meet mine.

Can your hand capture the motions we make?
Like silhouettes of swelling grace?
Abandon your ink, and sink into me,
like the universe crashing inside of the sea.
Rock me like waves, bend me like sin,
whisper your pleasure into my skin.

Come to me, my darling,
come into me.
  Jan 2016 Joshua Haines
Anil Sam
When I was a younger man,
there wasn't much that I can't
But as the twinkles turns to wrinkles, in my eyes,
expectations dies
All in time and in some time,
there wasn't much that I can

Its man's fate to wither in time,
what's the use of saving every dime,
you came alone, you go alone,
this change in view, is what it does to you,
When I was a younger man,
there wasn't much that I can't

You value things that you never knew,
like relationships and then a few,
Love, Loss, regret, memories,
life is empty without these,
Believe me when I say to you,
these are the things that makes you YOU

And in time if you find someone,
blessed be you, for all I can tell,
a life lived loved, is sublime,
I wish I had some more time,
when I was a younger man,
I would have cherished all I can
Got inspiration for this when I read PoetryJournal's "Cosmetic" poem. :)
  Nov 2015 Joshua Haines
They don't know how it feels

to awake every morning,
and all they can wonder is
why they had even awoken

They don't know how it feels

to pick up all of their pieces,
and put them back together
but still feel like they're broken

They don't know how it feels

to say all that they can say,
and still feel like there's more
but every word has been spoken

They don't know how it feels

to go to sleep every night,
and the only hope they have
is that their eyes will not open

  Nov 2015 Joshua Haines
i swirl in van gogh.
i am charcoal stains
on blue,
a smile of barbed wire
for the painter,
i am mona lisa, true.

monet, he paints me
calm waters,
water lilies floating
in solitude,
he doesn't see
the fire sprouting
in my veins.

picasso cannot stain
my heart with colour,
magritte cannot
create a masterpiece
out of my eyes.

to be immortalized
i beg in pink
lick the brush
and paint myself

end my days
in escher,
sketch myself
out of the stairway,
into the globe.

throw myself
at deaths eye,
kiss the canvas
rotten, ******,
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