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 Jan 2017 Anine
Silence Screamz
This is a place of unequivocal cantor.
Where the true poets amuse their audience
from a broken, exploited stage of compassion and sympathy.

A simple stage, where many have fumbled, stumbled and even crumbled.

Just to get up and do it again.

Where many a simple poets have waited and waited, nervously on the sidelines of the underlit bar, waiting for their turn to trip their way up to this stage

Where many a simple poets rustled with each letter of each piece they wanted to perform, hoping they didn't crash and burn

Where a single, frightening stage light burned
holes into their souls as they stuttered
through the stanzas and verse of their careful crafted pieces of art.

Where they tripped their way up to that stage one last time, because they had one too many glasses of wine to drink just so they could spread their wings and fly

And fly they did.

This was the beginning.

Where it all started.

This is, also, where it ends.

A final moment.

This is the moment that can define a poet.

Where poets become human once again and the clock on the wall slowly ticks toward closing time.

So with one final sip of wine, one final piece of their heart, one final chapter of their life written and placed before you, I bid you ado.

This is it

Their last time on this stage and now they can go home.
A local place that does poetry events is closing down.
Full of words, but it’s an empty poem
It’s a night without darkness
A day you can’t tell with darkness
A book without pages
A bird without feathers
A young life but lived for ages
That’s her now
She became so ever since you pressed her the 24th alphabetical letter
Who thought she can be speaking only one language of hate when others called her a mocking bird
And now who she became no one can tell
You moved on to the next one, but her too, you didn’t keep her like your DAD does your mother.
It’s anonymous how you want your sister to be cared for forever,
If I meet her, I shall make her mine and ask for your demons but only greater ones from the devil himself, and when I leave like you do to other innocent souls, I will great her with pure evil if we meet again.
So many hearts broken by you,
Myself I didn’t believe easily you broke my crush heart so easily
And now when I see her, always down, I do craft her the truth to say;
All men are different, if not so we would be born all by mere mistakes, so keep you inside you and don’t birth death to your soul but keep up with life until one day you rise like a phoenix.
But you heart breaker, I warn you, for you will regret your acts later.
 Dec 2016 Anine
self care
 Dec 2016 Anine
they tell me that self care
is one of the most important things
you can do for yourself.

but like,
how exactly do i do that?

i tried lighting scented candles.
they were nice
but the scent began to fade away
just like my friends.

did i say that?

i tried taking a warm shower,
but the moment i stepped out,
it was cold.
i regretted getting in
to begin with,
just like my experience with boys.

i tried sleeping,
but eventually i had to wake up,
and sometimes there were nightmares.
it's nice to just go unconscious for hours
but not so much when drifting
gets you nowhere,
just like in life.

the internet just stresses me out,
no matter how many
candy pulling videos
i watch
(don't ask,
they're relaxing)

i'm pretty sure my stress is
by all this.

i'm tired.
can i just go back to bed?
my therapist keeps telling me to do self care and i'm like ????okay???~
 Oct 2016 Anine
phil roberts
 Oct 2016 Anine
phil roberts
My words and my poems
Are no more than explanations
And embellishments
My means of expression
For my life is my "art"
It's what I am and what I write
It's why I need to write
To make sense of the things
I've seen and done
And there are times when
I think I've done far too much
Then, in deep contemplation
I realise I could have done more
And that kind of inner debate
And discussion with myself
Are a large part of my life
Which becomes my version
Of something like "art"

                                         By Phil Roberts
 Oct 2016 Anine
 Oct 2016 Anine
If I gave you my heart
Would you treat it as a priceless part?
Would you love me in return?
Or would you set it on fire and watch me burn?
Would you value and cherish?
As a pure thing without blemish?
Or you treat it as trite?
As though my love will never suffice?
Would you handle it with devotion and care?
Or rather like another 'chose sans valeur'
(After all you always did prefer her, 
From her fairer skin to her darker hair..)

If I gave you my heart
A beautiful 'oeuvre d'art'
An embodiment of my strengths, fears and aches,
A cradle of fortitude yet with a tendency to break
Would you allay all my fears?
Would you help seal the cracks?
Would you love me back?
Or would you just be another avenue of tears?

 Oct 2016 Anine
the lost girl
 Oct 2016 Anine
the lost girl
I didn't tell you but it felt like
                        in **love
how it felt when you looked at me for the first time.
 Oct 2016 Anine
Dark Delusion
I can’t wake up from the dream.
No matter how much I try.
Even how much I scream.
I know I’m ready to die.

But the light frees me.
From the closed eyes.
Now I live to see.
The so beautiful sunrise.
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