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TheStartOfMyEnds Oct 2017
Blank pages
That! Was "the" flash
Clear sheets of bleached pages
Blown by some outlandish light
My heart didn't miss a single beat
I wasn't afraid to die
Wasn't afraid of the hurt that would come
I calculated and imagined
a couple of broken ribs
and a lot of dismembered limbs
But with these relentless hands with minds of their own
They slowly slid off the steering wheel, already decided
I was ready to let go... (like...totally ready)

And face whatever reality awaits
Blastin' over 80 on gritty-soiled roads
Melting grounds
Sudden headlights beyond each steeps and turns
Would soon but consequently present

Surprised as I was
to realize I had nothing left lose
Nothing to leave behind
Either my life was already done for
Or a new chapter hadn't even started yet
It was an amusing thought
Even more so insane
Was the fact that
I laughed at my own jokes
Despite me being ( deep ****...)
In the face of ...(idk)... death?

But the only worry that penned it's way
On my blank pages
Was the fact that my dear friend
Buckled next to me
Though the fault was both ours
She wasn't ready to meet the end of her story
Clenching my hands on the wheel
I prayed for no dents on the ride
I prayed for her life
And hoped the cupcakes sitting in the backseat
The ones with extra chocolate icings that her father just gave her a few minutes ago
Would make it just as fine
After a few aggressive twirls and dances
And subsiding close calls
Jesus gave me another chance

...And that is the story of how my mistakes almost killed my friend

It's a lesson learned that's going to be real hard to forget. We're both fine. She's fine. But the cupcakes didn't make it.
TheStartOfMyEnds Oct 2017
Deciding to halt my steps
Give my past a chance to catch up
She pats my back
A cold self loathing greet
Swallowing up my pride
Beating down the shame that crawls up my knees
It takes every ounce of strength
To mutter up enough courage for my eyes to turn
Face my reflections
And acknowledge the person I once was

There she stands
shoulders slumped and a smile so pitiful
In her eyes mirrors all my mistakes
painted in permanent colours
How I wish to befriend her
Thank her for the lessons
and kiss every one of her inglorious scars
For allowing me to become what I've became

Returning her the same smile
Doubt feels like acid in my throat
We have yet to meet the face of our future
Will she be disappointed?
But taking comfort of the present fact
However humiliating my past turns out to be
I will never wish to change anything of what she is and for what she was
For she and I, both aspire to be a one simple but 'good enough' thing
And the me of the Past shapes the future I've fought to attain
and Still
I just scribbled this up right at this moment, so I apologise if my poet-grammar is a bit tedious. For some reason, I'm feeling somewhat 'lightweight' and there's just this unclear vibe of letting go... and I'm just gonna embrace that without giving much question. I'm really exhausted with all the negative energy I've been giving off for the past days, weeks, months...years maybe.. ***! Some people call it a case of "bipolarity"..?? Idk but I prefer a big cup of self-control in my life so... f*ck bipolarity!! Hehe ...and no I'm not high, I am not on drugs
TheStartOfMyEnds Aug 2017
I'm so worn out
So ******* torn
I can't comprehend
What it is that needs to be done
I become irrational
So carelessly unpredictable
I just want it to end
Though I know I ain't alone
People struggle and keep
Living with their own daily dose of ******* pains
But this is mine
This is my pain
And I just can't
No I can't
My head feels inflated
Like it's about to explode
I've forgotten how to breath
So why am I still alive
For ****'s sake is anyone out there
Sleeping on the same bed as I
A thousand knives underneath the bedsheets
Hey please do me a favor
Touch my shoulders
I don't feel them anymore
Close my eyes
Before I do something stupid
Something I'd never be able to take back
I'm not afraid of death
I just don't want to face tomorrow
It kills me to stay alive
Hush these words
My own double edged sword
Venting my heart through this kind of approach takes a good amount of weight off me
TheStartOfMyEnds Apr 2017
When all it took
For me to erupt in flames
was just a tap of sound
escaping his lips

It took the whole world
to keep this heart from stripping
down in all it's glory
and swallow him with bare temptations
to make him mine

And mine alone.
Copy Rights Reserved
"Don't ask for my love if you don't want the whole package"

~just something I came up with whilst dabbling with my laptop. I'm lovesick. It's becoming a disease. Lol
TheStartOfMyEnds Apr 2017
I thought of it, I thought of us
And dreamt of you

Never will I ever
Though wished I may
Admit that you've won my heart

Smile for me
Even in the arms of another

Let me hear you
Allow me to drink in your happiness

For am
Dangerously addicted
Too intense

the passion,
the intimacy in these tiny palms
Afraid I may suffocate you

I crave you all too much
it's not good
This heart beats for one
You own it

I love you
But tell not
Or you'll give up your dreams

For a maiden such as I
But with such an indiscreet mind
Not as pure as you'd expected

Such a sweet sweet catch
Always seeing me in nothing but white

Dare I say I love you
Have you give up on your dreams
For a lady that lacks above all
Because that is the kind of man you are

I can not
Go and Dance with another
Live on with enough love to keep you soaring
Because my heart bursts with much fire
And you own it
TheStartOfMyEnds Mar 2017
A distance less than a metre

Yet I can no longer hear your voice
nor can you hear mine

Why is it that we have to scream?

Just for our hearts to touch...

Why is it that we feel a shrill of victory?

When our eyes began to rain...
TheStartOfMyEnds Mar 2017
Gowned in deliberate inveracities
wielding a double edged blade
A fool that I am
Accepting the inevitable betrayal
After both blood...
                                shed before the very eyes of
a humiliating truth!

Rather I be dead now!
... 'fore long we tear apart
farther than our shallow hearts!

Denying love
the warmth of others
For you have denied me
You've deemed me unworthy of affection
and I... ever trusting of your judgement

*But the thirst still remains
slowly stripping me naked
an unwelcoming gesture that I have failed to refuse
Unveiling deep secrets
that I have masked with colourful lies
I do dream of it, to love and be loved. But everyone's different; the past designs some of us into what we've become, others the present and some by the hope of what the future holds... even all three at the same time.
I don't think I'm deserving of love, after all, how can you expect someone to love you when you can't even love yourself?

In my case, as narcissistic as it may sound... I'm trying too hard to appreciate myself that I don't have time to love another (romantically speaking) ... the longest phase in life that I have ever encountered. "Self Rehabilitation" But first must come "Acceptance"

hehe please excuse the blabbering
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