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TheStartOfMyEnds Feb 2017
Dear Heart breaker,


I want to ask you
I have wanted to hear it from you
Who do I belong to?

Are you hopping around telling others;
"I do not know which of these lads, she belongs to"
when you, of all, clearly do

Nightmares haunt me by the clock.

Why deny me? Why give people the idea that I, am a *******'s daughter?

You have called me by many names, improper as they are meaningless. Hurt me too many times and then said "A child can never unlove a mother. She will always be perfection in her child's eyes"

Which is **** true...
So why did you?

I have to know Ma...
Why hurt me...
when you know already...
that I will always love you?

That I will always wish you back, for us to be together again, like old times. Why hurt me with all these lies and unforgivable gestures when you know that...
                            hating you
                                               hurts me more
                                                                         hurting you
                                                                                             kills me too

         Why hate me Mom?
                                           What have I done?
                                                                            Please give me answers.

         **I know you always have them when it comes to me.
(C) StartOfMyEnd Jade.***
The weight of darkness
is something only the sun
can ever make light.
TheStartOfMyEnds Feb 2017
Brown eyes that sparkle
became hollow at my presence
she floats pass by me
letting the silence
swallow my existence

Swollen heart
A river of tears
I've questioned the past
doubted the future
and pleaded death have mercy
cease my breath

Before the hate
a mother has for a daughter
overtake what remains
in this empty space
deep in me where I retreat... now
I've come to despise
my own reflection
seeing the woman who loved me once
a love that costs
nevertheless, graced my birth

*So forth
the road seducing my feet
fragments of bad choices
where I may have tempered
a new shape
new form
a disfigured shadow...
stripping off the face
that once was but no longer mine
that reminds...
and precisely belongs
to the woman
who loved me once
I find writing about thoughts, feelings...  a great release. I miss my mom but weeping about it won't mend us back together. If it is to be, then it will be yeah?

Thanks for the support fellow poets
All Rights Reserved
  Feb 2017 TheStartOfMyEnds
Sarah Spang
The distance between heart and brain
Can stretch for miles- then again,
At times the journey's half as short
As one would willingly purport.

On day as these, when autumn sun
Paints the leaves with liquid dun,
The distance spans eternity
To surmount sense and certainty.

I trace the swirling, falling leaves;
The ghostly trail my exhale breathes.
This change in colors brings anew
The nonsense in my heart for you.
Someone asked me to define madness
And I instantly thought
Of you
It's a big reminder in life to shut the **** up
And try your best to be happy
When you've started attending
More funerals than weddings
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