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The Black Raven Nov 2014
The stars are caught in his eyes tonight,
lets capture them in glass jars
and hang them on our peeling wall
as reminder and a promise
of the taste of your laughter and mine.
It hums in our mouths
as we travel the world together
within our thoughts and words
spreading the warmth that lingers at
the latest of hours of the darkest night.
So pick a jar, my love, and open it,
plant the seed of our hopes and dreams,
water it within your deepest soils,
an exposed soul to a harsh reality.
Lets watch it survive the elements
within its protective crown of thorns
and grow into something
truly extraordinary.
  Nov 2014 The Black Raven
Don't compliment me,
I might start thinking I'm worth something.
I have to stop writing 10 words and
actually write a **** poem or two.
  Nov 2014 The Black Raven
she's the girl you meet
when you're young and reckless

you meet her when
you were expecting another pack of cigarettes
to add to your chain smoking addiction

everyone leaves her
because she is the epitome of
fuzzy blankets
reckless abandon
hopeful sunsets
long terms
unconditional love

and after they realize
the depth of the scars on her heart
they're gone
no explanation

"someday you'll find someone who deserves you"
"don't give up on love because of me, they're not all this bad"
and the worst,
"you're still my best friend"

until someone realizes
she is content with imperfection

she will always be alone
just needed to voice my biggest frustration.
The Black Raven Nov 2014
I wonder if you knew, she liked mint ice cream
and would sing every day in the shower,
that words could hurt her more than you would know
because inside she was as fragile as a flower.

I wonder if you knew she used to be happy
and her laugh could brighten a dull room,
that she could write and paint and draw and be
like light reflecting flowers  bloom.

I wonder if you knew she had nervous ticks
and could tie her hair with one bobby pin,
that your constant pressing weight on her world
caused those tares and holes within.

I wonder if you knew she stayed up all night
constantly daring herself to be stronger,
letting her pain out the only way she knew how
the deeper the trench, the longer.

I wonder if you knew she had race track arms
and pain within her bleeding heart,
but no one knew, and no one asked
her canvas of light now fading black art.

I wonder if you knew that you were the cause
of something so deep and so painful,
can you live with that? think you could do it?
knowing the girl was always an angel?

I wonder if you know she had broken wings
and your actions drove her to extremes,
and now I can only hear her in my head
and see her in my dreams.

I wonder if you'll know, years from now
when you’re teaching your kid to play nice,
that she also used to be happy and free,
but for that, paid the ultimate price.
  Nov 2014 The Black Raven
LA Brown
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?**

    Fairest of them all you ask? Your question seems unfair.  
    Am I to pick the brilliant mind, or she with pretty hair?
    One who stands and fights for all the things she finds unjust?
    Or for the one that gets a second look, the one that all do lust?

    She who amuses you greatly, that girl with the sharpest wit?
    Or the one with the "perfect" body, that a size two would fit?

   She who will stand and take a bullet in her religion's name?
   Or her with no talent, and yet still strives for constant fame?

   Fairest of them all you ask, this is the wrong question indeed!
   You need to look inside yourself to find the answer that you need...
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