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Tea Apr 2020
I feel like I'm losing my best friend...
There are a lot of messages to send...
But so much has changed between now and then...
It feels like he's slipping out between my fingers again...
I'm not going to hold him back...
Even though it's not him that I want to lack...
I wish he'd make more time for me...
But I'm not going to plea...
I'm unhappy and sad...
I miss what I had...
I feel like he doesn't need me anymore...
Like he has shut this friendship out the door...
Inside I grief...
What has happened to the thief?
Where is my heart?
Has it been torn apart?
Is it cold and starting to die?
Is it full of sadness and busy to cry?
Why are things so complicated these days?
Where are all the sun rays?
Where is the moon?
I just hope things get sorted out soon...
Tea Apr 2020
Sounds become unclear...
And I don't know what I hear...
My vision becomes blurred as I fall...
I don't even feel how I hit a wall...
The world goes black and I'm out...
I try so hard to shout...
But nothing of me wants to move or listen to my commands...
After an unknown amount of time, I wake up and look at my hands...
I hold a book I've never seen before...
Then, I hear the sound of a creaking door...
I look around me to find that I'm not where I fell...
It's not a cage and not a room, but a cell...
But, strangely, I find no door and no entrance of any kind...
A table, a chair, is all I find...
A blanket over me, so I'm not cold...
My attention returns to the book I still hold...
Its title reads "Journal 1."
I open it and I start reading till I'm done...
Short, thin, and small...
I quickly read it all...
A boy that lost the things he cared about...
How he tried but got thrown out...
Lonely and cold, he was left to die...
But he stood up once more to try...
He was looked down upon and laughed at...
But he refused to give up, no matter what...
He successfully became rich and wealthy...
He no longer belonged under the poor and filthy...
The story ends where he saves a girl from being attacked and killed...
People wanted her tongue to be stilled...
But he took her away to a safe place...
So the other don't have any clue or trace...
I turn the last page to find a key...
A note tied to it addressed to me...
"Dear Rain. Sorry for taking you away without warning."
"Please ask if you need anything."
"The latch is under the chair."
"Please watch out and take care."
I climb off and look under the chair...
And I find the latch there...
I open it with the key...
But underneath there is only darkness to see...
Tea Apr 2020
Days aren't as heavy as before...
I've forgotten the words that were so sore...
"Position! 1, 2, 3!"
There you are, watching me...

I don't feel the scars in my core...
Sadness isn't my best friend anymore...
"Head up! Back straight!"
There you are, I see you wait...

It doesn't feel like my heart tore...
I've found something to live for...
"Watch where you take breaths! Louder!"
There you are, my eyes go to your shoulder.

I've reached the shore...
Now I can start to explore...
"Smile! Otherwise, you look like a wreck!"
There you are, my eyes go to your neck...

I hear growls and a roar...
I've no idea what the future has in store...
"Do it over! You have to win!"
There you are, my eyes go to your chin...

Giving up is not what I'm going to do...
No one stops me, no matter who...
"Stop being scared of being loud! You don't know fear!"
There you are, my eyes go to your ear...

My thoughts stop trailing away...
I hear what my teacher has to say...
"You are ready. Here are the stage doors."
There you are, my eyes lock with yours...

A few paces to the left and then to the right...
To where I am in plain sight...
I close my eyes and the first notes bring me in the mood...
Suddenly I'm not where I stood...
I'm there where there is no rain...
The sound of my own voice brings me back again...
I look out over the people watching me...
Suddenly I don't care what they see...
I close my eyes again and dance my way around the stage...
I don't care about my wage...
I come back by the microphone...
And even though I'm not alone...
I sing like my heart will break any second now...
Then, my voice fades away and I end with a bow...
I want to dance off stage but suddenly everything fades away...
I look up in the sky that is still grey...
A teardrop rolls from my eye...
And I start to cry...
Surrounded by stone...
Cold and alone, cold and alone...
This was another style I tried, Sorry for the depressing plot twist in the end.
Tea Apr 2020
The sky is broken...
I'm holding his love token...
And as I look up into the starry sky...
The wind makes my tears go dry...
The waves join the dance...
And, again, the moon reveals my second chance...
I take a deep breath of cold air...
And suddenly I'm elsewhere...
Back in time, when I still had him by my side...
Before all my joy died...
I remember his smile that made everything right...
But, then, I remember I won't see it tonight...
I open my eyes again to gaze upon the lake...
Shock by shock, my shoulders shake...
My eyes are caught by the moon once more...
And for the thousandth time, I see an open door...
My heart lays broken within...
But from the darkness, I will win...
The pain is heavy to hold...
The once beating heart has turned to stone and is cold...
He might be gone right now...
I just need to get to him, but how...?
The past is the past and so it will stay...
It can't change or go away...
The future is what we must focus on...
Before it is present and then gone...
I look into the deep blue beneath...
And suddenly, I don't feel fear's teeth...
I get up and just stand there for a while...
Wild running questions heap up into a pile...
Then, I feel a warm breath from behind.....
And possibilities flash through my mind...
A creak of wood and a hand through my hair...
I turn around, and in his smile I stare...
He takes me in his protective arms...
And suddenly my heart warms...
My sobs rise up and my tears fall down...
My happiness is greater than shown...
After a while, I become calm and start asking...
But he puts his finger on my lips and stops me from talking...
"I wish it was different but this is my goodbye...."
I am speechless for a while but answer "Why?"
He starts shaking his head as his face shows he's in pain too...
He whispers "I love you..."
Then, he fades away...
And I wake up to find it's day...
Tea Apr 2020
I wander around in the snow...
Even though I have nowhere to go...
My footsteps are the only thing I hear...
The fog makes everything less clear...
I freeze in my tracks when I hear an unfamiliar sound...
I quickly turn around...
And I see a dark shadow appear...
My throat closes with fear...
I, slowly, back away...
But a tree pops up from behind and makes me stay...
I push myself against the bark...
The shadow comes closer and turns less dark...
A familiar human comes out of the grey...
I want to speak but I've nothing to say...
Wide-eyed, I stare at the thief...
I look him up and down and I shake my head in unbelief...
He just smiles as it starts to snow once more...
That smile shakes my heart's roots and core...
"Do you have any idea where you are?"
His words seem to come from far...
Slowly, I shake my head to the left and right...
My throat is still closed tight...

35: "Are you okay?"
You speak in such a worried way...
I smile, apologetic...
"Sorry, things have been hectic..."
You just nod as an answer...
Suddenly, you hold me closer...
Then, I hear it too...
I look at you...
You, softly, say...
"They are coming this way..."
I feel my chest close up from the inside...
I feel a big urge to hide...
The memories start to flash before me...
Suddenly I let go of your hand and I flee...
As I run, I hear you following...
I don't know where I'm going...
Suddenly, I'm stopped by a river...
You jump in, I follow and I start to shiver...
The cold waters pull me down...
But I can swim and I know I won't drown...
I get pulled by the tide...
After a short struggle, we land, safely, on the other side...
This is a style I tried but never really continued. Hope you like it!
Tea Apr 2020
I want to reach out to you...
I want to help, I really do...
But somehow I feel like you won't let me...
I discovered, it's not my job to let you see...
The powerlessness is heavy...
But not too much to carry...
I know you'll get there...
You just need to realize who's job it is to steer...
God will take you to a place where you belong...
Even after everything goes wrong...
Inside, there is a voice that is always right...
It will never force you or fight...
It will grow louder and stronger, the more you listen to it...
It will show you the way out of any pit...
No matter how dark your circumstances have become...
There is a voice that will always lead you home...
God lets us go through rough times so we can learn...
Sometimes we go on till we are more than worn...
All God wants is that we listen to his voice...
But it's all your choice...
I've decided and I'm happier than before...
There is only 1 thing missing from my core...
I don't see the need in telling you what is gone...
You know why I'm alone...
Tea Apr 2020
Hi, dear Gabriel...
There is so much to say and tell...
But, still, I've nothing coming out of my mouth...
I wonder if this is part of my growth?
Without you, I'm incredibly lonely and lack colors...
Even though I'm surrounded by others...
People are everywhere around...
But you don't hear me making any sound...
Maybe I join a conversation here and there...
But do you notice at whom I stare?
Do you see who's eyes I avoid and search at the same time?
Do you realize how high, for you, I'll climb?
I might, smile, grin, laugh...
My skin might look very tough...
If you know what to say...
I'll quickly run away...
Don't you know how I feel?
Do you believe that what I once said is real?
Is it I you were meant to find?
Can you read my mind?
Don't you know that I don't compare your strength to that of other guys?
Do you see words written in my eyes?
Is it true that you love me still?
Can you tell me what is your will?
What are your dreams?
Tell me your favorite memories until your heart gleams...
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