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SomeOneElse Nov 2018
12 more people dead today
Did it have to be this way
Heard it on the news today
It's a very sad day
Someone's just lost a loved one
Father, mother, daughter son
What could motivate someone
To shoot up everyone
What's wrong with society
What's wrong with our country
Need to change priorities
The truth we need to see
Time to say enough’s enough
Time for lies to be rebuffed
Time for us to end this stuff
If you don't like it tough
How many more dead loved ones
Til we control our guns
Written after the latest mass shootong
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to stay away
I know you were just being kind
Trying to spare my fragile mind
You said that I did nothing wrong
Yet from my chats you are now gone
You said you would never ghost me
But now you will not talk to me
I think you thought if given time
I would forget and be just fine
I fear that I have lost my friend
I miss my muse and good dear friend
What did i say. What did i do
To lose your trust or offend you?
You inspired me to read and write
To not give up and see the light
So many poems I've shared with you
Hurts me to think our friendship’s through
The bad thing i had said or done
Wish it could all just be undone
I hope someday to hear from you
And for our friendship to renew
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to walk away
Written for my friend qho decided she didnt want to be my friend anymore
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
If i died today
Would you even shed a tear
Did you ever care
Written after friemds who told me they would always be my friends, lied and left me all alone
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
What did i do wrong this time
I'd really like to know
Where did I go wrong again
To lose another friend
Were my feelings just too strong?
Maybe yours were too?
Did i somehow lose your trust.
It never was discussed
I now feel lost and somewhat used
Now abandoned and confused
Thought you were a special friend
You told me that time and again
Where did i go wrong again
To lose another friend?
Wrote this after finding outvanother friend left me.
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Why am i always losing friends
When will this cycle ever end
Abandoned by most of my friends
Feeling undesired yet again
Written after being bandomed and diacarded by another friend
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I hope you've not forgotten me
Or the friendship that we shared
I hope that you are still my friend
And I hope that you're still there
I know that you are  very busy
With your work and with your school
You're still my very special muse
And i still think you are cool
I think about you everyday
And when I'll see you next
I cherish all the memories
Can't wait for your next text.
I've missed you oh so very much
And wonder how you are
I ponder how your week has been
And how you are so far
I often wonder how you are
And what you've been up to
I hope you're really doing great
Know i still dream of you
I hope you've not forgotten me
I hope that we're still friends
Just know that i still care for you
I will until the end
A poem about missing a friend i haven't sssn on a while because of her busy schedule
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
How I'd love a kiss
It would make me feel so bliss
Just to kiss your lips
A senryu aboutva blissful kiss
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