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SiouxF Aug 2023
“I love you”.
Just three little words,
Oft meaningless.
Used to cover up a multitude of sins.
It’s in our actions that truth reveals itself,
In our manner and way of being,
In our openness and honesty.
It takes courage to love,
But even more to tell the truth.
SiouxF Aug 2023
I didn’t understand emotions,
I thought
They were foreign to me,

But now I realise
Inside of me,
All tumbled up in knots,

It’s the lighter emotions
I don’t recognise,

For there’s always someone
Ready to stab you in the back,
Lie to you to get what they want,
Bring you down,
Kick you,
Till you’re broken,
And bereft.
SiouxF Aug 2023
Ours was a complex relationship,
Full of pride and bitter sweet,
But underneath the fiery rage,
The criticism and put downs,
Were the broken hearts of a
father and daughter,
Who both wanted
Above all,
To love
Be loved.
SiouxF Aug 2023
Those insidious beasts
Surreptitiously winding their tendrils
Through every orifice and vacuum,
Through every artery and vein,
Through every thought and word,
Till those two imposters
Guilt and shame
Are so embedded
One knows not where one begins
And the other ends
SiouxF Aug 2023
Follow your heart
Your dreams
Your gut
Trust and
Embrace the magic 💫
SiouxF Aug 2023
Let go of
The pain
The torment
The anguish
The worry
The times long since past.
Let a new exciting
Chapter unfold
In its own
Unique way,
Embrace change,
Welcome the unknown,
And hope
SiouxF Apr 2023
It’s never too late to start,
Every day and every moment,
An opportunity
For a fresh new perspective,
All you need to do is change your thoughts
As thoughts become things.
What is your thought?
Is your thought hindering or helping you?
Is it coming from a place of fear or love?
Love is the ONLY answer
Choose love! 💗
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