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 Feb 2018 Shay Paul
i told you i loved you
in a violet sea
under a setting sky

a magnificent orange
kissed your cheeks
before i could do it myself

we were intertwined
and the youthful night
lied before us

covered in our own colors
our love was even more handsome
and stirred between us

we were blind to the others
and halfway drowned in burnt sienna
when the sun had gone

we filled the empty night
painting the earth
with the color of our love
 Jan 2018 Shay Paul
ashley lingy
I sit in my basement.
And I watch others live their lives.
I'm not enough.
And my friends are worried.
And my family is worried.
It's happened, I'm sick again.

And then I go somewhere safe.
I feel better one day.
And better the next.
There's bad days too.
But I see tomorrow.
Happily a drip
Off a petal, or two. Reaching out for another,
It seems
As if each flower is begging to get the benefit
Of the next drop.
Nothing to waste, soothing down from one petal
To the next,
Down the leaves that follow it
To the stem
And into the unseen ground.
The roots that help it grow
Fragile, it seems
The flower petals.
Yet they welcome these harsh rains.
They know that even a lost petal or two
From it
That the rain will help it
More than it hurts it.
The tears of these flowers go to the roots
And build a better stem
A stronger, flower

The life of the flower is much a balance
Too much sun, they wilt
Too much rain, they drown
But with the balance of the 2
They grow.

Why do we wish to block our rain
When even the flowers
Understand it
Thoughts from the garden
 Dec 2017 Shay Paul
 Dec 2017 Shay Paul
This house is getting heavy
With the silence that surrounds
Silence which has affected me
Silence that brought me down
I try to make this house a home
The home that I used to love
But nothings seems to be working
So I seek help from above
 Dec 2017 Shay Paul
and then I asked you,
"What's your biggest fear?"

you gave me a quivering sigh,
looked at me straight in the eyes
and said,

"It's that eventually, you will see me
the way I see myself."
poems are not all
sunshine and

just sometimes
we have to ****
in the bathroom
sink of beauty
to find out how
repulsive it can be

I find the soap ****
of the shower drain
to be more enriched
with adorning features
than the palm trees
of florida

and all forms of it
are inexhaustible,
you could never
take that away,
including this
Art needs its balance
 Dec 2017 Shay Paul
10:00 A.M.
Battery: 100%

12:00 P.M.
Battery: 80%

2:00 P.M.
Battery: 67%

4:00 P.M.
Battery: 45%

6:00 P.M.
Battery: 30%

8:00 P.M.
Battery: 10%

10:00 P.M.
Battery: 0%

10:03 P.M.
Notification: You have one unread message:
from Andrea

"i love you ♥"

10:03 P.M.
Battery: 100%
for all the boys and girls who still yearn for love in our digital age
 Dec 2017 Shay Paul
You cannot tell her she's beautiful,
You cannot tell her you love her,
You cannot tell her she's your world
When she's at her best moments.

You may only tell her those things,
If you're ready for her to have those off days,
If you're ready for her to not always wear makeup,
If you're ready to deal with her mood swings,
If you're ready for her to be clingey some days and distant others,

You cannot tell her any of the pretty little comments,
Unless you can handle her
Alone at two A.M.
As she's struggling with life,
And wondering why

She is not enough to win her own internal battles
-Don't you dare tell her you can handle her all the time if you're only ready to handle her at her best.

— The End —