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 Jan 2020 sarah shahzad
If there was a court for lovers
You would get death sentence
For breaking my heart
 Jan 2020 sarah shahzad
I spent years of my life waiting for someone that would  
love me
care for me
respect me...

But no one did.

That is when I learned the power of

November 26, 2019
 Jan 2020 sarah shahzad
I'm truly not trying to boast
Of my enormous greed
I have all that a human being
Could ever possibly need
No cancer, no dooms day disease
I've a heart of gold
So why do I grieve?

Everywhere I look I see sad eyes
Cutting strait through to my core
So many never make it this far
Did you lose, were you torn?

Her sad eyes were in my care
And then she died...
Now everyone's sadness
Eat's me alive
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2020 sarah shahzad
one day
i might forget
the things you did
to me

and one day
i might not hate you

but when that day comes
i’m afraid
i might love you
all over again

***, drugs, and alcohol got the best of you
and now all that's left is the rest of you
you are
totally right.
I'm as dry as
a desert, I'm a dead
empty land. I used to be
a  jungle  when  the  clouds
where by my side, and now that
they are gone, my trees, my dreams
they dried and died. Because of this,
nothing grows inside of me, there is
only silence and despair. I can't feel
what  I  write,  I  barely  feel alive
I want to feel human again
Oh god, I really miss
the rain
Es frustrante tener  las palabras pero no el tiempo y luego tener el tiempo y no recordar las palabras
A blink of words
That can't be said
Or even be written
She is poem of thousand words

She is fierce and gentle
All at once
She's a song
An unending song

She is a sparkle
She is a shine
She is the only thing
That i want to call mine

She is my everyday
And an everynight
She is every morning
And an every twilight

She is all i know
She is all i see
She is a sweet melody
She is an  unmatching rhythm
Or did the cliché use me? It infected my mind, stole my words, and left me linguistically bankrupt. Every dog has its day, and yesterday was most certainly not mine. But all’s well that ends well, unless the well is actually a drowning pool, or a rat graveyard. Only Time will tell-unless I cut out its tongue and use its guts for garters. But without Time we’re all Living on a Prayer seeking a Stairway to Heaven borne by our 99 Red Luft Balloons with nothing but Faith, like Major Tom we’re floating away. Will Another One Bite the Dust before the the finale of this Bohemian Rhapsody? Whatever will be will be, and I will set forth my Long and Lonely Hallelujah long locked in my Heart of Gold, because I’m getting old Under Pressure screaming “let me out”-STOP! Hammer Time!  I may be Lost in the Supermarket, but Great Scot! I’ll get my guaranteed personality because in Nana-Land Anything Goes!
inspired by my Muse, Monica L.

presented as part of a Dawkins’-meme based poetrycollection at the 2019 “Trash Talkin’” literary Conference at the University of Regina, in Regina, SK, Canada
we write because we are told
we write because we are cold

so why write poetry?

is it to obey
is it to simply misbehave
is it due today
is it more than what we say

if not
why do you write poetry?

because I can
because I am

we are made to feel
we are made to speak
some people are quiet
and others are bleak

words are expressive and alive
but some words are best left to die
anonymous avengers
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