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  Feb 2017 RuthAnne
Silver Dreams
I crave your touch,
just yours and yours alone.
Just one touch
would leave me wanting more.
Those breaths we make together
for that night,
I dream for that.
I wish for that.
It is my true desire,
to be come one with you.
  Feb 2017 RuthAnne
Silver Dreams
Those butterflies I feel,
I only get them from you.
I've considered the fact
the only true facts,
is that you're my soul mate.
My body burns for you.
My mind only turns to you.
My soul shivers in delight just hearing your voice.
My heart,
oh boy,
does it beat.
Just talking to you,
brightens my day.
The way you pay attention
to even the littlest details,
that's more then okay.
That laugh of yours,
just puts a smile on my face
and let's me know things will be okay.
Nothing in the world,
could make me as happy of a person,
as you do.
  Feb 2017 RuthAnne
Paint for me a dream
Colored in hues of emotion
Steeped in love
And dusted in music
  Feb 2017 RuthAnne
just us in this slow-motion moment
of the smile that slowly blossomed across your face
as i described to you, your wings & halo
you kissed my hand, which seems like such a small thing & yet...
you give yourself with so much passion, meaning & grace
through your lips, i could feel your energy flowing into my veins
a lively fire, as if the sun itself had blessed you with it
you appreciated life for introducing us
a deep breath, "i love you with all my heart"
those words dancing in my chest
your eyes twinkling & sparkling
as if the stars decided to rest in your syrup-colored irises
this moment forever locked into my beating heart
& framed in a room in the back of my mind
this moment forever is & forever will be
& i will never forget it

something i wrote about a week ago
  Feb 2017 RuthAnne
Silver Dreams
Each kiss going up my body...
It sends shivers throughout me.
Sending joy into you
and for the both of us...
pleasure and passion for the night.
Every little kiss,
I ache for more and more.
The passion between us is magical.
Holding on to you,
as our breaths collide with each others bodies.
Its a mesh of something beautiful.
You bring a heat to my body like no ones done before.
Always ending with a smile because the passion is sweet bliss.
  Jan 2017 RuthAnne
You will only realize
That the moon shines
At its brightest
In the darkest of times
You will only know
That the moon falls everyday
To rise at its peak every night
That's the beauty of every downfall. You will rise.
Today, i had my thesis endorsement. I wasn't endorsed, and that means i won't be able to go for thesis defense/deliberation, or even graduate on time, but what matters is, i learned from this entire thesis experience. And glad to say that i am not at all fazed by what people may say, because i know i have done my best, but i know that God has something better for me and i will do better.

People, never give up. And never be scared of disappointments. They teach you to toughen up for the real world, for life. As for my endorsed classmates, i hope they pass defense and make it to graduation day! Overall, i am very, very happy and thankful that i have made it this far. And i will make it farther next time.
  Jan 2017 RuthAnne
i suppose nature has not yet kissed
the moon rocks and space dust
on the surface of your home,
so if i flung some flowers to where you are,
would you notice this earth girl calling?
and would you, in return,
send me some space dust in a jar
so we could defy the laws of gravity
and let our love go beyond the stars?
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