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i'm not at all a morning person, but,
could i be your morning person?
i could get up at seven on sundays and make your coffee.
and be up at 2am on wednesdays to hold you while you sleep.  
at 4am,
when you feel like your worlds getting too small for all your thoughts,
i'll wake up,
and stay up,
so you can let your imagination over flow into mine just to stop it from spilling out onto the floor.
i'm not a morning person; not at all,
but, could i be your morning person?
its sort of messy? but i like it i think? feedback would be nice i suppose?
Walk into class
Stop and stare
The tables been taken
Forced to sit with the rest
Myself and one other
Forced to do the unthinkable
The rest of this class are either, ******* annoying fuckwits, hoodrats and then theres like 7 people in the whole class that are decent
Theres more in this life than I think I can handle,
legos pile around me,
hell is becoming more understandable.
Every little mistake I've made
burns my soul with unending flames,
the memories toy with my mind
like Lego games.  
Building blocks around my heart
and shredding the bits of humanity I have left apart.
Stacking up the walls higher
and stronger to keep the emotions away,
if it all falls down
the insanity and anger will come out to play.
So these Lego games that block out all the hurt
need to stand tall,
I can't let anything break down or my life will
Please check this out, its important to me.
Thank you.
 May 2015 ghostsonpaper
I ****** a poet. No, I didn't, but wouldn't it have been beautiful.
 May 2015 ghostsonpaper
Poetic T
Awaiting that moment, was it
Meant to be, as two feathers
Floated upon a last breath.

White as if from heaven, landed
Settled upon the left eye.
Seeing, searching the mind of
All the good that was done.

Dark as night a feather as ominous
As night itself fell upon the right.
Seeing, searching the soul for
All that tainted through life.

Barbs did seed upon the flesh,
and all that was known was now
Learnt, nothing hidden all was
seen from within.

Each rachis did fill, leached from
The body of what was drawn in,
Soul, heart, mind now emptied
in to each feather filled.

The quill did drip, with all that
Was taken, the feathers had fallen
Earthbound each partaken upon the
Gateways of the soul.

What did it find within, as a drop
Fell from each upon the lips, and
A last word spoken from each.

But only you will speak these words
Once the feathers fall and see all
Within. One white, one black which
One will carry you, where will your
Afterlife now begin.
 May 2015 ghostsonpaper
Through the bushes
I walked past this morn
An orange and black bird flew
                      F   l  u tt e ring and flapping
                                                 As it hums around
                                  It was so pretty
                   That I wanted to have it
                                       But if I did I     th....ou....ght
It ceases to be what I adore
For then I have taken away
What it values the most
Then I smiled and kept walking
          That others passing by
                   Might appreciate its beauty
                               Just as I did and smile
                                       Just as I did
happened a couple days back on a cold morning as I went for a walk
 May 2015 ghostsonpaper
I saw a bird on an electric pole
She chirps and looks at me
Like she's saying comprendo?

Then I try to make friends with her
But she twists her head
Like she's saying Me, You, Friends?
No way!!!

                                                      She looks down at me
                                       Up at her friends
                      And without a goodbye
           She spread her tiny wings
And off she went
True story happened to me on my way to school
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