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I want the kind of love
That's quiet

Quiet like tea and a blanket in the morning

I want a love that's soft
That's honest and deep and true
That's always there

Love that's not for show
Or for power
But love simply because love is felt

I want a love that accepts and encourages
I want a love that embodies peace
Love is groovy
What if stars
Really are just holes to heaven

What if Angels
Have to watch their step

What if sometimes
An angel falls onto Earth
And is given new life, with us.

Because it seems to me
Some people are too beautiful to be human,
Some must be clumsy angels
Hey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
I stare at my feet
As I walk through the crowded hall
And think about you

Tears ***** my eyes
As my feelings well over

I miss you so terribly
And so deeply
I want to tell you that joke I heard last period
Or what I'm doing this Saturday
Or what I had for breakfast

But you are gone
And with every footstep
I hear your name
Swirl by in the voices of others.

Leaving me to wonder,
How can I be so alone in a place so full of people?
 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
No Kiss Goodbye
Not one Last Cuddle

You had your time
You ****** me dry

My heart bleeds
My lungs set Free

Eyes Open Wide
Mouth sealed Shut

All my hearts longed for..
In just one Kiss..

What is this?

You bring out all I've been missing inside..
I see all of me for the first time.

I got lost in your Green Eyes
My heart has doubled it's size.

My Soul Sings for you..
My heart Cries for him.

Can't help my Soul recognized..
Set on fire.. Can you feel it?

Or is it just a manifestation of my desire?

You say I cut you to the core.. I know you want more.

More.. leaves this open as ever.
So I say Goodbye to him.
Hello to You.. Lets take our time.
 Mar 2015 ghostsonpaper
Rain, rain, go away,
Because of you the pain will stay.
Slit my throat, cut out my heart,
Leave me here, tear it apart.

Poison tears stream down my face,
My heart beats at a steady pace
As I try to stand again;
Alone and standing in the rain.

I don't need you anymore...
Is what I think while tears pour.
I hate you like I hate my life;
But love is what cuts like a knife.

Love is death and death is you;
Its pain stains like a black tattoo.
Those memories come back again
And bind me in the ropes of pain.

Crimson blood streams down my head
Like a long, silk ribbon, tied by a thread,
To a platinum bullet, a hole in my skull...

...Now just a memory that's faded and dull.
Sometimes I choke back tears
Sometimes I hinder in doorways
Sometimes I'm just numb
But I'm always throwing up anti depressants
Sometimes I feel like nothing at all
Sometimes I use the scissors
Sometimes I OD
Then I'm throwing up anti depressants
Sometimes I think it's all okay
Sometimes I smile again
Sometimes it's not worth it
So I'm throwing up anti depressants
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever wake
Sometimes I wonder if I want to
Sometimes my dreams are everything
I'm just throwing up anti depressants
night stroll through downtown

soft breezes interrupt thoughts

as the wind tries its best to sound

its own story of why it's caught
[composed on March 1, 2014]
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