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986 · Oct 2019
burning out
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2019
They say you can't fight fire with fire

but when the fire is the only thing

warming a cold heart,

is it okay that I don't mind the flames?
879 · Oct 2018
Some wish to be loved
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2018
“I want to be famous.”
Is what I used to tell my parents.

They’d ask.

“So people will love me”

Now that is partly true,
Who doesn’t want to be accepted and loved by those around them?


I have something else to say.

I don’t only long for the people to love me.
I long to stand up for the people who don’t know they’re being taken advantage of.
I want to open people’s eyes.

To show them that there is more to life than
work, or politics, or who’s dating who, or what the **** the Kardashians are wearing today.
There’s beauty in everything, but the media blinds.

I had lost my vision for a while.
I’m slowly recovering.

I used to think of material things.

Now I think of how stunning the way the light reflects off of the brightly colored walls of my room.
I think of how sad it makes me to see trash littering my city’s roads.
I think of my friends on the other side of the world who are doing their own, normal, mundane, beautiful things the very moment I am laying my head down to rest.
I think of injustices being shoved into innocent faces.
I think of my future and what I plan to do about it.

but I think that little parts of me,
Still wish to be loved, no matter how cruel I know this world to be.
I still secretly want to become famous. Not to have millions of screaming fans, but to share with other people. It’s another reason why I’m learning another language. Sharing is a passion I didn’t think my edgy, teenage self would adopt, but I guess I was wrong.
297 · Mar 2018
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2018
She tells me that my hands make beautiful things.
Why can’t I see it?
She expects more of the things
I can no longer give.
Stupid stupid stupid
Since when did I start doing this for everyone?
Im just a big creativity block right now
256 · May 2018
The little things
Anonymous Nobody May 2018
Im starting to appreciate the little things.
They keep me sane.
Keep me safe.

I have so much to be grateful for, but I realized how much I complain for a grateful person.
Staying inside makes it worse.

All this week I’ve riden outside for hours on my bike.
To appreciate the little things.
You’d never guess that I found someone else on one of these rides who, like me, tries to appreciate the little things.

So here we are. A couple a crazy kids riding up and down these Oklahoma hills, when a car nearly hits me.
Luckily my friend, who notices the little things much better than me, saw the car and ran me into the soft road side grass.

Maybe I should notice the little things a little better.
Believe it or not, this actually happened. I owe a friend my life and I hope I can pay them back.
239 · Oct 2019
Now that you're gone
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2019
Now that you’re gone,
I realized something

When I found you,
You were conveniently in the place
That I wanted to call home.

But now that you’re gone
And you’re no longer in that place
Where I once found you

I realized
That it wasn’t the place that made me
Want to call it home.
It was you.
although i know our friendship was something like no other, i think it might be time to part ways
229 · Mar 2018
His Happiness
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2018
I wish him the best.
The man I looked up to for years.
He said he wasn’t happy.
I told him to find his happiness.
I didn’t know his happiness required another woman.
He said it would be me and him always.
Just like when I was a little girl and we went skating on Wednesdays.
He soothed my bruised knees and wiped away my tears.
I didn’t cry anymore because I knew I could count on him.
That is, until She came along.
I was his Valentine every year.
Until She came along
and I became just another pebble on the farm she was so impressed with.
“She doesn’t love him” I assure myself.
“How could she? She’s 20 years younger than him”
Apparently, age is just a number.
Much like the numbers on a clock.
Tick tock.
My time with Him is up.
maybe I’ll grow to like her or maybe we’ll move 200 miles away so I never have to see how happy she makes him
226 · Mar 2019
Please care
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2019
Why don't you care?
You can't see.
Can't breathe.
Can't live.

But you don't care.
and you don't want to care.
Your country is asking for someone
to please care.

that's the first step
and you've already given up.
You say we were brought up differently
"You guys just have that 'Can do' attitude."
"Our culture is just different in that way."

I'm sorry, but *******.

The streets are horrendous
and I get pneumonia just thinking about your air quality.

"Oh someone will do it."
"Someone is on it."
"I'm sure there are institutes who take care of this kind of thing."
"All I can do is support the cause."

Who's they?
What people?

Nobody is doing anything and you know it.
You are turning a blind eye just like everyone else.
You are no different and you are no better.
Your generation is what ruined mine.
Now clean up your mess
And clean up your act.
Or we will make you pay.
I just don't understand how people can trash so much of what Mother Earth gave us and not give a **** about it. I love him, but his mentality really makes me sick. Does he not want a better future for his kids? Does he not want them to be able to see sea turtles and pandas and polar bears and coral reefs? Does he not want them to breathe easy or have the opportunity to see the skies I am always blabbering about? I just don't get it.
210 · Jun 2018
First Heartbreak
Anonymous Nobody Jun 2018
“Mija, you’re doing it wrong.”
“Mija, why can’t you just listen?”
“Por favor! Ay help me, dios mio.”

Words of disappointment from the most admired woman in my 5 year old eyes.
She’d yell and hit.
“Quita la mano! Move your hand!”

After a while I stopped crying and she’d stand there with the belt, now useless.
Just another accessory, I guess.

But when she would yell
That’s where the real tears threatened to spill.
Shameful flames on my cheeks.
These were not reflexive tears, mementos from the belt, but tears so hard to hold back, you’d think I’d never breathe the same again.

I would keep my long lived streak of disappointment.
I would not show her tears.

She became my first heartbreak.
The reason I stood silently reaching for the butterknife I believed I could end my life with.

At the ripe age of 5, I held this butterknife out with the dull point aimed at my stomach because I thought, “She screams so much and it’s because of me. Why would I want to burden her so much so that these violent words come bursting out?”

I was too cowardly to do a thing.
A decade later, I finally found the courage.

The courage to end my pain and suffering ..
with the kind words of a friend.
I sliced at my skin ..
With silky blades of grass.
I cried ..
Tears of joy as I watched the most beautiful sunrise I would’ve never experienced if I’d been courageous enough of make one very important decision at age 5.

My first heartbreak let to my eventual mental repair.
I thank my mom for the verbal bullets she shot at me.
I can no longer feel them,
For the scars are too deep.

But my cowardice saved me
Whether I admit it happily or not.
Trying to see the best out of what was once an awful situation
198 · Jun 2018
Anonymous Nobody Jun 2018
She’d be 17.
Able to watch rated R movies.
She would’ve had long brown hair.
Just like mine.
Dark brown eyes with light flecks.
Just like mine.
We looked like twins despite the 2 year gap.
She would have been my big sister.

I’d dreamed what she might’ve been like
If fate hadn’t stolen her from me.
Would she have been confident?
Like me, but also unique?
Looks like she never got a chance.
Cheated at 45 minutes old.
I wish I could’ve met her.

All I have is a sad, stained picture of the body her beautiful soul left behind for us to bury.
I recognized her blushed, chubby cheeks.
They looked like the ones I had grown up hating in the mirror.
Desperation clawing at the eternal blush that stained them.
She taught me to love them.

I never understood the love one could feel for someone you’d never even met.
I still don’t.
All I know is that it’s there.
And it hurts like hell.
Happy belated birthday, hermanita
186 · May 2018
Fixing this
Anonymous Nobody May 2018
I wish things were better.
I know this sounds ungrateful, but believe me, I’ve even written them a letter.
Ignorance is what my mom calls it.
I call it *******.
We were family, quite literally.
Don’t use me like you used your sick husband for his life insurance money.

I never noticed your hateful stares behind my back.
The way you kept your money in an air-tight sack.
You would go as far as stealing from your own sister?
Or lying for years about that Mexican Mister.

I guess it’s none of my business.
***** that, it IS my business.
YOU made it my business.
And I will put an end to this.
Sorry about the profanity, but I’m sending this to her so she knows I know what she did.
184 · Mar 2018
The Beauty of a Tree
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2018
I’d love to be a tree.
“Why a tree?”
You’ll see.

There is no negative to a tree other than the occasional fallen leaf.
They’re beautiful and imperfect.
Remind me a little of me.

Now maybe I’ve gotten a little cocky
But I think I deserve it
After all these years of self hatred
Maybe it’s healthy.
I might add more to this later since this poem is the first happy(ish) poem I’ve published. My mother told me when we move, I could plant a tree and I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited.
184 · Oct 2019
stuck yet again
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2019
I guess it could go either way, right?
I stand in the middle of two evils
they both lead to my demise,
i cant seem to see that

i always believed that i paved the roads i walked on.
must be why the only thing ahead of me
is the backroads.

it seems i've made it to an impasse
165 · Mar 2018
Thank you
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2018
Thank god
Although I’m not sure I even believe.
I know that I’m not alone.

Thank god
For these words that express
What I feel in my breast.

Thank god
That I found  
Hello poetry is one of the best things that’s happened to me
154 · Mar 2019
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2019
you ask me why I look towards the sky.
I hope to see you there.
you are the scars in my sky.
The white slashes that decorate them.
These beautiful man made machines
they are what can take me to you.
that is why I look to the sky.
I really love planes
148 · Apr 2022
loveless being, here i am
Anonymous Nobody Apr 2022
The thought that I might never know the feeling of being loved in that way makes me want to leave this skin behind.
It makes me want to crawl into the body of a more desirable creature just to know what it must be like.
At times, the feeling of wanting to give this love inside of me to someone becomes so overwhelming, I am left with nothing to do except let it spill from my arms into the floor around me.
For someone with such limited options, perhaps I shouldn’t be so picky.
Perhaps I should settle for a love I don’t deserve.
I am restless in the night as I caress my own body pretending they were the arms of someone else.
I am helpless in the evenings as I twirl in the kitchen around the ghost of a person who I might’ve loved in another world.
I am a loveless being with nothing but love to give, and nothing but these words to show for it.
love is easy, but loving is hard
144 · Jan 2019
an hour with my thoughts
Anonymous Nobody Jan 2019
I've got an assignment.
Alone for an hour outside.
No music
No phone
No family

The loneliness takes pieces of my being.
She takes it in her cruel hands and throws it to the ground as a child throws an undesired toy back into a sea of discarded dreams.
The lovechild who always seems to be clinging to my side.
When I feel she's gone and off to college,
something brings her back asking for gas money.

But what am I to do?
This is something of my own making.
The worst ones always tend to be, don't they?
looks like I have to finish this assignment sooner or later
141 · Mar 2018
Anonymous Nobody Mar 2018
I thought I was the only one
Who watched those sunrises.
The ones that give me life in the mornings
When the coffee and ****** are nothing but an insignificant boost that gets me to comb my hair.
I wonder
If maybe we’re alike in ways I don’t comprehend
I don’t give you enough credit.
Im sorry.
I’d say more but I might give myself away
140 · Jan 2019
what i want
Anonymous Nobody Jan 2019
There’s a supernova burning inside me.
It wants knowledge.
It may be selfish.
History tells me my only purpose is to reproduce.
But there’s more.

I long for farout cities.
Towers unfamiliar to me.
People of all shades and backgrounds.
I want to know.

I don’t have enough time.
Time to absorb, like the sponges in the reefs we are slowly killing off with our carelessness.
I want to know about those before my ignorance leads to their extinction.

Maybe we are already exinct.
Maybe we died off years ago.
Long before anyone knew we were even here.
What’s left behind is the sad remains of what we once were.

I will not let that happen.
There is still more.
More to be created and discovered.
The question is, what will we do with the wisdom the past has graciously bestowed upon us?
Will we change it?
that’s something to think about.
I wonder what comes next
138 · Oct 2018
Do something
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2018
What’s waiting for me?
This can’t be it.
Life’s a ******* clockwork
You tell me this is all I got?
I don’t do no 9-5
I want something more
Is that greedy?
Got me having a midlife crisis
Not even a quarter of the way through
Maybe that’s telling me something.
When’s my time?
Taken away from all I know.
I don’t know.
I ain’t ******* greedy
THAT **** is.
I pray cause He supposed to know.
He got all the answers
Least that’s what I been told.
He got all the answers, why am I failing?
If I’m the student and He the teacher
What am I learning?
All these questions, who am I supposed to ask?
Gotta teach myself
That’s what my momma says
Well, there ain’t no ******* YouTube tutorial for that ****.
Life ain’t a DIY
Or is it?
God knows what’s next for me. I’m so young and I know I’m not the only one that feels this way. What am I supposed to DO? I can’t keep going on like this and I know there’s more, but patience is something no one is born with. It’s something we have to learn. Help.
135 · Oct 2019
flickering scenes
Anonymous Nobody Oct 2019
how can i heal in the same place i hurt

maybe a change in scenery

will allow old wounds the space to mend

space and time are seeming concepts

that my life revolves around.

so why should it make a difference?

it makes all the difference.

someone get me out of here.
what brings me back to this quiet place when the noise deafens me
Anonymous Nobody Apr 2018
I’m no mathematician, but maybe I should be.
After counting all these calories, I’m worthy
Calculations my math teacher would be proud of.
These numbers that starve me.
Instead of counting sheep, I count the days I have left
The starvation
The malnutrition
I’ll stay up all night to run off the carefully calculated calories I no longer have, but hey, at least I have today
128 · Dec 2019
This one's to you
Anonymous Nobody Dec 2019
You probably think
I only keep you in the back of my mind.
There for those times when everyone has left
and I'm looking for some time to ****
during those restless nights.

But you'd never know
The pride I feel swell up inside my chest
when I think about just how much we've been through
despite the distance.

You somehow manage to show me the beauty
in the little things I do.
And for that, I'm grateful.

You've thanked me for my existence more times than I can count.
And no matter how many poems I write.
No matter how many books I read.
No matter how many languages I learn.
There aren't words to describe that cozy summery feeling
that flows over me when I realize that my existence
means something to you.

You've brought out the best in me.
You've given me a safe place where I can express my irrational
Where I can make sense of this new world I'm being thrown into.
You are the safe closet I hide in to escape the realities I'm facing.

My only regret
is that I couldn't be that for you.
I write for you.
It seems selfish to believe that you would want to read
every thought I had.
But I don't mind being called selfish anymore
I know my reasons,
and I hope you'll take the time to understand them.
128 · Apr 2018
Anonymous Nobody Apr 2018
The sweat stings my eyes
Running running running
I pretend I’m running away
Like my parents ran from their home country
To one that hates them
Taunts them
Uses them

I’d like to get out of here, but then
My parent’s sacrifice would’ve been for nothing.
These sacrifices I probably didn’t deserve.
Guilty guilty guilty.
Funny that I run everyday only to feel stuck in place.
111 · Jan 2020
I'm happy you're happy
Anonymous Nobody Jan 2020
I always believed that I was
too ******* you

Throwing the ice cold bucket of truth
Into your beautiful face

It pained me more than you know
To tell you things as they were

But it hurt a thousand times worse
To see you show them kindness

I heard conversations you never did
Words sharp as knives from those closest to you

I knew I was pushing you away
As I told you the truth

But to see you now,
Happy and alive without those
Sorry excuses for humans

, although I may not be there either,

Makes me happier than you’ll ever know
100 · Apr 2022
time marches inevitably
Anonymous Nobody Apr 2022
I know now why time seems to be passing me by.
Why I look at the calendar in horror as I realize the date.
I live in my mind
In my mind I am home.
I am not here.
I am on a twisted 9 month vacation, but I can go home as soon as it’s over.
I can finally rest my bones in the place I always knew to be home.
But I can’t.
This is home now.
I am not here because I am still in the past.
I am still pretending to be the person I was last summer.
And that person is gone.
Just like my home and just like the time I have spent reminiscing about it.
It’s time to live.
college was not supposed to go this way

— The End —